Does referring to a "programmer" as a "coder" or "programming" as "coding" piss anyone else off as much as me?

Does referring to a "programmer" as a "coder" or "programming" as "coding" piss anyone else off as much as me?

Attached: codercoder-logo-large.jpg (820x462, 271K)

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It's "Code artisan" now gramps

You have autism

You mean "Code barista".


Kind of. I associate "coding" with 80s microcomputers.

Yes and no. Usually when I'm talking to some elderly/technology illiterate person I'll say "coding" out of consideration because it's more widely used.

Code engineer.

At least it's better than when they call the stuff you write "codes"

Fuck yes it does. In my country and university, everybody seems to call it "coding". I fucking hate it

software engineer

anybody here leveraging the latest synergistic frameworks to hack their codes into turnkey solutions?

sounds like you're good at marketing yourself

Why would it piss you off?

doesn't piss me off at all. what makes you so mad about it, faggot coder?

Coding, to write code. Programming, writing program code. A "Coder" is the same as a "Programmer" in a sense that bash, and other shells, is a "language" you can "code" in.

You have autism.


You mean code contractor

How do I become a good little codemonkey who can easily get a job?

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I've got a coworker who occasionally ribs me by calling my work scripts and macros. He does it to troll and boy is it effective at getting my jimmies going.

If you have a working program and some guy comes and breaks it, is he a code breaker?

Let's circle back to this on monday. Chuck has some great ideas about a possible paradigm shift for our agile workflow, so make sure to touch base with him before we sync up.

Coder, programmer, scripted, etc are all retarded buzzword names that program writers usually make themselves because they want a unique name so they aren't called "authors" even though that's what they are. Even worse I'd that they're the ones always coming up with these names and then down the line they call them outdated or make fun of them because they're "normie buzzwords" even though the only reason they exist is because they feel like they need to be extra special

You mean code ninja/wizard

iktf, I wish people referred me as a software developer, it sounds a lot professional.


its code nigger once you start doing it professionally

depends on the context. if they are writing software or a substantial algorithm prefer programming. if they are just executing a few commands or encoding some basic strings coder is fine.

It bothers me and I’m not even a programmer.

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You mean Codegramming right?

you mean "the guy that works so his boss can go overseas twice a year and so he can afford a sports car, trophy wife, 3 kids, 2 pedigree dogs and a 5 bedroom house while he himself lives paycheck to paycheck in a cramped studio", right?

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Clam chowder


I think of a “programmer” as someone in a 12-step program.

It pisses off stallman apparently.

just face it, you are a "koder"

I'm an App Acolyte.

Fucking this.
It sounds better than anything else.

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Keyboard cowboys

Yes, it's repulsive.

I have a computer engineer friend who would tell me about his "gaming nights" with his colleagues, and when I asked him about the games they'd play, he'd tell me "just work stuff", and I would stop questioning him.
One day, talking about his job, he referred to himself as "code gamer", and after I asked about it, he told me that those nights with the colleagues were in fact programming sessions with no videogames involved.
One time he even said "code gamist".

Anyone who complains about this shit is a nu-male. But the coolest one is hacker.

Put it on your email signature for work. Don't put your actual title if it sounds stupid. Be a chad and just display "Software Developer" below your name and above your phone number.

That's fucking weird, but honestly once I started getting really good at making software I stopped playing games. Now I write software for other people at work, and when I want to just relax and kill time at home I write software for me.

Does someone asking a stupid question like this one? Get a grip, you pansy.

it's perfectly fine to call it coding

I'm a software craftman myself.
I'm building the future with my perfect skills and neato tools, I don't have time to waste with semantic fights

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Makes me want to punch a wall every single time. Same with gayming/gaymer.

I use words developer, develop and software development

>Hes not a mental architect

Never gonna make it

omg are you me ?

is where the money is at

you shouldn't fall for Jow Forums memes, it does sound something a hip kid would use but it's more specific, programming is a general term that can be used in more places than just writing software, going through a plan or algorithm can be also called programming and in operational research the act or techniques they do to solve problems like scheduling problems timetabling or whatever they do in operational research is also collectively called mathematical programming so stop acting like an sperg and go with it.
also you hating the usage of word ""coding"" is also most likely due to herd mentality that you picked up from all the Jow Forums shit posts here but I could be wrong tho.

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>oh, so you work in IT.

maybe a small fraction of those with CS degrees are actual software engineers
everyone else who programs as a job is a code monkey
or if you're feeling fancy, "computer plumber"

I prefer computer spirit conjurer.

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