Apache vs nginx

What do you fags use and why?

Attached: apache_nginx.png (750x375, 556K)

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Performances are amazing but configuration is a PITA tho.

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configuration is easier than Apache, what are you talking about

apache. That being said I only operate web servers for my personal use, so performance is usually not an issue.

I dont use web shit


this but i have never touched nginx



>What do you fags use

and why?
The tutorial I followed used it


apache, i think i looked into nginx at one point
might jump to something node based

On my main web server and reverse proxy, nginx.
On my nextcloud server and other things, apache.
Both are fine.

Attached: DrMDumkU0AAxvf3.jpg (458x610, 63K)

None of the above. I roll my own custom web server software written in C and assembly.

>“LAMP” stands for “Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP”—a common combination of software to use on a web server, except that “Linux” in this context really refers to the GNU/Linux system. So instead of “LAMP” it should be “GLAMP”: “GNU, Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.”

Autism perfected.

Attached: 1513550046860.gif (266x199, 1.84M)

This is an apache vs nginx thread, get out

>configuration is easier than Apache, what are you talking about
Not necessarily. Take scgi for example.
Apache has mod_proxy_scgi built in.
With Nginx you have to install and configure php.fpm manually.
>Another vote for Nginx though. It's a bit leaner.

nginx also has scgi built in, but if you were using a php handler over scgi with Apache (no reason for it if you're doing mod_php, which is likely what you meant), you'd have to configure it exactly the same way.

I've used both simultaneously though.

The Virgin Apache vs The Chad Nginx

shit's fucking lean

>not running your servers with Alpine, which is fully non-GNU out of the box

but yeah, stallman really needs to stop sounding like an also-ran
if he wants to promote gnu, he really should do it in a less "b-b-but I'm a part of this too" way

OpenBSD httpd

but then you're using Musl, so it's M'LAMP

>not using react
get with the times gramps

gas yourself

H2o. Faster than nginx and apache. sometimes faster than them combined.