Are there any advantages in using a different browser other than Chrome? Aside from just trying to be different...

Are there any advantages in using a different browser other than Chrome? Aside from just trying to be different? You'll just lose Google sync and get... what in return?

Genuinely curious, maybe I'm missing out by using Chrome only for the last 5-7 years.

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I use both Chrome and Firefox on my computer

If you disagree with google's policies it makes sense not to use chrome.

Firefox is faster. Even setting aside all the botnet stuff. It's just better.

id use chrome if i could move the cache off my SSD that its installed on. only reason i use firefox

firefox can be customized while google follows a "one cock fits all" policy.

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There are more options for everything. Look em over. More control over network settings, better anti-fingerprinting, certain extensions that don't work in Chrome. Also more control over the UI with css.

The various forms of Chrome are designed with two things in mind: data-mining and speed. Speed doesn't really matter for users with good internet connections, and the tricks used for fast loading will reduce privacy and security.

I don't know why anyone would use Chrome OR Firefox. I mean Firefox used to be okay, but then Quantum happened, so...

Quantum is good

Not for all the addons it gutted.

The pros outweigh the cons and it's not like the most popular extensions don't work. I think it's an improvement.

From my experience ff runs way better on old and underpowered hardware, I use it as the browser for actual browsing, because it's just better. The interface is hit or miss, perfection would be a mix between ff and chrome. For development, I use chromium, because it has superior dev tools.

Well it isn't always about the most popular addons. The fact that several cannot be replicated at all in webextensions means it's a failure as a replacement framework. Are there are too many that are I personally consider must-have addons that are in that category.

oh sweetie

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Are there any other advantages of using Chrome other than integration to Google's ecosystem like sync and constant tracking? It's a browser, you browse web pages with it and if a page requires a certain browser it's broken and inherently flawed by design.

Since those extensions are "must-have" I guess you're using a fork?

I've seen that graph too.

are there other things besides running benchmarks that you use the browser for?
would you notice if your shitpost rendered 3ms faster?

same here

>js benchmarks
This will sure matter a lot if you're playing games in your browser, but that's not the case for me. I've experienced faster screen drawing in firefox, as well as faster video decoding which made browsing on my core 2 duo box much more pleasant.

If 52ESR can be considered a fork, then yes, but I do realize I'm going to have to update to something newer eventually, which pisses me off.

waterfox has no tracking.
Chrome sells all of your data.

>Install Firefox
>Put on NoScript, ublock and HTTPS everywhere
>Everything loads so much quicker because all the bloat and shitty trackers I don't need don't need to load

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Depends on your OS.
Ultimately chrome isn't the most optimised browser so I'd switch to a more barebones one if you're not using chrome features

Waterfox, ublock origin, noscript. Absolutely wonderful browser experience.