Hello Jow Forums, I'm a senior software developer/hacker, looking for recruits for a hacking group called Pseudo. Pseudo is a fork of Anonymous, in that, it's only for the elite. Anonymous has been becoming more and more just a place for gay 12 year olds to talk about hentai and shit.
Pseudo is a black-hat hacker group. There is no pay, just a group of anonymous individuals working together.
I'm looking for 20 members to join this group, who will participate in an anonymous phone interview, in which they will be given tests to determine whether or not they are candidates.
The way pseudo works is by communicating via an encrypted IRC chat. What exactly we do cannot be exposed. That information will be given in the interview.
If you are interested and think you are eligible, send an email to [email protected], giving us information with which we can contact you anonymously.
There is none, it's a public email address. Incredibly dumb because now everyone can see the emails of everyone who applies, and even impersonate "pseudo". There is no way for OP to prove he is the real OP. scriptkiddies everywhere
Xavier Green
One time I hacked into Tab's websight and one time last week my professor gave me $5 because I taught the class how to change the password on a Kali Linux that someone installed on the lab computers but didn't tell us the password. Eh jokingly said, "OK if anyone can break in I will give them $5" and then he moved on. Well, as an expert hax0r I changed the password on mines using a different virtual machine and mounting the Kali's disk and chrooted in and claimed the prize.
Evan Morales
Greetings to you Sir. I would like to participate in your effort. I am certified developer in Java from Dheli university. I can also write code in Perl and PHP like hello world. Please find my mail adress: [email protected]
PS: do you haven women? Please show pussy.
Josiah Lewis
>looking for hackers on Jow Forums This board is full of tech illiterates