Newer version?
Newer version?
this is garbage and i definitely do not approve of it!
Some of those are ok. Definitely not the Intel processor nor the calculators nor the mp3 players.
>Graphing calculators
Disgusting, change that to ti 36x pro and do the math yourself
>the mp3 players
clip+ is based but yeah it could be updated with something like a rockboxed t6
Hello high schooler.
thank you mr Jow Forums
That's why OP asked for a new version ya dingus
>no HD600
>no Samsung EVO 860
>no Tin Audio T2
>no X220
>16:9 trash
>nor the mp3 player
Is not because you don't know anything about something that it's automatically shit you know.
The sansa clip isnliterally the best audio player you could get even today. Try to play a 700mb flac on your iphone.
>blacks used in a non-RAID setup
I have the 668B, and even though i liked it, and didn't regret my purchase.. i wouldn't recommend them anymore. The tingly dick jack, the weird headband, the absolute garbage stock pads. Just too much wrong with it to really recommend it. Also g400 mouse is shit. Better get g203 prodigy.
Pretty spot on list 4~ years ago
Lappie- Still a thinkpad
Phone- Xiaomeme
Proc- Ryzen
Mouse- CSG "intellimouse"
Watch- Same
Cooler- Same
Screen- I have never seen Jow Forums discuss screens but maybe an A- panel
Headphone- Tin T2/ Boarseman
Case- Probably the same case
Board- Unicomp
Mp3- Sony hifi or chinese equivalent
Calculator- TI Inspire
HDD- No longer an HDD, Samsung m2 EVO
why does it need updated? anything newer has the botnet preinstalled
what the fuck
the 3570K has never, ever been Jow Forums approved. Jow Forums had a shit hemorrhage over its non-soldered heat spreader.
>Ti 89 Titanium
Man, I got this one when I was undergrad, just after high school graduation. The symolic derivation, integration, taylor expansion, matrix inversion, determinants and so on got me through all those undergrad maths ans physics without a hiccup. Just had to focus on "what steps to do" and didn't lose any time and mental energy on those calculations.
I know use sage for this kind of stuff because I'm always on a computer and not in classrooms taking written tests anymore.
I definitely wouldn't get into the graduate school I went to if I had to do all the calculations by hand instead.
Too lazy to make this pic but
Laptop: T450 for portability and actually being able to use it in public without people pointing at you and giving you looks; T420 for meme build quality at the expense of weight and autistic appearance.
Phone: all smartphones today are shit sadly. The Nokia 6.1 is the most promising right now tho, at least until chinkphones up their build quality and get android one.
CPU: i5-8600k for muh games, R5 2600x for muh multitasking.
Terrorist watch continues being nice, but I'll add the Seiko 5 as an automatic, more elegant choice.
HDDs are kill.
SSD: Crucial MX series are fucken bulletproof and Jow Forums shills won't tell you this because they're fucken obsessed with EVOtnet.
Not that savvy about the rest of items. When it comes to displays I just get whatever IPS panel with a nice resolution I can find, I couldn't care less about refresh rates, input lag and all that /v/ shit.
crucial tbw doesnt hold a candle to samsung
i still would get the crucial or the even cheaper sandisk ssd plus/ultra3d
>Conscious arithmetic
Hello subhuman.
But lets be serious now, why do calculators still exist when multipurpose computers are everywhere?
>cares what people think about his computer
Grow a spine faggot
I don't approve any cell phone
>9 recommended headphones
sasuga Jow Forums
It's a specialised tool, students are usually not allowed to use any other tools on exams.
Calculators are super handy ask any good accountant
For phones it's Librem 5, Galaxy S5, LG G5. Maybe the PinePhone, but there are no images of it since production hasn't started.
Remove Microsoft mice and Intel, add Ryzen 2700/2600/2400g.
Just change everything with apple products and you're set.
I can't imagine how much of a hipster you have to be to use those monitors and a Model M memeboard to boot. Sony FW900 weighs almost 46 fucking kilograms and costs 3 fucking grand at best, who in the name of fuck would use it as a monitor? Might as well build yourself a fucking mainframe for a few hundred thousand dollars, that's some Jow Forums approved consumer-grade electronics for you.
is this 2005?
>1440p CRT 80Hz
best monitor in the market currently.
CRT is superior to every LCD or LED panels
1440P is best resolution
80Hz is enough
and 46kg are heavy to you only if you're a child or a faggot. or both
>Case- Probably the same case
Better be an R5 instead.
upgrade cans to ad1000x
That is the new version.
Never mind the FW900, the T22x monitors were always worth a fortune and saw no consumer use whatsoever.
It's like OP went to look for the highest resolution monitors and came back with a monitor that requires a special graphics card to drive it with four DVI cables and has a refresh rate of 24Hz.
>WD overpriced shit that is less reliable and slower than seagate
>Model M
Opinion instantly disregarded
Where are the DT770?
