Whats the best LaTeX editor Jow Forums?

Whats the best LaTeX editor Jow Forums?

Attached: latex.png (1200x500, 18K)

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Why would you ever want to use Latex?

vim + vimtex + zathura + mupdf

emacs with AucTeX or Vim

or honestly, TeXworks is fine.



i use emacs and zathura, before that, i used texmaker

Emacs with org-mode

>Tfw you want to use latex but your boomer advisor wants everything in docx files.

Attached: 1499302516795.jpg (247x250, 5K)


pandoc -s input.tex -o output.docx


vim if you're next level, or texstudio if you're a filthy casual

Online editor and compiler like Sharelatex or overleaf

Pandoc is still fucking shit for docx and will only get the basic structure right. You'll still have to edit the template and the styles, and at that point you might as well just use M$ word instead of wasting your time going back and forth with Latex.

I can't and don't intend to use m$ shit on my computer, what now?

My retarded ass university insists on formatting project reports using word. Can I replicate that using LaTeX? They have specific instructions based on page numbering, typeface used, font size etc. I hope to create a template that my classmates can use by just replacing the text

GNU Emacs

Hi Luke

Are you sure they are insisting on word, or they just tell you instructions on formating. If you talk about later than word have nothing to do with it, that's just standard for formating, you can manage all those things easily with latex.

This. If you want an offline application to use on your computer - use texmaker

If you want a cross platform browser based system with templates included such as CV, Scientific paper or Thesis, use overleaf. Sharelatex got bought out by overleaf.

Attached: saYkC9v2hepEeAUWMEiBffDQXAmZFizteilNoYDc0ZA.png (960x745, 951K)

ShareLatex. Alternatively TexMaker

>Trusting online shit with my thesis

Attached: 1505332019757.png (493x379, 19K)


uh, yeah. have you ever even googled latex?

Markdown & pandoc

>pic related

Attached: Screenshot_20181106-150136_Firefox_Klar.png (1080x1920, 1008K)

>still expecting you to use word
Your school sounds awful, find a new one.

he uses vim-latex instead of vimtex, but I do watch him.


>overleaf for a thesis
no lol. my thesis was 240 pages with an huge quantity of images/figures/graphs/etc.

its not a problem, and you can download everything for backup reasons
very comfy and it just werks

>he doesnt have his thesis in the cloud

You are one hdd corruption or windows update for losing it

the cloud is just fucking HDDs retard

Can I get autocomplete for stuff I type often, like \begin{equation}, \frac \section and so on with vim?
This is what makes texmaker so comfy for latex.
I use vim for everything else but writing latex feels dull without these autocomplete.
Also, autocomplete the citations from the bibtex reference file!

>the HDD in my pc its the same as a professional server with backups that could be accessed from literally anywhere


emacs emacs emacs emacs

Attached: 400px-EmacsIcon.svg.png (400x400, 47K)

>I can't do backups because I'm not a professional
Yeah right fucktard

overleaf is the answer, only problem with that is you must be online constantly but its not a problem in this day and age

I'm sure you could with something like ale or youcompleteme, I just use these keybginds
" Document structuring
nnoremap ;be i\begin{()}\end{()}kk^

" Text formatting
inoremap ;b \textbf{}()T{i
inoremap ;i \textit{}()T{i
inoremap ;u \underline{}()T{i
inoremap ;e \emph{}()T{i

" Next section
noremap .. /()"_c4l

I'm transitioning from vim to emacs. Shill me Auctex.

Thanks for the tip. Doesn't youcompleteme need a makefile and a project database or something?
The plug-in is so big it looked like a complete cluster fuck when I looked at it for the first time (and ended up with tons of warnings and error when I tried it)

Probably Texmaker, but you should try LyX.

Is texmaker better than texstudio?

Notepad + Dragon Dictate

Every LaTeX thread has multiple people in it complaining that their college only accepts .docx. I find this very hard to believe since PDF is standard across the whole of academia, wtf is going on?

it does look like a huge bloated mess, that's why I want to try ale instead, but I haven't used either.

They want to edit the documents

I feel like its not like colleges demand docx, and more like old ass tech illiterate professors who are unable to work with anything else demand it.

