He doesn't have a High-Res audio output on his smartphone

>he doesn't have a High-Res audio output on his smartphone


Attached: Screenshot_20181105-164134.png (1080x1920, 97K)

I don't speak cyka blyat.

I do but my DAP is better than my phone at being a DAP.

My iPhone literally just works with wireless Earbuds.

Ok but at least my phone renders text correctly.

What do you mean?

Attached: 9nohQh4.jpg (478x361, 12K)

Don't forget to invite your friends!
You're here forever.

Attached: 4chan G invitation.png (1020x1320, 155K)

alteast im not russian

Attached: -.png (491x713, 529K)

just get a SGS3 with Exynos. It's dirt cheap and probably sound better than whatever Sony bullshit you're using.

I'd rather have a gook-free phone.

>DAC worse than an iPhone 5S

iPhone DAC can't even do 96khz. iToddlers BTFO.

I'd rather have a DAC with no distortion or clipping than a DAC that can support higher resolution audio than human hearing can even distinguish between.

>distortion or clipping
I experience neither.


Dongled applecucks shouldn't be complaining about DACs.

apple shill found

Иди cpaть

>mongoloid slav chimp acts tough on a chinese fortune cookie review board

Fuck off, racists

I agree, I don't like raisins, shitiest form of grape.



what phone?

You might have to Google what a racist is first before you go throwing the word around.

My phone already has the most advanced audio interface on the planet :)

Attached: bluetooth.png (949x707, 7K)

Cringe and bluepilled

Attached: 1536549539831.png (430x441, 102K)


Attached: 3345634gf34g34g.jpg (588x823, 81K)

i don't speak gulag

>being proud of his own ignorance

why would anyone bother with russian?

Can someone please translate this? I don't understand commiespeak.

>high res audio
>24bit 96k

This is good if you have a source thats at least that quality but on a phone it makes no sense unless you have a giant microsd card stuffed with flac files nothing streams in 24/96

Attached: Screenshot_20181105-193927.png (1080x1920, 101K)

I know this is bait but you still need a DAC somewhere.


Hammer and sickle tribe can't in to tech-no-lo-gies

>build thinking rock

>build flame sky stick
>it crash and burn down cave

>make pocket tablet
>can't make for whole tribe

>poison traitor in bad teeth tribe cave
>forget fur disguise

>build sky bird
>it crash, kill many tribesmen

>I'd rather have a gook-free phone.
Good thing it's one of the most developer friendly Samsung devices then. Along with the S5.