>no HD600
Shit highs and no midrange
>no Samsung EVO 860
Thats not a 970 evo
>no Tin Audio T2
>no X220
shit build quality inferior to the t60
>Jow Forums approved
fx 8350 isnt on that leist huh? stupid
Xz1 compact is great user. Try it
FX8350 is an old shit that even low end Ryzen perform much better.
its so fucking bad i dont even know where to begin
>no lineageOS, hence stuck with useless googleshit bloat
into the trash
no android one = planned obsolescence.
[ERROR] Error compiling At 1:1 : unassigned variable "test"
>buying cantonese fish market recommended anything
don't do this
Android 9 update comes in november
Who the fuck approved the S3
Where did you grow up? We were never allowed calculators.
My Samsung galaxy note 8 has no trouble with this 400 MB FLAC, I reckon it could do 700 too
Created a new
during my last 2 years in school my exams usually had 2 parts, one with calculator and one without.
made sense since solving an equation is usually simple, you have to be able to analyze the problem and translate it in an equation. plus that way more complex problems could be tested.
Maybe not in elementary, kiddo. Let me see you take an exam on Ecenometrics without a graphical calculator.
> intel
The focus on headphones is meh.
Or get a proper computer algebra package.
Make that seven.
>no Nexus 5
no u
The HTC One M8/9 is not better?
It's shit, you've wasted your time
Literally the only thing on there that I own would be the WD black HDD.
Almost got it with the AKGs (i've got K712).
G400 is actually a bad sensor but lives because of fandom
Why this housefire shit over a 2500k?
No significant improvement from Sandy bridge to Ivy bridge to warrant the worse cooling
>No SSDs
Its marginally faster.
>calling periferals "sensors"
Again is the very slight performance increase worth the fact it runs some much hotter?
Hell if you OC at all you might get better performance out of the sandy bridge because your not thermal throttling unlike the Ivy bridge
I'll take this over OP any day
What’s a Jow Forums approved mouse?
Best case is the mastercase maker 5 now imo after looking around for ages.
It has handles on which should be an essential inlcuin on most cases. Modular and great to build in.
The evo cooler has a shitty awkward mounting process, I'd spend like what 20 percent more and get something that's better to mount.
I'd recommend portapros to anyone, they end up being used more than my other pricier headphones because they are cool (as in temperature) to wear. and sound zesty and fun.
I'd say the Toshiba p300 is the best price to performance storage drive.
>calling peripherals
"i like wiener in my face place"
Logitech 203 for 20 quid.
Best actual mouse. G502.
I use the g305 more often because it's wireless without any discernible latency. Basically the 203 but wireless.
oh hey that's my keyboard
/mkg/ called it shit so it's nice to see that it was Jow Forums-approved at one point
I can't even root my m9, it's trash. m8 is better.
They're alright as far as durability, but that huge treble spike at 8K is annoying.
The sony mdrv6 and 7506 are so bad. They'll blast your ears right off with their treble. People saying that it'll go away with burn-in have only lost their abilities to perceive high frequencies due to these aural assault weapons
Yeah, I'm not sure what he's on about, my s8 can handle 700mb flac like it ain't no thang.
Is this a list of boomer tech? Jesus christ.
man I'd kek and cry myself to sleep watching the average retard here trying to use one of those, whoever made this image probably just saw the big resolution and IBM logo and nothing else
>Jow Forums approved *
Ta anons, saved and I'll be taking these images with me when I shop for consumer gear - to make absolutely fucking certain that I never, ever, in a pink fucking fit, buy anything of this absolutely-certain-to-be-irredeemable-garbage.
nor the creedence
Literally the scroll wheel is complete utter shit
Fuck that muose
new version
t420 surfacebook redmi mate20pro/x p20 ryzen 2600/2700
g502 za12 ec1 new intellimouse f-91w d15
? ? portapro mdr-v6 holy shit why so
many headphones meshifyc r5
model m pok3r walkman 50g >ti 860 evo
this. fuck consumerism.
good post
Fuck YOU
>outdated phones
Replace them with whatever current phone is a good bang for the buck and supports Jow Forums meme features (SD card, headphone jack, removable battery)
>explointel CPU
Replace it with something from AMD.
>shitty meme screens
Some modern 4K screen that can do more than 41 Hz lmfao. Inb4 muh 16:10.
>PC case
Aesthetics are subjective so it should just be removed entirely.
>graphing calculators
They are perfectly useless outside of university exams because you can use computers in real life that have superior ergonomics. Should be removed entirely.
>WD gaymer HDD
NVMe SSD (wd black? samsung EVO?) for programs, VMs, boot drive, etc, some 5400 RPM HDD for data hoarding (WD red?).
>buy intel
>android is bad
my my
Librem 5
why would you want anything you own to be Jow Forums approved
AMD only just got gud and the only reason Jow Forums has to buy an android phone in particular is to rice (which is pointless because once you leave the home page you're stuck with Material Design anyway), install ROMs (none of which will work as well as stock) or for "geeky" shit like SSH which yeah fucking sucks on a touch screen.
Sincere, unbiased version.