>Be me
>Get a 6 figure job with no hs diploma, no experience, no college degree, only a few online classes
Be me
>be OP
>be unemployed, uneducated, and living at home
>makes this larping thread out of boredom
the moment you stop deluding yourself is the moment you'll have a new chance at life
Projection and cant understand that Im asking why and how Snowden got a lucrative admin position so fast with no experience or education.
Lol, you just burned yourself.
Sometimes people are just good at shit. I graduated HS with a good GPA, but I never went to college and I’m making bank in a field surrounded by people with masters degrees.
Yeah I mean I get that from his wikipedia that he was is a wizard, but how did he get past all the human resource bs with nothing on his resume? Lie?
this. he a part of the tribe
his parents were FBI or something
they're like plox hire my son, he a good boy
>makes this larping
can't into englando comprehension mah dood?
retarded much?
Six figures aren't much to brag about when you get pain in rupees.
>be me
>barely any experience, fresh outta uni
>get job in electric hypercar company
Incompetent fuckos general?
Making 6 figures US? And Snowden didnt have a degree britbong
>makes thread
>makes this thread
>makes this larping thread
don't see me. kys
Ok but how old are you op?
>Be me
>5.5 years of college
>90k debt
>do internship
>6 figure return offer with 60k sign on & 80k stock
Worth it
Terry? Is it you?
Good for you user. Im in a dif situation.
Have a 2 year degree
Own a house and have a kid
No debt
Hate my job after 8 years. Always fixing peoples computers. Start chipping away at informatics degree. Learn android, pyython, java, etc, build a few things. Recently learn bash and go balls deep on linux. Goal is state job paying 60k-70k plus lucretive bennies
>have a bachelor degree
>don't get a job
>do a master degree
>don't get a job
>start a business
>don't get clients
Ah yes.
What went wrong, user?
Picking a more social study because I wanted to get out of my shell instead of doing what I enjoyed and was good at.
Playing World of Warcraft in the past, delaying my development for years.
Not getting a job in high school and college to get some money to move out.
The only problem with my business is that I started too late and the competition is quite strong. But I think it still has a chance so I will keep at it.
I'm now learning to code in my free time because that's what I enjoy and there are plenty of job opportunities for that.
online classes such as?
I also wish my parents weren't such boomers and had given me some proper life lessons. But then again, we all have that problem, don't we?
Why would moving out of your parents house have helped you during college?
I hear you on the development points. Living with friends for years and having real experiences cured me of my autism.
t. college autist who lives with parents
High paying jobs held by younger individuals is almost always a product of mommy and daddy getting the job.
If I had been cleaning tables for 6 years then I would've had enough money to buy a house.
In fact, I would've gained so much more money than I have now, that I can't even make up the difference if I get a well paying job with my degree.
And money would've allowed me to go out more, get a gf and buy a life.
Honest answer: Getting a clearance is a pain. He already had some security guard job (which he probably got by leveraging "I did special forces training" even though he washed out) which gave him a clearance. An entry level job isn't that hard to get if you can prove you have knowledge. I mean shit, look at nsa's job postings, you don't really need degrees or anything to get a basic bitch position if you can show you can do it.
Mind you he also wasn't some badass, it was more failures of the IC to ensure data was given on a need-to-know basis than him being some super wizard
Clearance is pretty easy to get so long as you are just some loser. They're more worried about the details of your life when it comes to blackmail and motivations for you to disclose information and your general trustworthiness.
The way you're using the term easy and the way I'm using the term easy are different. "Some guy" can and will get the clearance, but it takes time and money to do the investigation and the poly (if necessary). It's not hard to be eligible for a clearance, but the process is cancer.
Very obvious spook.
Similar deal as Chris Wiley, the Cambridge Analytica Guy
I never understood why Americans are so fond of polygraph tests. Those things don't even work.
Although I guess it can be useful as a placebo to scare untrustworthy people away.
Well for full clearances yes it's expensive. Usually it's sponsored by employer or military. It's probably easiest to get it by working in government IT, actually.
People fess up to things under pressure. Other than that yeah they're cancer and psuedoscience.
>usually it's sponsored by employer or military
Yeah and no one wants to wait 6 months to 2 years for you to get that top secret so employers will choose the guy with the clearance 10/10 times (for civ or civ gov employers, mil doesn't give a damn obviously). Hence my point about Snowden's desirability as someone with a clearance.
but that's supposed to be michelangelo...
>then wake up