Give me good linux distro

> not arch (or arch like)
> not void or gentoo
> minimal
> build it your own installer (like all previously mentioned distros)
> can rice
> has good amount of packages in package manager
> no systemd
> all basic functions like browsing the web and programming work
> open source (just in case it isnt)

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this or devuan netinstall

mx linux
>debian based
>suite of custom utilities
>systemd replaced with sysvinit

Bedrock. You can use any init you want and any package manager you want, plus it will only give you the bare minimum out the box

Attached: 5713885.png (110x110, 1K)

They are also releasing a new version before the end of the year that will change a lot of things.

Stop being a faggot and use arch


slackware is the only non-edgy autistic distro because it came long before debian came into existence

>long before debian
>This first Slackware release, version 1.00, was distributed on 17 July 1993 at 00:16:36 (UTC),[1]
>The Debian Project was started by Ian Murdock on August 16, 1993, Debian 0.01 was released on September 15, 1993,[7] and the first stable version, 1.1, was released on June 17, 1996.[8]
>a month is "long before"

>there are people out there who haven't yet discovered the unparalleled gloriousness and beauty that is guixsd

Attached: rms1339634664756.jpg (3504x2336, 2.7M)

arch uses systemd now


I see slackware mentioned a lot as better than debian. Why should I switch to it from debian? I like debian because it just werks and has lots of packages, but systemd is starting to piss me off and has caused me a few problems

Right now I would switch to devuan, btw

>what is artix

>doesn't know that the official release of Slackware came roughly a year after pats SLS fork was already around
Also if the Linux kernel only started getting out to people in 1991 then in only 3 years, about a year of time IS long before relatively speaking

Literally devuan


For devuan I installed the amd firmware but it still feels laggy, however everything else is perfect. With KDE it looks nicer than most OSes.