Confess your sins Jow Forums

I'll start
> I don't like C++ because I don't understand how to use it effectively and I hate things that challenge me

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> I'm also the one making the anti-c++ threads in the last month

I'm also gay btw, I don't know if that matters

i couldnt root my moto x 2013 so i got my friend to do it for me. he should have it back to me in a couple days
>i asked him to not install lineage yet so i could feel like i accomplished something

I don't belong on Jow Forums at all but I come here fairly often to lurk and laugh at memes that I only partially understand.

no that was me. OOP on anything is objectively garbage. pun not intended

I code in VBA doing macros for excel. I basically create automated reports and emails for lazy people.

It pays the bills

The only reason I switched to python from java was because elif is shorter than else if THERE, I SAID IT, FUCK YOU!

leave for the elif, stay for the comprehensions.

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I used Windows Vista for 10 years on my desktop PC.

and leave because of global interpreter lock

I'm pretty sure that this is actually relatively common

>I switched to a scripting language from a virtual machine.
pleb. diversify yourself.

I've owned/operated a business doing all the IT work for 4 sm/med businesses for 6 years. I made 113k last year working about 1.5 days a week. Only have my A+ I got in 2002. Shits not hard.

In C++ I use new keyword and never delete

python also runs on its own environment

As a one man operation how did you actually get those businesses to pick you?

>The only thing i use the terminal for is to update the packages, so i can feel like a real computer programmer

>Logged into admin mode to router to enable Wifi.
>Could have done it by just pressing a physical button.

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this. i have the same question although i suspect its because he networked well and/or knew some biz owners already

faggot turtlecoin poster. i bet your that fag Sajo or crappyrules. probably the same faggot that doesnt even know why EdDSA is faster than ECDSA or how monero verifies the pederson commitments using zG as the proof instead of 0

have fun in hell faggot

I use proprietary software

I looked at the production build of a popular library and posted a guide on how to read the src code when in fact I just reworded the production code and I got a lot of github stars. PEOPLE ARE STUPID

im stupid

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my resume is full of lies

I actually don't enjoy programming but I do it because it pays well. I never ever code in my free time

Could be okay if it’s to initialize a smart pointer, though you should be using make_unique anyway.

I like PHP

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Confessing does not grant you forgiveness

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Im forced to program in javascript at work and i fucking hate it.
Also, i cant program

i've managed to hold senior linux admin position for 4 years without any bash scripting skills.

I hate challenge. I wish I could simply coast through life but instead it just breeds resentment and envy.
Also this. I went for math degree to prove I am either smart and hardworking, and now I fail tremendously.

if you cant program why on earth should you be allowed to write big-boy languages?

Fucking this, and it feels so awful to admit this too.

I can't code

he's in fact not, as he stated that he programs in javascript
my confessions:
> Since I learnt lisp all the other non-functional languages just bore me

> I hold very little knowledge of C++ - tried it once in uni - but since then I shit constantly on it and will probably never learn it unless extremely necessary

> I run my distro with systemd - too lazy to switch away from it

> Never updated my phone since the beginning of this year; It's still on Resurrection remix based on android 7.1.2

> haven't completed my SICP yet despite actually knowing scheme

> tell all of the potential employers I know haskell even if I tried it, like, once. Some of them even respect me more for that

> don't own a self-assembled desktop, yet I give advices to some of my younger coworkers. Which is kinda OK since they're all n00b js code monkeys apple users

> half-assed every single project ever I had in the university because it is renowned for stealing student's works/publications. Happened to my GF too - (((they))) didn't want to validate her scientific article only because she already published it beforehand precisely to avoid that kind of shenanigans

> do my job at half speed because I'd get loaded with tasks even more if I did it at full speed with no additional pay/recognition
that's probably it.

"If it ain't broken, don't fix it" is the only rule I truly follow as a sysadmin.

How did you survive ?

I love technology but I'm too dumb for programming

I created a discord account just to fit in the class

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I still use
>8G DDR3
>don't have SSD
and I see no problem with this, no problem whatsoever.

I use lot of open source but honestly I dont give a shit about the FOSS movement and would only code for things that make me money, even if it was a freeware I prefer to control my own projects.

read my post again, js is kiddie shit

I run antergos because I can't install arch
I don't know how to build a PC
My programming method is total improvisation, and I'm constantly at odds with my coworkers who like to spend months specifying the program on paper

none of you are doing it right then, but you're at least closer. Pro-tip, whenever you have finished a feature, write down a small entry on what went well, what went poorly, and what prior information could have helped you not make that mistake

Ok that can be read in 2 ways in my native lang, got you

I see how it can be ambiguous, but the fact that js is gopher-tier should make it pretty obvious

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I only seed derogatory pornography, which almost always has 2-5 seeders, sometimes even one.
It is always dude from Russia and/or from Israel, every fucking time.
God bless you.

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I honestly believe Windows isn't worse for programming than Linux once you get the important Linux features (via cygwin or WSL). And there are design decisions that Windows got right while Linux did not.
>inb4 Stallman autists
Anyone who thinks I should have to type out the full "systemd/Linux" name is a moron.

