ITT: Post yfw using your distro of choice

>Mfw using slackware

Attached: image.jpg (495x600, 252K)

>mfw using Arch

Attached: download.jpg (710x473, 62K)

i use gentoo

Attached: 2018-11-07-010736_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 243K)

thats not a face bro

>windows 10

Attached: just a prank bro.jpg (393x406, 73K)

>mfw i have no face when using every distro and OS for specific purposes

How many computers and/or vms do you have

>mfw using alpine

Attached: 1535834228906.jpg (720x532, 65K)

>>mfw using Arch

Attached: 1513924790907.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)


Attached: tip.gif (263x252, 1.93M)


>tfw not sure if graphics driver is going to crash for the 1447685359th time

Attached: 1482586466727.jpg (1600x900, 119K)

Attached: c4b.png (1465x1007, 67K)

Attached: fed.jpg (479x720, 40K)

How does it feel being salty Archlet?

How does it feel using a meme distro?

Attached: 1519781851875.gif (300x424, 2.56M)

A rpi, a nas, a gaming rig, a workstation, a media center, 3 servers at home, 1 in a data center, and multiple junk that's offline flying around my place.
And i'm not counting the systems i work with professionally. Virtual machines vary because i just test shit and destroy them. I don't power on my servers to often because my power bill is already high as it is and i don't have the desire to tinker like i did years ago.

I used to have my own monitoring, dmz, and so on. My ntp, dns and postfix run on the pi and that's pretty much all i need in terms of infrastructure.

oh and a dedicated router of course, apu2

>mfw using Windows 10

Attached: 1541291229402.png (334x507, 140K)

>mfw using GalliumOS

Attached: 1537769822331.jpg (1080x1045, 103K)

>mfw using Devuan

Attached: t.jpg (289x362, 23K)

>mfw using RHEL

Attached: maga.jpg (506x640, 37K)

>mfw using gentoo and openbsd

Attached: 1541354605501.jpg (443x1347, 190K)

>windows 10
>switching to debian

Attached: 90a.png (500x522, 114K)

is openbsd actually usable for basic daily or is it just a meme?

Yes. For general use it is perfect for me but I understand most of the people who dislike it.

>mfw using gentoo

Attached: 1468178195760.gif (326x256, 1.69M)

how is slackware compared to gentoo?
thinking about cutting systemd(arch) out of my life desu

Attached: 3245432533.png (580x720, 340K)

If you can live with minimalism and certain restrictions sure. Think about it like OSX, limited to specific hardware, software has limitations, dictates functionality (no flash) - just that it's not as polished and user friendly as an Ubuntu/Windows, but god the system is solid. The installer is simple, the base system works like a charm and every tool interacts as intended with another, the upgrade system us beautiful and easy, software package updates and package manager sucks dick but there's always cons.

>mfw using templeOS

Attached: 1539691679953.gif (200x234, 2.85M)

>mfw gentoo

Attached: 1519107840587.jpg (395x398, 15K)

>Using xorg

xorg isn't a distro, de/g/enerate

>tfw me and android

Attached: wtfinphone.png (378x566, 173K)

>Disgustingly being this much of a pajeet

by saying you're using a distro, you mean picking a ready-made variant like manjaro for arch and ooboodoo for debian?

cause you have to be a literal fucking brainlet not to understand what that person meant

>tfw using ubuntu

Attached: 1541241012616.jpg (601x848, 261K)

Attached: 1024px-Brown_Bluff-2016-Tabarin_Peninsula–Gentoo_penguin_(Pygoscelis_papua)_03.jpg (1024x683, 135K)

mfw Arch

Attached: scrot_2018-11-06-20:43:10_1366x768.png (1366x768, 1.3M)

>tfw using Deepin

Attached: 1468336052680.jpg (803x803, 157K)

>mfw also using Slackware

Attached: kitty_pure_bliss_420.jpg (540x720, 62K)

Slackware is life and love. Used it for years.

Gotta love big tiddies

Attached: 15d.gif (500x281, 249K)

Attached: anime girl.jpg (555x490, 147K)

>mfw NixOS

Attached: Akane.png (1366x768, 291K)

>mfw when I use Gentoo

Attached: 20066049_2145196532373684_1511432213034434560_n.jpg (1080x1350, 83K)


Attached: 1308189768001.jpg (408x360, 21K)

Game Over!

xubuntu with i3wm

Attached: 018.jpg (512x512, 24K)

You're also a pedoweeb

>mfw using ios

Attached: 4565E158-BB88-4D98-B843-0E8867097990.jpg (250x250, 29K)

pedo weebsite

Attached: [ADF] Love Live! μ's Live Collection (BD 1920x1080 x264 Hi10p FLAC) (Sub español - Spanish su (1920x1080, 266K)

>mfw using Arch

Attached: checkmate.png (1500x844, 2.19M)

> mfw utilizando Windows

Attached: MICROSOFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.png (366x366, 72K)
