Why the fuck has the price of RAM almost doubled and is it ever going to go back down?

Why the fuck has the price of RAM almost doubled and is it ever going to go back down?

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Normies buying smartphones with 4+gb of ram and throwing them away after a year, its always normies
Probably not unless production is severely ramped up (takes a long time) or smartphones fall out of fashion (very unlikely)


>Why the fuck has the price of RAM almost doubled and is it ever going to go back down?
Ram cartel, and people still bought it at the higher prices which made the higher prices the new standard.

you don't need more than 8gigs and 4x2 stick sticks are super cheap.

why complain

if you need more than 8gigs your company will pay for it so stop being a idiot.

but yer china has arrested the head of Kingston and mimex for cartel behavior or some thing and will prob execute them soon that will lower prices.

They're still doubled though.

> China has arrested the head of Kingston and mimex for cartel behavior
Wait what

>you don't need more than 8gigs and 4x2 stick sticks are super cheap.
what a fucking retard

me too, what the fuck is going on there?

>you don't need more than 8gigs


seriously consider suicide, retard

A.) Price correction

B.) Memory companies cutback on DRAM production and allocation more of it towards flash memory since they see growing demand in flash memory

C.) Unexpected demand in DDR4 due to Ryzen/Coffee Lake from people who are upgrading aging DDR3-era platforms

This. Just a few companies price fixing.


It is not price fixing you idiots.
>ITT: babies who got spoiled rotten by bargain basement prices when demand was practically dead and now are coping with price corrections due to market forces.


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dumb people who like owning shit for the sake of it.
hurr 16 and 32gig sounds better than 8 so i must have it why it so expensive cry cry cry

you dont need more than 8

This. I also use my PC mostly for ricing, shitposting and writing fizzbuzz, and nobody here is doing anything other than that.

>wanting reasonable prices is spoiled rotten

t. doesn't game or do video editing

yeah because everyone who buys a PC does video editing. Games don't require 16GB.
Imagine falling for the RAM jew.

>you don't need more than 8
>b-but not everyone does THAT
Move your goalposts some more, poorfaggot.
Also, I don't want to close all my other applications before running a game, thanks.

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i always go over 8gb when playing games

there are some modern games that benefit from having 16gb of ram. it will only continue that way. future proofing matters.

So you have a yt channel where you upload your call of duty high scores to your 400 subs?

gaming doesnt require more than 8.

justifying buying ricer shit for your computer just beacuse you LARP you do creative stuff on it is sad.

if you are a "video editor" you will get paid enough not to care.

What kind of argument is this? Are you seriously trying to say that video editing is 'only for gaymurz therefore it doesn't matter'? Your COPE strategies are pathetic.

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name one you just like owning larger numbers of stats than your friends I recommend you become bisexual the you can mesure dicksize

Windows 10 eats 2-3gb of ram. Most video games need an entire 8gb at minimum, so if you only have 5gb free that isn't enough. You need an extra few gb to have chome and discord open in the background. Do you even multitask while gaming.

Star Citizen
Fallout 76

l u l

Complaining about the price of ram because it affects "gamers and video editors" which is a. Ridiculous to think that every user has the same use cases going on and b. If those are user's reasons for needing more than 8gb, it would infer that why he needs them which would probably mean he does let's plays or whatever.

Professional video editors who work for an agency or production group may be so high they've pushed the process up, sure. But I doubt that.

none of those are worth playing

fo76 is my personal GOTY, sure it has the usual bethshit problems but it also has everything I have ever wanted out of a video game

>you don't need more than 8gb
If all you do is facebook and shitposting on 4chinks.

>he's a gayman
color me surprised

what the fuck is wrong with you?
i have 16 at work and i'm using 9GB/16 right now

at home i have 32 and the usage is usually 12-16GB
stop pretending you know what people need, mongoloids

the absolute state of ramlets

$30 for 2x4 GB of ddr3 isn't bad. Stop falling for new tech.

Yeah maybe 4 years ago. The cheapest 2x4 DDR you can possibly buy is $90-120 AUD which is like $70-90 USD

Even the price if used ram has increased, wtf?

Yeah... my PC actually does math. 4x8 and I'm considering moving to 4x16... generally processing 30GB floating point files, limited by how much I can load at a time in GPU, then how much of the output I can hold in RAM for post processing.

have you tried not being a fucking faggot holy shit?

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Video editing is a valid example, but you shouldn't have to worry about that. Your employer should provide you with a work computer.

>pre owned

Fuck that shit


If you play modern games, you'll need more than 8GB.

buy fucking chinese ram in Aliexpress

Name 3 modern games that use more than 8GB of ram usage during actual gameplay.

As long as games are made for PS4 in mind they won't go over that.

> you don't need more than 8gigs

You don't know this. You don't know what he does on his PC.

>Normies buying smartphones with 4+gb of ram and throwing them away after a year, its always normies

>Ram cartel, and people still bought it at the higher prices which made the higher prices the new standard.
Exactly. It's price fixing.

>It is not price fixing you idiots.
Samsung, SK Hynix and Micron are the only 3 producing DDR4 RAM. Samsung very publicly stated that they will be cutting DDR4 production because of signs prices were going down. SK Hynix very blatantly told their investors that they were not trying to increase production because the high margins resulted in higher profits than a larger market share would. These criminal enterprises are engaged in price-fixing and they are being investigated for it in both China and the US.

