Who is Jow Forums rooting for?
Who is Jow Forums rooting for?
Apple is like a stuck up faggot who can't handle competition or criticism
>In the past, Apple used Qualcomm's modem chips in its flagship iPhone models to help them connect to wireless data networks. But early last year, Apple sued Qualcomm in federal court in San Diego, alleging that the chip company's practice of taking a cut of the selling price of phones as a patent license fee was illegal.
Like the rich kid on the block who you think does not care about pocket change, but turns out to be the most thrifty fucker you know.
I’m rooting for Qualcomm. Why? If Apple loses this, it will die. It’s going to look bad in the eyes of its investors. Seriously—there is nothing Apple can do now to redeem itself in the eyes of all of its investors. Furthermore, if this were truly illegal, why have none of the other companies that use Qualcomm’s stuff sued them for illegal practices? Because taking a cut isn’t illegal.
Apple was the first company to reach a trillion in market cap, and it will be the first to die in the next financial crisis.
>If Apple loses this, it will die
7 billion dollars < 200 billion dollars
Reminder that Apple is the only mobile company in the world that can be on Qualcomm's bad list. If Samsung or anyone else tried this it would be financial suicide.
Qualcomm need money
Are you retarded? Samsung is literally backed by the Korean gooberment. It's not even a secret.
That's how you get rich and stay there.
Nah, apple does. They're no longer a trillion dollar company
Apple needs a kick in the dick for their hubris in recent years.
If Apple wins, it means more expensive phones for everyone except status chasing idiots that only buy the most expensive phones (whose prices will remain the same), and a proportionally steeper price increase for people who can only afford the least expensive phones.
Given Apple's track record, savings from a victory aren't likely to be passed on to their customers.
So an Apple win benefits only Apple and specifically a handful of their executives who regularly award each other multimillion dollar bonuses. For EVERYONE else, it would be a loss.
>rooting for a company that is built on stolen technology from Nokia
fuck qualcomm, irwin jacobs and all the faggot pajeets that work there
i hope apple wins but the judge's verdict is worded so they both lose in the long run
Just because Apple are a bunch of cunts
Hold up, this shit makes zero sense
>Apple agreed to license Qualcomm parts and pay royalties per unit sold
>Apple pays Qualcomm nothing
>Apple now thinks it has grounds to sue Qualcomm to get back the money they haven't paid Qualcomm
it's Qualcomm who is asking for money
>>Apple pays Qualcomm nothing
they didn't pay "nothing", Apple stopped paying when they launched the lawsuit.
It's just when Apple started increasing the price of the each flagship iPhone, they realised they were paying more for licensing to use the same Qualcomm modem.
Now Apple is switching to Intel modems in their new iPhones and giving Qualcomm the finger.
Tim Cook looks kinda like a dyke Iin this photo I wonder what their pronouns are
I hope both of them go to shit.
Checked and agreed.
Intel Modems are complete ass.
Who would have thought that making modems were this hard
At one hand it's obvious who's in the wrong and being a huge faggot, on the other hand Apple is worth over a billion precisely because they're being such fags and I drive a busted up '93 diesel Peugeot, so maybe they're onto somethings.
kill all the gays and ghe faggots.
>blaming quallcomm for the rise on iphone prices
lol thats a new low
>Apple was the first company to reach a trillion in market cap
nope it wasnt
Probably Qualcomm
Unlike apple, Qualcomm makes Android chips too
Apple is the worst cancer upon tech industry and promotes e-waste so Qualcomm would be the lesser evil.
>The face of a gay CEO that hasn't had any twink ass in 20 minutes.
only the poor can afford to waste money
Most rich people are thrifty fuckers. It's usually poor people trying to look rich who spend money on overpriced shit.
This is a well known phenomena.
If apple lose this case, are the legal fees less than the tax they would pay for importing qualcomm parts?
>when Apple started increasing the price of the each flagship iPhone, they realised they were paying more
Don't be silly, they would have realized this a long fucking time ago. They've just gotten more money hungry over time, trying to maximize profit percentages from their products.
There is no way Apple will win this. Fuck Apple.
>apple suing
It's their M.O. though. Apple are known patent trolls.
till the last standing lawyer falls over and dies form starvation and exhaustion, and the entire 'patent' system crumbles and crawls back into the dishevelled corpse of Tim Cooks welcoming arsehole.