Which one?

Which one?

Attached: nginx-vs-apache.png (2048x1024, 63K)




Attached: Gophervr.png (500x277, 68K)



y e s


Attached: 1538436934096.png (1000x600, 137K)

Who uses nginx when they have a choice? Apache can handle pretty much anything you throw at it



Hiawatha for security and speed.

absolute garbage
nginx is best mainstream one.
apache is garbage too

except when you throw traffic at it, then it takes a shit where literally every web server, even windows IIS, handles traffic better.

nginx+Lua, ie. openresty

When is it actually a problem though? Apache’s still being used all over the place so obviously the performance is not that much of a problem for most websites

add moar servers lol

>being used all over the place
it's rapidly getting replaced by nginx. it's not being replaced in certain areas for the same reason why tons of places still run windows XP and IE6

Apache is bloated.

Busybox httpd.

nginx because the config syntax is comfy

Who the fuck use this

i used it for a class once.

>Which one?
what, exactly, are you planning to do? if you're going to serve static objects then nginx or even good old thttpd is the obvious choice. if you have some advanced needs then nginx may not be a choice for what you're planning to accomplish. also, consider lighttpd

I do. Nginx is easier anyhow and if you had srs website load (I actually don't) it'd generally tolerate that better.

I don't like NGINX, he keeps cracking and defacing sites I like

this also
other than it's far better at everything than every other web server. nginx config is fantastic

nginx even if it's just because of the configuration, apache syntax is garbage

the patrician choice

apache is not just a web server but an entire open source organization, including like 100 varied projects. i would choose apache every time unless you're a sysadmin monkey who can't code.

none of them, use a built in stand alone server in your rust/java applications

>if you have some advanced needs then nginx may not be a choice for what you're planning to accomplish
literally what? i can't think of anything that couldn't be done with inside nginx with some custom modules
in fact, i once implemented a working bittorrent client inside of fucking nginx and all the regular clients like qbittorrent or utorrent had no problems whatsoever to download files when that nginx client was the sole seed in the swarm
so please don't talk bullshit about
>some advanced needs
being too advanced for nginx, thanks

and suffer from crappy performance

Used to use it, until it was too much of a hassle to deal with - initial setup is simple though.

Currently using nginx, it does the job quite well.

Nginx just werks


nginx if you don't like to be raped in your anus

nginx, obviously
i thought it wasn't even a question now in 2018

who cares pick one and get the fuck on with it

This. I use Traefik for its automatic HTTPS and integration with Docker.
Does it still leak memory?
I do. Nginx is nicer to configure.

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Until you need a reverse proxy.

Why not both?




nginx because everything else is for idiots or faggots pretending to be edgy


Redpill me on caddy

you should reverse proxy that garbage 'app' with nginx :^)