there is only 4 programming languages you need to know
everything else is bloatware and for script kiddies
there is only 4 programming languages you need to know
everything else is bloatware and for script kiddies
Python obviates bash.
All higher langs obviate assembly.
C++ obviates C.
JavaScript is salient, for better or worse.
Please tell this girl has a penis
I-is she Peter Coffin's wife?
Javascript is not a programming language
This is a trash opinion.
You should learn whatever you need for the job/project. My personal favorite language is C, but it's a horrible choice for a lot of projects.
There are no database languages here, so it's pretty evident that you have little to no experience.
A lot of languages have purpose. Python is good for banging out an ML project really easily. Even fucking lisp is good when you need to reduce a problem down to a pure function.
Which asm, OP? Also you forgot LISP.
risc v obviously
>there is only 1 programming language you need to know
>everything else is bloatware and for script kiddies
database languages are not turing complete so i didn't include them. but otherwise you would use them like you would use html/xml
they all work the same. once you figure out the register configuration and instruction set, you should be good to go.
lisp is bloatware and has no purpose besides dicking around and being a nerd tool.
If we're talking pure utility, I consider markup and collections of commands in this list. Either way, working in technology is sort of disgusting. Turing-completeness is a necessary condition for universal computation, but specialized task languages like any db language don't aim to be Turing-complete. I like doing systems on the side, but I do math and science as my primary thing.
Theoretical CS is so much more interesting than any industry shit they make you do. "Software solutions." "Products for the client."
Tech is a high paying private industry, but it sure it unsavory and part of a really stupid culture. Hell. for starters, a lot of people pride themselves on just how much math and science.
t. CS PhD in quantum information
*how much math and science they DON'T KNOW
The stupid "lol I just wanna code" rejection of basic math is really annoying. People want to be dorky, stupid, and completely uninformed codemonkeys punching keys in front of a computer. Shit makes me sick to my stomach. BSD is a real system CS project/service. Random company X's """""software solution"""""" is not.
Reminder that making fun of this spacing for being Reddit spacing is making fun of Markup spacing. It really should be an artifact of the non-Jow Forums boards, where people don't know what the fuck Markup is.
Markup is great. And to make fun of it because Reddit uses it is like to make fun of English because it's used by the KKK.
noone's complaining about the KKK tho'
The analogy still serves.
Why are you so mad that people want to make software to solve problems? What's wrong with doing it quick and dirty? Our lives are quite finite, so I'd personally like to waste less of it. Intelligent people are also in short supply, unlike the problems which industry solves. I think you should just make peace with reality.
Making web app is not mandatory.
In theory you just need only one Turing complete programming language.
That said, the language you need to know is
C for low level fast stuff
Go as everyday system/medium size application hoping it will become the new C
Scala because is a really great language
ASM is not really useful except for very few corner case, in general C will do the trick
If you need to do web, there are other languages of course
>What's wrong with doing it quick and dirty? Our lives are quite finite, so I'd personally like to waste less of it.
It's wrong because knowing your tools(math)will make your life easier and you'll come up with better faster solution and you'll waste less time on average.
Many people in the US hate math because of the horrible way it is taught (and because many lack the intelligence and patience to understand the finer points) of it. The problem is deeply rooted, and you won't change it any time soon. I do agree that arrogance in stupidity is annoying, but it only costs you energy to get mad at it.
A PHD CS has about the same cognitive ability as a first year engineering student high out of his mind. And yes his because unlike cuckputer “science”, engineering is male dominated.
>no HTML
U.S. education sucks.
But, in other systems, you get drilled in math since kindergarten to the point of wanting to an hero.
In both systems, math is difficult. In the first, it's difficult and esoteric.
It challenges the imagination as to how anyone anywhere can like math: it's a tyranny imposed on us by the Universe, by the autistic mechanics of reality and logic itself, which we would ideally be blissfully free of as we enact our will effortlessly on the world around us that somehow JUST WERKZ.
I think only those gifted at math can like it. At least, then, it isn't hard. And, if one can see deeply enough into it, it becomes fascinating.
But this is a smol portion of the population anywhere.
Apes no like math
It identifies as a male, but he have a vagina
>js , bash, shell
>programming lang
Amen brother
> javascript
I know it and is worthless. I'd rather use lisp
> python obviates bash
Gtfo. People like you write the worst python code to begin with.
Computer Science as an academic field and Computer Science as a vocation are two different entities. I loathe the latter with a passion.
A theoretical CS grad program is literally a concentration of math. I know the stupid meme that floats around, but it's the truth; my department is literally just prior math and physics majors. A grad program in engineering is either a masters for working in industry or for making new designs in a specialized area.
You can't compare the "cognitive ability" because they're two different subjects entirely. I go to math and physics conferences. I do a lot of topology, some geometry, and a lot of physics in my research. The list goes on.
Also, I say this as someone who double majored and graduated in EE and math. I wish I had done more theoretical CS/physics in undergrad.
>a first year engineering student high out of his mind
first year engineering students are a special sort of stupid. I went to class among them. You don't have to flex your undergrad education on me. Trust me; what you did wasn't nearly as hard as you sell it to be. Signals, control theory, etc., were not that bad.
Amen, brother. I couldn't agree more. Those who care not for the theoretical, hence at least mathematical, aspect of CS are those who make it miserable, robot-like, and kitcsh.
Who is it?
C (or perhaps C++)
Lets face it. The web was a failure, and javascript its biggest issue. Its time to abandon it and make something better.
How stupid you need to be to use this obsolete bullshit
But bash/shell are
You forgot PHP you absolute brainlet
Lol dude what are you on about
Do you even know what a CS PhD with a theory concentration actually is?
Lisp programmers don't know JacaScript as well as they think they do
>all higher langs obviate assembly
Except for when you can't use them, brainlet
You only need to know Scheme
Solutions are constrained by the limits/quirks of the platform and development time. A mathematically fast solution may not necessarily be implementable except on paper.
It's obviously not out of concern for other people.
Nobody wants to install phone apps, retard. Have fun writing code for each platform
C and Scheme
I didn't think a post could be THIS carcinogenic. Props to OP for that, I suppose.
lisp you retard
Except he can, directly emitting machine code.
Glad that I like math and the fact that I'm slightly autistic probably helps a lot
C has been obsoleted by Rust tho.
*phew* good thing I'm learning C
assembly Z80
>the two thousand eighteenth year of the GNU/Lord
>still "learning"
That's again well known if you know math
Include batch as well
well it didnt just magically appear in my head
More like
Python - quick and dirty
C# - quick and less dirty
JS - web
Bash/shell for other stuff.
Tbh. If you're on Windows, you could get away with just using c#. net
all the idiots in this thread thinking anything will ever be better than C.
I would have taken you seriously if you didn't mention assembly, c, or bash.
try writing a driver or kernel in anything other c or assembly. i dare you.
>systems programming
Bash is old and bloated, I wish there was something better I could use for scripting and as a shell
None of those languages are suited to web dev because none are enviromented. the only thing suitable for web is coffee. and dont say something stupid like coffeescript or php
C++ and various specialized assembly instruction sets (NEON for ARM) are better than C unironically.
.t has written more performance-critical code than you
*the only thing suitable for web is javascript
C++ is C with bloatware additions. everything you can do in C++ you can do in see. C is as close to the hardware as you can get without breaking portability.
String manipulation in C is cancerous. Why not just use C++ to use std::string, and just pretend you're using C elsewhere.
That's what C++ is for, all the features are optional!
>need to know
I'm guessing you always derive all your mathematics from first principles too right?
Why not just use binary all the time... Oh wait. You actually want to get things done.... Yeah.