ITT: Keys you never use

ITT: Keys you never use

Attached: keyrare.jpg (250x188, 19K)

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Pau Bre

op is a zoomer

Because I dont want to break my computer

Attached: Key_break.jpg (147x156, 5K)

that's the best fucking key on the keyboard.

I've only used this to pause the boot sequence so I could attach non plug-and-play devices

The Key to Her Heart

I only use that with the win key to quickly open up the system page

I know you're trying to get 100 (You)s like the "ports you never use" guy but this is just forced and makes no sense

>lmao put me in the screencap xDDDDD

this this this
option menus often don't have keyboard shortcuts for everything

Scroll Lock, Insert, right Ctrl, right Windows

> Insert
leave and never come back

Attached: img_58543c8f38bdc.png (650x301, 94K)

Have this keyboard, but never even bothered binding this shit.

Attached: sun.png (640x480, 524K)

Is that a TTY terminal keyboard?


Why is the Esc key empty?

it's actually a blank key, the escape key is next to the "1" key.
the blank key sends the same keycode as the "Props" key does

Attached: Sun_Type_6_grey.jpg (4911x1874, 1.38M)

Wrong pic, sorry.

Attached: sun_keyboard.jpg (640x480, 92K)

I want this key on my otherwise good mechanical keyboard.
I hate using the mouse to get context menus.

it's time for e-ink keyboards

>this this this
So much this!

Edit: spelling

The any key, I can never find it

Attached: shitty wine edit.png (334x507, 140K)

I have pause bound to a script that brings up various shutdown commands piped through dmenu
>having unused keys
nigga I ran out of keys to use

Attached: WindowsKey-.jpg (770x578, 46K)

No idea why you cropped this out

Attached: 1530471794221.png (640x480, 675K)

I use the super key all the time. Since control and alt do things and super does nothing I use it as a for all of my keybindings. Super is the comfiest key

W,A,S,D. I'm not fucking gay.

hjkl is superior

you've never used spreadsheet software
How do you open programs? Desktop shortcuts?


i use this on a laptop 90% of the time when i want to rightclick

caps lock, numpad, pause, break, the one in the op, scroll lock, right: windows, alt, ctrl, shift.

Insert. I wish it was wiped off the face of the planet to avoid me pressing it somehow and interrupting what I'm doing.

>How do you open programs? Desktop shortcuts?

Yes, or search function

F14 and F15 are the only two keys I don't use

that's my i3 mod key though. It might be my most used key

Never understood why any modern keyboard would still keep this key.

Attached: screen_shot_2015-05-08_at_1.56.52_pm.jpg (800x754, 125K)

you must lock the scrolls to keep them away from evil jewish cia jew wizards.

Haha what kind of shitty keyboard is that? Looks like a bad china knockoff.
>that placement of ctrtl, alt, capslock and escape

It's nice to shove window to the side.

What about F13?

I use that to show and hide Bowtie

I do and I'm pissed it's missing on my keyboard.

Attached: 0 pzI1mcAaETHauXqX.jpg (1000x686, 71K)


I cannot remember one instance in my whole life, when this key was really useful, apart from cleaning keyboard or piss someone off when we played multiplayer on same keyboard

Attached: Num-Lock-Key-640x400.jpg (640x400, 39K)

Rebind to esc, will change your vim life.

I made caps lock as my compose key so now I use that sometimes, but I still never use right shift, right ctrl or insert for anything on my Thinkpad. I also never use a numpad but I don't have it on this one.

Unironically this. All the other bullshit in this thread I actually use.

Try holding shift when you're typing a 10 page official document. You'll love caps lock.

peronal reaon

Attached: 5755833-the-letter-s-from-a-black-computer-keyboard.jpg (450x390, 6K)

ound bad. tory?

>type shit document
>select all

I rebound Caps Lock to toggle shift and I am never using shift anymore, just tapping caps lock to access any shift combination.

I also never use the cursor or screen control keys, instead I just use the numpad for all of those functions.

I did this because I eventually want to make my own - very - compact keyboard to use in conjunction with a separate numpad I can put away when I'm not needing it.

mind your fucking buine guy

>type stuff
>use mouse
>another step for no reason

Some of these systems don't have mice faggot. We have systems that use disks you can't even buy anymore. You'd be surprised at how the "we're the only people who use this system, and thus it's secure" meme is.

liten here hitlord, either greentext your tory or go fuck yourelf.

Why do you need a mouse, you retard? You can do all that from the keyboard. You fucking piece of shit!

It's a Unix keyboard, you are probably too young to know them.

What's the keyboard shortcut to change capitalization.
I can ctrl-a all day, but had no idea you can change between lower/upper case.

Use the context menu, you imbecile.

what context menu?

Fn key is a scourge upon my soul, especially when placed where Ctrl goes. If I have a choice, nothing built like that earns money from me.

I unbind that from everything and use it as a universally recognized PTT key. Since few programs use it, it's perfect for specialized uses.

Attached: Untitled.png (304x419, 8K)

i'd use it if xorg actually passed it through to programs correctly

i turn numlock off and use the keys as media shortcuts most of the time

Scroll lock and basically the entire numpad.
If humans have to input enough numbers to require such a device, some process needs to be automated somewhere.

This isn't a thing on terminals. We didn't have cars back then either :P


After switching it on in the settings, you can use that key to turn on and off mouse movement with the numpad. It's pixel perfect mouse movements. I think it's great.