Text Editors

What's your favorite editor?

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Vim or course

vim but I think Asians are ugly so I guess I'll have to switch to Visual Studio

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>not using nano for everything

Vim would be more like one of those Hindu goddesses with 6 arms. Visual Studio is the dumb blond chick wearing the "Fuck me" t-shirt. Eclipse is spot on though.

Uninronically VS.
I mean you can hate VS, but it's definitely something used in many serious companies.

Vim/nvim. I actually just read about registers earlier this morning so I'm having fun using them in my work

>not switching to eclipse
that's a yikes from me dawg

I use notepad++

You work as a cashier?

Atom and ive yet to cone across anything i want that it cant do


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Vim for editing files. VS for programming.

They're not really comparable.

Emacs / acme

:^) no, but I do make bank

I want to stick my dick into sublime text, if you know what I mean.

Use the vim plugin for visual studio. It's quite nice

> No Jetbrains

IDLE or Pycharm depending on if I'm writing something quick or developing a larger project.

Sometimes I use Pycharm with the vim plugin and for editing documents I use vim

you mad?

Attached: Notepad.jpg (640x430, 79K)

Subl for everyday notes/edits
Nano for strictly fast config changes
Vs code for JavaScript shit

Notepad++ and any of the Jetbrains IDEs. I loved IntelliJ.

how about start quickly

>hating on eclipse
And IDE is not a fucking text editor and vice versa. Kys, you 16 year old tryhard with C hacker syndrome.

>t. eclipse with vim plugin user

>hey guis today im going to show you how to make a virus is ms dos
>types shutdown.exe /s /t 00
>saves as subscribe.bat

Bat files are a ton of fun desu

Ive bever had any problems but then again im not running a 12 year old chinkpad

Unironically this. High school was a good time for this shit

Thats because there isnt. I dont mind atom desu its really clean looking and has plenty of packages. Im just too used to emacs at this point to switch

you are so funny