Switching to BSD systems because of Linux and SystemD?

Is now the time to do a massive switch, thousands of peoples would switch from Linux to BSD just to protest the System :D ?

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freebsd is sjw central
openbsd is lacking
netbsd is netbsd
otherbsds are irrelevant

Devuan looks good this time of year

SystemD is not that bad when you compare it to CuckBSD.

Why not Devuan, Void, Gentoo or Slackware, if you want to avoid Systemd? If these distros get traction and used more just because of their anti-systemd stance then more people will consider not using that piece of shit.

I hope IBM does one good thing in their miserable existence, and fires that Poettering piece of shit and disbands the PulseAudio and SystemD team.

BSD stands for BSD's SystemD.

>sjw central
some of the devs are retards but it doesn't matter to users who aren't bound by the coc.
it's not your code so why do you care? systemd actually affects you as a user whereas the bsd license does not.

my main concern with bsd is the lack of wireless drivers. i have one laptop running openbsd and one running linux because the wireless is unsupported by any bsd.

big nasty COCs drive away good developers who
hold wrongthink political beliefs. the state of the system will deteriorate into shittyness

everyone is saying the same thing about linux, i'll believe it when i see it. in the meantime it's still a solid system that gets a lot of things right.

I've considering switching to FreeBSD because it's just so fucking nice. You can open htop and literally count the number of processes on your fingers. Sadly, it's not really practical since it can't run most Linux stuff (and I hope it never does, because it will become bloated).

Or use a linux distro that doesn't use systemd

Enjoy being pwned.

linux has some immunity due to adoption by government and corps the effects of developers being driven away by freebsd were felt immediately since nobody uses it anyways


DragonflyBSD is goat



*bsd should first be usable

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aside from hardware how is openbsd lacking?

>still on chromium 63 in packages

even if a massive os exodus took place you wouldn't know because there wouldn't be tens of linux distro "what's better" threads shitting up the front page every day.

no software called SystemD exists
its systemd

Install Gentoo.

Do they? And what are the implications of systemd which made thousands protest it?

BSD stands for BaSeD

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>Is now the time to do a massive switch
Nope. Don't substitute CoCware just to avoid systemd. Don't use EITHER.

Attached: freebsd.png (709x709, 452K)