Roman senators, Greek warriors, German chieftains, Persian scholars, and others all had sex with men and women a like...

Roman senators, Greek warriors, German chieftains, Persian scholars, and others all had sex with men and women a like. Traps are not gay, in fact it's manlier to fuck traps and your fellow man than to fuck the swine that is women.

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Other urls found in this thread:

idolizing r*mans
idolizing gr**ks
idolizing g*rmans
idolizing p*rsians
no wonder you're g*y

Greeks only had sex with young boys to teach them the dominant/sub roles. They by no means tolerated homosexuality as it is nowadays and even mocked those very sub males get it through your head history isn't your LGBT friend

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Maybe greeks and Romans but Germanics killed faggots

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actually greeks and romans had gay couples in there armys they thought gay couples fight harder to impress each other, and accourding to history it worked
wouldnt work with todays fags

Nah their chiefs fucked the enemies as a show of dominance after a victory.People really like to exaggerate how gay the Greeks and Romans were though, it was just tolerated, not commonplace or forced.Straight people had the same civil rights as gays

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You forgot about some ching chong emperors and a lot of English kings, I'm pretty sure there are at least 8 that we know of and the royal family goes to great lengths to hide their history so probably even more

And god destroyed them all for their homosexuality


>Source of this information: your ass
Pretty well documented so I thought it would be common knowledge but I guess I was wrong.

Oh boy more Jewish lies about our ancestors

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>recorded by Christian historians
>Jewish lies
Oh no..oh no no no hahahahaha

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Women are tasteless enough to not appreciate their own bodies.
They are confused Pygmalia sculpted by our sexual desires.
Actual men are tasteful enough to not appreciate their own bodies.
Animales glorify the hideous male form, say "THE FUCK WITH WOMEN!", then proceed to do so.

It was one tribe in east Germany let's not forget that many other tribes sacrificed homosexuals in swamps but whatever you have to tell yourself to try and normalize your disgusting desires

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And all of those homosexuals are dead and so are their kingdoms, just as now the west accepts faggotry it too is collapsing

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>justifies his decadent morals on other decadent morals of the past
Absolutely decadent

Oh boy more Jewish lies about our ancestors

I'm not trying to promote homosexuality or anything, I just feel the need to correct you as a history student.Bad history never helped anyone.
But you are probably going to rant on and on with mental gymnastics deserving of a gold medal so I won't bother anymore.

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Not all homosexuality is decadent.

Cringe, SEA has a long history of tranners and fags
Imagine thinking that civilisations fall because they do not kill a group of people who have always been there

Yes it is, homosexuality and trans appears at the end of the great civilizations

Sorry buddy, history proves otherwise

Lesbians are the day-night opposite of gays.
Heterosexuality is morning-evening.

So what they were all gay haha.

Well it doesn't matter if your right or not i still hate gays and i like to think my ancestors did to i'm not German
>Imagine not think you need to kill a bunch of crazy faggots

You know, I can respect that you hate fags, thanks for admitting that, we all have our reasons why, I'm sure your reason is justifiable, but I don't appreciate twisting of history.


>National Platform for the Next Generation of Humanist thinker's
Oh boy

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He states his sources and that is all that I care about lad

Well i can admit so ancient Europe's did like it in the butt but i'm sure some didn't look at it so gingerly much like today

Oh yeah definitely the receiving role was hated by Germanic chieftains as it was a sign of defeat as said earlier.Why do you hate fags though, I wonder?I won't judge or anything.

All he did was get triggered by some homophobic guy and wrote a article about how some civilizations were gay friendly but lets not forget some of them were also bestiality friendly

Yeah, but that's not the point my dude

I always thought gays were gross but didn't really hate them but seeing how they act parading down the streets in bdsm gear forcing people to accept their sexuality and acting like horny retarded apes and they never shut up about being gay

Oh yeah but those are the vocal minority you know

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The point is Japan practiced ritualistic suicide and Greece and Rome practiced slavery the point is you pick certain things to fit your agenda but leave out things that don't

I don't think so

Hmm?What is my agenda then, I ask you?
I can point out a billion and one contradictory things about the church denouncing homosexuality but that's not the point, also, when you take things out of context you lose a lot of nuance.
Well in my country most gays that I know are hidden in the closet so tightly that their parents do not even know, they even pretend to have gfs and have a whole facade going on

>I can point out a billion bad things about the church
Good i don't give a fuck about the church
>In my country
Well good for you because in my country they are a fucking disease

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Well..this is all subjective so I can't really disagree.Have a nice day I guess.

Good night faggy

t. faggot