Be software engineer

>be software engineer
>work full time
>manager quit a while back
>been slacking hard the past few months

>4 weeks ago
>take on some contracting from a friend
>startup, 5 devs with me
>contract says 12 hours per week
>full time job got busier cuz management has noticed our team was floundering
>have put in a little of 8 hours past three weeks
>told contract people I've been having difficulty managing my time, am working on it, they're understanding
>pay is by the hour so I'm not wasting their money
>they still have shit that needs done though

>have done nothing so far this week
>was planning on building feature this weekend
>did some little shit yesterday, 2.5 hours
>was planning on putting in 8+ hours today
>literally all I have to do is spin my chair 180 degrees and open work laptop
>I've been fucking dreading it and procrastinating all day
>think "Fuck it I signed up for this I have to start working NOW"
>almost feel like I'm about to panic, continue shitposting and christmas shopping
>only been at this three weeks, this can't be burn out can it?

What do I do please help

Attached: sweatpe.png (1200x675, 211K)

install gentoo

kill yourself

kys right after for being a flake

Take modafinil

>What do I do please help
start working?

dear startup sirs, im stealing all ur code and launching a competing startup that does exact same thing, good luck

nah bro
>know I need to work
>know I'm procrastinating
>know I'm a huge faggot for having this buttplug in for so long
time to start a Jow Forums thread obviously

You have fucked up habits. Immediate solution might be to cut off your internet right now but long term you need to work on habit of coding at least an hour daily.

You’re going to go to bed tonight and have a panic attack because you can’t finish your work.

You know this is the truth.

Worse, he doesn't even care.

I have Modafinil actually but I already took an adderall, that didn't help, I'm just shitposting faster now.
Mod would have been a better idea.

More likely that I agonize about it all night, don't go to sleep and have a shit day at full time job tomorrow.

That also checks out, however you need to stop taking adderal before or near bed... that might be an issue for sleeping since it’s a stimulant.

Serious question, how does modafinil compare to adderall?

I am well aware of that, but if it helps me get contract shit done tonight I don't care if I have a shit day at work tomorrow.

I thought this story is about to go somewhere... You wasted my time idiot

Go to bed. Train yourself to work at a healthy pace on a schedule. Learning to manage your time between projects and guiding your focus is more valuable than the immediate challenges. You'll accomplish more when you become agile. Punishing yourself with unreasonable tasks and deadlines will only destabilize your progress.

>needs done
>not >needs to be done
what is this fucking garbage dialect i see everywhere? "done" is not a noun

Americans don't even know what a noun is, neck yourself.

First of all Mod tastes like fucking 100% distilled cough syrup concentrate, it's fucking disgusting and impossible to swallow without catching a little of the taste which I hate.

I take Mod 1-2 times a week. I find that I usually don't really notice it throughout the day. If I got 0-3 hours of sleep the night before and am dead tired, Mod usually brings me up to functioning human being levels for what would normally be the difficult part of the day after no sleep. I don't usually feel stimulated on it but I do have a tendency to clench my jaw, which is weird because I don't do that with Addy. If I get good sleep and take a Mod, at the end of the day I'll typically have gotten a lot more done and been in a better mood. It also definitely has a synergistic effect with caffeine. I feel like if I take it two days in a row it doesn't do much the second day, and nothing the third. Any effects of cognitive enhancement you may have read about are unquantifiable as far as I can tell, I don't notice if it does make my smarter.

I take Addy most days, but not with Mod. Addy does even better as far as getting me to get shit done, I am super productive with it usually. It doesn't negate me being tired or feeling shitty/unmotivated as much as Mod does. I definitely feel stimulated but I don't grind me teeth or anything, I do sweat a little more though, and occasionally throughout the day I'll forget to take a breath which is weird. I also have a tenancy to talk a lot and feel like I'm rambling on Addy, which you're experiencing right now. I might just be hyper aware of it because no one has ever mentioned it and my friends never can tell if I've taken one. Oddly I feel like it helps me talk to people, which makes me feel more sociable, which is the opposite of what most people say. It also nukes my appetite into oblivion which is good for my diet. I don't ever get headaches on it luckily but I know some people that do. I have experienced Hyperosmia.

That actually bothers me too but I was shaving words for greentext sake.
The first places I've ever seen it were mechanics saying "X needs fixed" several years ago, dunno if it started there.

Close Jow Forums and do some work.

12h of work on the weekend is totally doable. that sucks tho user, manager your time better next time

Seems like you have a burn out. Had the same, it will not get better you will keep doing less until they fire you. Take a month or two off for yourself so you can recover and then get a new job.

If you have autism like me you will get this all the time so get used to it.

Nice reference

Attached: cfe.jpg (274x540, 41K)

>not working 50+ hours a week

amerifag detected

shit happens, maybe you don’t like your job?

hire someone else to do it for you

I've had this problem all my life. The only way I've remotely been able to deal with it is by setting aside a certain amount of time that I allow myself to procrastinate before I start. I also frequently take short breaks for coffee and to smoke whenever I start to slow down or procrastinate again.