Could i teach myself Python?

I know nothing about programming/coding and i started to read "beginning programming with python for dummies", should i finish the book then start doing exercices or do both at the same time?

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you need someone to spoon-feed your ass to tell you an answer to stupid basic logic questions? programing is based in logic, if you don't have any, learning the syntax of a language wont do shit.

>not using docs

judging from the fact that you felt the need to make this worthless thread, no you're way too stupid to learn programming, do something more your speed like hitting your dick with a hammer

Only reading the book won't help much. Do the exercises as you're working through it.

Please don't.
For no other reason but that I don't want to see any more python software in the world.

yes python is a great place to start

try this book named starting out with python3
its a very easy read , with no experience in programming i could understand all .
stopped reading it bc i wanted to start with C first.

h t t p s://

May you forever be lost in whitespace.

you're in my world, now

using the docs is like trying to learn english by reading the dictionary.

youtube shit, and do the exercises as you learn, it helps.

Learn Go instead;

If one more hipster faggot tells me that he can cure the worlds ills with a fucking python script, I'm going to puke.

The first time it was funny. Not anymore.

Both at the same time.

>python for dummies
>for dummies
Those books are shit

Use this

No you can't. You at least need monkey intelligence to learn programming.

I learnt python and wrote a discord bot to fuck with my server within like 3 hours.

>Use this
Yes, use that.

Wow, thanks for this. Not OP, but I'm trying to learn Python and I am definitely a brainlet when it comes to programming.

>Could i teach myself Python?

IN a nutshell, no. Despite what you'll be told here by other anons, who no doubt will mean well, effectively teaching yourself a programming language just isn't possible outside of the bailiwick of properly qualified educators. Far too long to get into here, but schools and educational institutions exist for a reason, user. Your enthusiasm is commendable though and should serve you well if you do choose to apply yourself. Hth.

YouTube is so fucking slow and incompetent though
I can learn way faster by just doing exercises, coming up with my own excerises and reading the docs
I don't need some poojeet stuttering over shitty audio quality

You cant' learn anything without practice. Read some material, make a pause for several minutes, try to remember what you've learned and do some appropriate exercises.

The first thing you'd be said in any proper school/university is that YOU CAN'T BE TAUGHT PROGRAMMING, YOU CAN ONLY LEARN IT YOURSELF.

Wait, are you being serious or am I being rused?

Definitely. Learn by doing-- learn just enough to enable you to do, and then begin.

The type of learner you are will dictate which resources are the best for you to use. I get easily distracted, so I find video tutorials are best.

If you want video tutorials, I highly recommend Charles Serverance's "Python for Informatics". I think I watched just enough to know loops, conditions, and lists in Python, and then I got into webscraping.

It wasn't until I had spent 3 months making like 20 different web scraping projects that I decided to stop doing and start learning again, so it was at that time that I learned what a class was, and so on. I don't recommend waiting that long to go back to the learning phase, but it's whatever floats your boat.

Keep pushing yourself, and make sure to finish what you start. Bigger goals mean bigger projects, which mean a better understanding of design and architecture-- knowledge of proper structure and abstraction are key things employers like to see in new recruits.

Good luck, Python is a lot of fun :)

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