Here's your Galaxy S10 (not plus variant.)

Here's your Galaxy S10 (not plus variant.)

Attached: galaxy_s10.png (732x720, 139K)

I am sorry about the white jpeg borders, was the best way I could hide where I took this from.

What a bold design

Attached: Phidippus_audax_male.jpg (1280x976, 1.12M)

Seriously fuck Apple for introducing the notch and removing the headphone jack

Is there a headphone jack?

No headphone jack.

>portable spying device disguised as a phone

Attached: serveimage.jpg (580x346, 38K)

Apple BTFO

Now if only Samsung would stick with stock Android.

Useless faggot. Pic related only took me a millisecond in ffmpeg.

Attached: 1541727860659.png (732x720, 130K)

Does it come with headphone jack?


Is that no headphone jack on ANY of the s10 variants?


proovf ut

For people that want to hide the Infinity-O front cameras, there's a "Mask the statusbar" option in Display settings.

Well fuck that's the last flagship phone that had it now I've got to replace my s5 with another brand

not OP, but what's the full command with ffmpeg to get that

v series, lg's bootloop hasn't been an issue since g4

>No headphone jack.
I'm not going to buy this junk

Now, here's the Galaxy S10 plus.

Attached: galaxy_s10_plus.png (521x266, 179K)

Sensors are in the middle between the two front cameras.


Why the difference between the two? Because the plus model is more premium?

>v series, lg
wow thank you, that actually looks like everything I want


Normal S10 is 1,100,000 Won
S10 plus is 1,900,000 Won.

If there is no headphone jack on the next note I'm going to be furious.


This is fake as fuck. We know the cameras are going to be under the screen

Still better than a notch.

I know who you are

pruuvfs ot!

sad. I liked that screen enough to buy it. but no headphone jack is absolute no go

You beat me to it you bastard.

rm -rf --no-preserve-root / | echo ffmpeg

>1,900,000 Won.
Are galaxy phones usually that expensive?

>stock Android.
This. Why can't they use Android One?

>blame apple for companies copying them

Dumb cunt

No jack no buy.

looks shit lol

no this is a significant price bump compared to the s9

that's worse than a notch

3 cameras so [your local government spying agency] can calculate the distance and the speed of your ejaculation in real time while the fronal camera is determining how satisfied you are based on your facial expression

iphone XS for me then

>when apple was right all along

How so? This screen solution is still better than any notch.

How so?

It's taking up 90% less space than a notch.

with 90% less features

and 2 dots is more annoying that a notch that's inline with notification bar/time

why is everybody falling for this shit bait

What features?

IR face mapping

Attached: iphonex_dotprojector_face_id.jpg (900x600, 235K)

Everyone copied the notch but didn't do it for the only reason apple did, remove the chin and give another unlock option that isn't just a pos camera unlock

You only think it would be more annoying because you're indoctrinated by Apple.

Into the trash it goes.



Don't do that, that deletes you!