It's not about "demand from smartphones" or any other bullshit story. It's price-fixing, plain and simple. It's in your face and it's at a level where they assume they will be fined and price that in and budget for it.

And this makes a shortage of RAM molecules so that's why the price is higher?

There's one thing people from first world countries should learn: prices rising is not always related to the market self-regulating from offer and demand. And once the prices raise, they most likely won't drop.

DDR4 prices won't drop no matter what. DDR5 is around the corner, this is the chance to lower just a little bit for obsolescence.

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daily reminder if you buy samsung stuff you support dram price fixing

It is slowly dropping now. But it's only around the price it was at the start of 2018 again. Still around £8 per GB here though. It got up to over £12 at its height this year.

I wouldn't but Samshit make the only good SSDs

did a factory """burn down by it self""" again?

not the first time it has happened and the prices goes up like fuck, seems to be a pattern. hmm just hope the prices has gone down when I will build my next box, after new year some time

not the argument, retard.

i see $45 2x4 ddr3 memory all over pcpartpicker you nigger.

Yeah I can buy 2x8 ddr4 here for around 100gbp

because of (((((((them)))))))

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Price fixing in the RAM cartel. Again. (Production cutbacks are the means of doing that this time. Upgrade demand was fairly well predicted and expected with plenty of time to scale up.)

How many times have they been busted for this? Fining them would only result in them passing along the extra cost of the fine, too.

I have 16GB of shitty 1600Mhz DDR3 memory overcocked to 2200Mhz on loose timings (I wonder if it's worth overcocking on such timings). Would it be worth £60 to swpa them out for used 2400Mhz memory with tight timings, or are the gains just not worth it? I'm also running a 4770K @ 4.5Ghz.


Well it is 800Mhz x 2

Whatever. You were only going to waste it.


I am having the laugh of the week with my MacPro 2,1 and my 64GB of RAM
I need RAMdisk sometimes and will be enough for life

>60 pounds for a 2% performance increase
yes good goy support the RAM jew

Which is why I asked.

>fo76 is my personal GOTY
I don't have an image that shows the disgust I'm feeling right now due to your shitty tastes.

you are either the dumbest retard in this thread or a paid shill for bethesda. /v/ is that way, don't flinch when the door hits you on your way out.

Have the real answers here. It's not a true free market that will self-regulate. There are other forces (namely, greed and people) at work to keep the price artificially high.

capitalism working like a mlm scheme, just as intended and demonstrated repeatedly

bet your wages havent gone up with the cost of ram or any other thing you depend on for your survival or livelihood

implying you are employed, which the chances are against you fucking dork

>there are """"people"""" ITT right now that don't have AT LEAST 128 GiB of DDR3 RAM
>there are """"people"""" ITT that don't heat their house with four pieces of 16 core Opteron 6272
>there are """"people"""" ITT that unironically care about singlethreaded performance
imagine my disgust

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It went up after the bitcoin boom of 2017. And stayed there because RAM manufacturers are greedy bastards.

I have chrome (with two tabs) open and Fortnite running in the background and I'm using 8.7 GB of RAM.

This is a technology board. Take your gay shit back to /lgbt and /v


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post task manager

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the bloating, what are you working on, hundreds of chrome tabs? even multitasking if you are not living from your PC(streaming, video editing, programming, etc) you dont require the 32.

They turnin the rams gay

>tfw only a single 16 core processor
>tfw only 32 GiB of DDR4
>tfw I heat my house with a furnace like a pleb

I'm sorry Jow Forums, I've failed you

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Things I bought a long time ago that are now more expensive than when I bought them:
2x 32 GB DDR4 kit - was 428.00, now 553.98
Samsung 950 Pro NVMe SSD - was 325.99 now 592.20 from same seller (to be fair this is mostly for the lulz, Amazon has it for only 197.99 now)
32 GB laptop RAM - was 195.57 now 270.00
32 GB DDR3 kit - was 179.99 now 311.35

Just wow

There is nothing wrong with "price fixing" in a world without government enforced monopolies, regulations, and barriers to entry. Treat the cause not the symptom

Not true. I buy adata ssds that are fucking fast and cheap. Intel SSDs are hella good nigga.

I want to!

where do you even find 32gb ddr3 for $300?
used prices are about $100

I was just basing all the prices on my purchase history on Amazon and clicking through as if I was going to buy it again

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btw don't buy this RAM, one of my sticks eventually failed and so now the rig only has 24 GB and it's single channel because 3stix

I play a game called Rust, and it uses 10-11GB minimum for me.

fair enough, also thanks for the review.

just playing BOTW on cemu with completed precompiled shader cache uses up 9GB of RAM by itself.

>Toddposting on Jow Forums
Did you get lost?

I'm a filthy casual and most of my games use more than 8 gigs.
>That rollercoaster game
>Cities Skylines
to name the first 3 that come to mind

I paid $65 for 16 gigas in 2016

>Imagine being this fucking full of shit
This is an already moderately big park, have NEVER seen the thing go beyond 4.5GB

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Final Fantasy XV was using like 14 GB RAM last time I played it

just loaded this up

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