Kevin is installing Gentoo
Install Solus
Why is Kevin so cornfed?
Fuck off Kevin
He's a hansome man
That guy looks like a bully from some kids' movie.
japanese kevin
mental illness
Fuck off kevin
>killing gentoo too
kevin's kursed
You are fat and ugly.
He's pretty good looking for a fat guy
he's cute imho
no homo
>Lumpy, acne-scarred face
>Eyes that are abnormally far apart
>Greasy skin
What's not to like?
chubby guys are hot, plus Kevin is the mascot of Jow Forums
found the submissive beta
i don't think this guy knows how to use a computer
shut the fuck up Kevin, Jow Forums doesn't like your lies nor your greasy fat face. Fucking mutant.
He is a Solus user. This is his first time installing Gentoo
question is
how will he enable KevinNet?
>and ugly
he's a cute
>instarru jenturu UwU
>hurdur, angry basement dweller
His head is shaped like an egg.
Fuck off incel
Nice projecting, Kevin.
Jow Forums loves egg
>unironically using KDE
What of it?
kevin you fucking incel mong solus shilling autist FUCK OFF
2 seconds in and i'm ready to have an aneurysm
>starts playing pokemon go
He's compiling systemd and stuff
He looks like a white potato.
Kevin is the archetype of the white race
Update: Laptop powered off, got disconnected from power for 5 minutes. Thought I was fucked and had to start over. I was able to mount everything and chroot into it and set a few env variables again (locale shit) and then I was able to continue to emerge right were I left off. All is well.
You’re done compiling systemd now. Wake up!
Fuck off kevin