Does Jow Forums prefer dotted or slashed zero?

Which one and why.

Attached: zero.png (238x142, 4K)



Oh and because looks better>

dots are for fags

Dotted. Unless I'm doing Boolean stuff, then it's slashed.

No other numeral uses a dot so dot zero looks out of place.. much like a gay man in modern society


Attached: 264030.jpg (697x2048, 77K)

I usually go for the cheapest one.

Neither? A slightly skinnier O is good enough.

Dots are objectively superior.

I prefer dots.
Slashed zeroes are distracting to look at.

Neither. I just use a cursive O and leave 0 as is.

0 o O
>learn how to write more neatly
Numbers are taller and more stretched out in height than non-capital letters, same(ish) height as capital letters. Write the capital O in a fancy way to avoid all confusion.

Attached: 1540102831834 (1).jpg (715x596, 89K)


This doesn't look good in monospace though, the kerning looks shit.

Attached: 1541260450479.jpg (589x544, 36K)


I just use my own custom font and made my zeros like Ö

I like the one with a slash but sometimes markers confuse it for a theta.

I know tech holy wars are often fought over trivial details, but this one is so trivial I can't wrap my head around it. Don't you have anything better to do?

t. Has never looked at a source code file more complicated/long than his 50 line fizzbuzz