/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

Attached: Fuck_Micro$hit.jpg (960x960, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


how the fuck do I bash script a gf

Requiring that your software is only used for good is not GPL compatible.

xubuntu + i3 + zsh + oh-my-zsh + pcmanfm + vs code

Attached: fursuit smoke.gif (200x200, 1.04M)

Inferior to Arch.

ubuntu mini.iso
>zsh + oh-my-zsh
>vs code
sublime text

got no time for that piddly fiddly dum-de-doo biddly

Arch is just a stepping stone.

to what?

Becoming one with the universe.

Attached: lfs-puzzle-2.jpg (265x112, 8K)

Is it pointless to run a 100% free software set up if you don't have free hardware? I mean I would be supporting devs in some way by using their shit but I am assuming I am still open to intel's backdoors.

That's a bad way to think about it. You're still improving your privacy, minimizing attack vectors and fighting the good fight. You're also giving more reason to follow. It's gonna take a while to be 100% free, but even 50% is better than 0. Just because your shoes are gonna get a bit dirty when you take a walk through the forest doesn't mean you should give up and roll in the mud.


Kinda like playing proprietary steam games on gnu/linux. Far from total freedom but you avoid all the shit Windows comes with.

Cool, I removed my non-free repos and packages the other week and haven't missed any of them. I'm even suffering with LibreJS although sometimes I come back to firefox to shitpost without it (like right now).

I actually got rid of steam but the only game I play is Stellaris so I am not missing out... wait Stellaris isn't free...

Sauce on pic?

Does anyone know how to install iwlwifi on devuan? It says the package has no installation candidate

Do you have contrib and non-free repos enabled?


Attached: .png (1140x712, 1.4M)

link to this zine in the op pic? I want to Read it.

I want to make a NAS for home use using Mdadm.

does Mdadm have array scaling? If I were to say take out a 4tb in an array of all 4tb hdds and put in a 6tb one will it auto adjust the pool to accommodate the new drive capacity? Basically I want synology hybrid raid without having to spend a premium on thier prebuilt NAS computers.

One of the main reasons that I decided not to use FreeNas is because it doesn't seem to have that feature. I don't really want to go through the tedious process of adding and deleting old pools every time I want to add a new hard drive and I don't want to have to replace every single hard drive in the array with larger drives in order to get the full benefit.

Attached: file.png (1380x881, 569K)

Its called parity and if you dont understand that you might as well not even bother

maybe you should read the text in that image again

Maybe you should read up on what parity is.
Your meme graphic means nothing.

>I don't really want to go through the tedious process of adding and deleting old pools every time I want to add a new hard drive and I don't want to have to replace every single hard drive in the array with larger drives in order to get the full benefit.
write a GNU Bash script to do it for you

I think you are completely missing the point.

traditional RAID 5 or 6 will only use the space equivalent to the smallest drive to make the array. IIf you have one 500gb hard drive and four 2tb hard drives the 2tb drives can only contribute 500gb each to the array.

This is the issue that I am discussing, it has nothing to do with parity. If you look closely you can see that parity is still calculated in the total usable capacity (4x2tb =6tb usable space)

I'd love to do that AFTER I find out that nothing supports array scaling. The less work I need to do the better. I just want to pop some hard drives in and forget about it until one of them fails and I need to replace it.

>go to meme website
>control+f parity
>zero results
That "wasted" space is parity.
All you're doing is making a giant lvm pool and making one partition out of it with no parity.

Attached: storage_raid_06.png (925x486, 108K)

the parity is still calculated are you fucking blind?


Attached: advcpmv (cp and mv).jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Nothing on the website or your graphic shows parity. Just a giant lvm pool

Patches are outdated

again are you fucking blind?

It is never mentioned because it is entirely irrelevant to the issue being discussed. They still have space dedicated to parity it just isn't explicitly labeled because there is no fucking need to do so.

Attached: file.png (1147x948, 81K)

> will it auto adjust the pool to accommodate the new drive capacity?
No. Also, what the other user said about parity. You can't just add +2TB of usable spave without sacrificing reliability, because other drives won't grow additional 2 TBs to compensate for it. However, you can create another partition on these 2 TB, it won't be redundant, though.

Do you guys can make lesspipe work? Is a filter for less to view different file formats github.com/wofr06/lesspipe
I already set the environment variable but it wont work.

What featured here is neat, but it's so... Unconventional, to say the least. In case of Synology:
- 1st image is RAID5
- 2nd is RAID 5 on top of RAID 0 for two 500 GB drives (and I hate to think what happens if one of the 2 TB drives goes out)
- 3rd is two partitions and two RAID5 for 1.5TB partitions (3 TB) and for 500 GB patitions (1.5 TB), 4.5 TB total.
I dunno, is it a good idea? I have a couple of HDDs and may want to throw something out of them.