>derogatory pornography

eg. young exquisite flawless females thoroughly debased by $perversion.

I hired a poo from India to build me a website. I got scammed. He started no showing and I got mad, and he got mad that I got mad, and yeah.

I live in the Silicon Valley and i see nothing but poos everywhere and they make me sick looking at them now. I refuse to go to stores where they are clearly Indian owners. I used to like Indian food and now I don’t eat there.

I refuse to take Indian professors(this is not that common).

I feel like screaming “go back to your country” when I see especially a south eastern poo.

I wished I was like before, happy with Indian friends and eating Indian food, but after that bad experience with that scammer I have pure hatred for them, and I hate that. I wish I could be normal again.

But user, hating poos is normal.



based and COMpilled
now create a nested array expression and add two values to it

>I planned to create a language more edgy and unreadably than Perl that was easy to embed into Java. I failed at the "more edgy and unreadable" part, because after a decade of programming my brain is so used to making code readable.

>I plan to make embeddable subsets of Perl and PHP, including the legacy parts that make them scary.

>I bump this thread, because it's the most entertaining thing happening on this board right now.

I really really really want the new Air

I shill for Nim and Rust because i'm too brainlet for manual memory management.

My laptop's keyboard and my spare keyboard both had dead keys so I spent about a week with the 'a' key copied so I could paste it.
Shitposting was painful.

But you'd be a madman to do so

i only use vim because learning the keybindings ruined me for everything else

You should have remapped another key to 'a'.

My grandma buyed a powerful gaming PC for me in december 2016.
And this PC costs $3000.
Now several thousands people hate me all over Russia.

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You forgot the confession part where you confess that half your family is working in medical administration and one of them put in a good word for you.

I only come here for the tech retard stories.

i created systemd

>would only code for things that make me money
Free software is free as in freedom, not free as in price. You can care about the FOSS movement and also only code for things that make you money.

>I prefer to control my own projects
When you write free software it doesn't remove control from you, you still own the copyrights and can do what you like with the software

Free as in freedom and free as in price at the same time is best.

Advertising on radio and in the paper.
My uncle runs a practice and we've talked about pentesting for hippa compliance, but we've both got other things going on more important.

It's just meeting people really, go to a few of those young businesspeople meet and greets in your city.

> I've snapped more than one smartphone in half in anger
I switched to VIM initially for a color scheme.

the only reason i learnt how to use linux was so i could host a dedicated minecraft server

I shill haskell because i want to feel smart when i program toy scripts that no one will use.

i dont know any programming languages

Ever since I started working, I've been completely unable to do ANY private project.
I just can't motivate me to do it.
It feels like working in my freetime and something in my brain is strongly opposed to doing that.

I really, really want to try out flutter for mobile dev, because it could potentially be the right thing for the mobile apps my company wants to write.
But I've been unable to get myself to make anything but extremely, extremely basic programs.

I also have no fucking idea what matrices are.

More or less lost my enthusiasm for recreational coding with the workload from 3 years of a Computer Science Degree now. Is there any redemption?
So delighted they've revived the air ! Air vs Pro dialectic made sense. Pro vs Single USB port Intel M made no sense at all


I've never used KDE

I hate OOP. Procedural is so much comfy.

But I do love:
> return this;
just cause I can use it here.

I bought an IdeaPad instead of a ThinkPad and I really fucking regret it

>I also have no fucking idea what matrices are.
Basically arrays in arrays. They represent 2 dimensions and you can write their values in a rectangle. Images are essentially matrices with colours as values.

I know a government "programmer" that makes $150K doing this very thing. WHen ever there is problem with her "programms" she blames the network.
Closer examination of her code: hardcoded paths.

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Not him but why call them matrices? We've always called them multi-dimensional arrays.

c++ is not really oop
methods and inheritance are not what oop means

Literally every single person who ever said C++ is too complicated is retarded.

Im trying to read sicp but for some reason the syntax of scheme is really throwing me for a loop. Which im sure sounds weird because the syntax is so simple. Whenever i use the interpreter im fine, but then when I try to write a program in a file it never works. I would prefer to write in files, so that i can do my own little practice problems.

I have no interest in coding or technogy but I come here all the time because Jow Forums is the default starting board for Clover. I post mostly to give unsubstantiated opinions on polemic topics while posting smug anime girls. Also Stallman memes.

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C++ is like Java without a garbage collector.

Wanted to ask in disbelief, but who am I kidding.

>t. cnile

so basically you come for the whole Jow Forums experience


Matrices were conceived long before Arrays where, in the history of mathematics.

A Matrix is a latin word meaning 'womb' - that is, it contains something in it.

linux is unix-like, so blaming linux for behaving like unix is just retarded

I just cannot understand big O notation no matter how hard I try

I use my iPad nearly daily for 90% of what my laptop was used for. I think it’s by far the best tablet you can get on the market, even compared to the surface.