I'm gonna start looking into ale and maybe convert to youcompleteme after further lurking if I feel like something is missing.

How would you attack the problem of auto completing from the bibtex reference file?


>How would you attack the problem of auto completing from the bibtex reference file?
vimtex already does that, so youre good there (ctrl+n)

Not one of these guys but I'm often asked to fill reports in .docx
They give you a template and you fill it. It's usually plain text to be filled so I don't care about it being pretty.
Once a company I interned in asked me for the .docx file of my internship final report. I told them I didn't use Microsoft word and sent them the .Tex file. They just used Adobe or something to edit the pdf

Noice. I'll look into that!
Lurking this thread people wrote about vimtex and vimlatex. Can you spoon-feed me which one should I take an interest into?

you don't graduate

yes I will

>Can you spoon-feed me which one should I take an interest into?
honestly, I just chose vimtex because it looked like a more active repo with more features, and it has easy to use keybinds that are directly in the repos README.
only thing that needs setting up is the servername parameter, as it uses the standard latex package for compilation
alias vim='vim --servername VIM'

anyway the author compares them here

Even when it comes to academic journals you'll often be asked to send a .docx or .odt file for revision instead of latex source files plus pdf.

Make a VM. It sucks but life is about compromise. You could also use it to write workarounds in latex and document it for yourself and others! Good luck user

Just give the source file ?

Sublime + Latextools is by far the best editor that i have come across. It has REALLY good autocomplete, that will speed up things significantly once you figure out how it works and it supports inline equation previews in your editor, either permanently enabled or only when your cursor is inside of the equation environment. And of course, CTRL+B to build, with support of instantly updating PDFs for some viewers.

It's also really nice not having to open up a separate program for my Latex stuff (i go a back and forth between writing and data analysis in python)

How depraved. What educational establishment is this?

>They want to edit the documents
And this does not ring all alarm bells, why?

to take your work and use it as an example for newly enrolled students without giving you credit

Retractionwatch worries me deeply, what you wrote does not help.

MS word.

he's a roff troglodyte now

Kile works pretty well.

Fucking why?

lol not if your advisor doesn't want you to
welcome to grad school kid

this is why you study hard and get into a nice school, not some community college in the sticks

>community college
>grad school
lmao you really don't know what you're talking about.
besides, my undergrad was a state school and my favorite professor wrote all his quizzes up in latex like a cool dude. i'm at an r1 now and my boss struggles to open a pdf without shitting his pants. has nothing to do with the quality of the school

VS Code

Literally who cares

Use groff

WinShell + MiKTex


I started writing LaTeX documents with LyX and that was the worst experience I've ever had with software. It feels like the exact opposite of what you'd want to use for something like a .tex file.

Switching to Texmaker (and eventually vim), gave me a much better experience.

Hello, Mr. Eastern European from a decade ago.

Attached: CopyQ.zSlzJJ.png (255x255, 115K)

Definitely overleaf

so pull the repo once in a while

Tex Studio.

I do my "shut-up-and-write" writing in libreoffice, save to odt, then use pandoc to convert to .tex ready for document preparation.

does anyone here use pandoc with latex?
if yes, did you get propper syntax highlighting working (especially for latex inside mardown)

*pandoc with emacs, ofcourse


Visual studio code, it is actually pretty great.



Sharelatex/Overleaf are good, if you are cooperating with others on the same document. Using them for documents you only edit yourself is fucking retarded.
>with templates included
Because finding templates on the web yourself is so fucking difficult, right?

>not using groff

Friendship ended with LaTex now Groff is my best friend

Thanks mate

use groff

cuz it's fuggn sweet fer mathy acudemic shit yo

Hard mode: no Vim or Emacs shit

The final review panel expect us to print out and professionally bind the final result so format doesn't matter. But the professors mentoring us want a docx copy to make some changes if necessary. The second step can be skipped if I was present with the professor to carry out the changes but not a lot of professors do that.

Terrible one in India

> overleaf.com/

Online LaTeX Editor

Attached: image.jpg (256x256, 31K)

Vim. Also the best editor for everything else so you don't have to make decisions like this anymore.

comfy for working with people that don't know how to use VCS

If you are not autistic and maybe on a different OS than Linux, TexStudio