S-should I?

s-should I?

Attached: fedora.png (943x578, 268K)

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For what possible fucking reason could you being using that POS fuicking fedora? Seriously? do people ven know what a fucking copmpute

Attached: 1519281804050.png (250x418, 121K)

pig disgusting resource hog. dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade && dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=29 && dnf system-upgrade reboot

nigga just run as cd boot and see for yourself

Fedora is for window lickers

Attached: 1539561333640.gif (245x245, 1.13M)

I thought that was KDE

>gimping KDE
>Red Hat

Why would you ever use Fedora?

Go home. You're drunk.

KDE is probably the nicest DE there is. When it works.

I use xfce with Debian, and I like it, but I only use it because KDE decides to go full retard for no reason when using it with debian. Fedora KDE was a great distro, but now IBM have decided to kill that fork Fedora is worthless.

No, that would be GNOME

Wait a week or two until the initial problems are solved. Also this

Bleeding edge

Why not use the properly supported version?

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-11-05 07-48-11.png (1181x471, 66K)

>not dnf install screenfetch && screenfetch
says it all

Why would an enterprise distro need screenfetch in the repos?

this. you need 3rd party repos for drivers and software like ffmpeg. fedora faggots must spend extra time just to be able to install these, and despite that these must be installed from 3rd party repos they will talk about how secure fedora is.

dnf install download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$( -E %fedora 2>/dev/null).noarch.rpm
wew lad

[Desktop Entry]
Name=GNOME Software
Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-software --gapplication-service

Problem solved.

Are you using developer subscription?

yeah. why?

Stop being so scared of a piece of software. I swear, people on this board are bigger technophobes than old people.

Do you have to contribute something in order to not get it revoked or something? Referring to this.
>By participating in the Program and accepting these terms, you represent that you will be using the Red Hat Subscriptions(s) for development purposes only, and Red Hat is relying on your representation as a condition of our providing you access to the Subscription(s).

just download the wallpaper

Use Ubongo 18.10.
The default version actually looks good now.