I just wanted to know if it was possible in Mdadm to do something similar, not necessarily in the same way, but at least easy to use.

I don't have a ton of money laying around to buy 5 or 6 all new drives to increase my storage. being able to increase storage on a per disk basis is much more convenient and budget friendly, which is why I was hoping there was some way to do that without sacrificing reliability.

is there any documentation for making gtk themes

If there are no scripts which can do that for you - install Xpenology.

No, nobody makes those.

>being able to increase storage on a per disk basis
lvm pool

Artix or Void?



Do you guys use screensavers for your terminal?

Attached: x_2018-11-09-16:23:37.png (1280x720, 17K)

Docker or Snap?


Is linux-ck a meme?


Do non-programmers use Linux? If so, why?


For all the other reasons:
-security OOB
-great, real terminal tools for non-programmers
-all the cool free software available from repos usually
and so on.

then what?

i dont understand, is it because of Eudev?

>refuse business
>it goes to a competitor instead
This kills the political zoomer

Are there any virtualization solutions for Linux that support a seamless mode for Windows applications? I generally use QEMU/KVM, and I'd prefer to stick with that, but I'm open to other solutions as well.

>Single location for all software
>Single location for all drivers
>Not stuck using one window manager(windows ui fucking sucks dick and lacks many features)
>No forced obsolescence

Hmm. But it's mostly programmers though, right?

Guix or Nix.

I've been using some sort of linux as my home desktop since the 90's
i'm not a programer.

Yes, many people use Linux in Android.


curl -s -L raw.githubusercontent.com/keroserene/rickrollrc/master/roll.sh | bash

Attached: original.png (400x322, 121K)

Your package manager.

Maybe a better question is if you were a non-programmer why would you WANT to use an operating system that all the people who understand computers and programming wouldn't touch with a 20ft pole?
Of course the answer is that maybe it's too difficult to use anything else. But _all things being equal_ if I didn't know shit about computers I would want to use the OS that people who do know shit about computers are using, provided it was easy enough for me to handle.

That being said, GNU/Linux probably still does lack a bit in the user-friendliness department when it comes to solving things that go wrong. When everything is working right it can actually be very user friendly, but it's just when something does go wrong then probably all the advice you're going to get will involve using a terminal, editing files, things of that nature.
So in conclusion: Even if everyone shouldn't or can't use GNU/Linux, I do believe that everyone should still _want_ to be using GNU/Linux (or at least some OS that isn't windows/mac) right now. It really is the best possible future for computing, for everyone and that's no joke. Even if you're completely tech illiterate I can guarantee you that you are not getting the best computing experience that you can.
Win and Mac are like toy OSes developed in an era of tech illiterates. We are moving more and more into a digital age where and more and more those OSes are being revealed to be nothing but hindrances to progress.

>Maybe a better question is if you were a non-programmer why would you WANT to use an operating system that all the people who understand computers and programming wouldn't touch with a 20ft pole?

Which torrent client is superior? Will run on server so need for gui. Possibly an web interface but would rather have a nice api.



- rtorrent with any of the many UIs for it
- both transmission and qstalledmeme ship with web interface

You're talking about freedom on a proprietary image board. And you're not supporting the developers unless you donate or help contribute to the code. Just give up.

>but you avoid all the shit Windows comes with

But you're literally just porting Windows shit into Linux.

whatever makes you sleep at night.

Just open up a theme and look at it. Best way to learn.

This bro's, will look into it

>just works

It's not 2004 anymore granpa, rtorrent is antiqued and garbage

Attached: 1540455322253.png (745x726, 441K)

>tfw first used Slackware in '98. Used it up until ~2013 before switching to Arch. Switched to Manjaro in 2016 for better simplicity without having to learn a different package manager and repository.

Linux is a kernel.

What is the best distro?
Pls no meme answers.

WiFi cables.

>film editor apprentice
>couple years experience with babby's first Ubuntu+Gnome
>considering going in deeper

should I install Debian/Gentoo to git gud or go the easy Ubuntu Studio/AV Linux way?

I don't need anything except basic normie activities on home pc, and it free as in beer, thats why.

why the fuck am I even here


Because you erroneously bilieve that you belong here.

Mom & Dad


Attached: 1539531564080.jpg (800x800, 290K)

How's SystemD OS treating ya?

I am not using it senpai

Attached: 1544910765.gif (959x527, 354K)

I don't even know what it is XD

I only install the purest of Gentoos

for i in *; do
if [ -d $i ]; then
echo "$i is a directory"
echo "going to cd into this directory"
cd $i
for j in *; do
if [ -f $j ]; then
echo "$j"
cd ..
grep -rl $name
cd $i
cd ..
echo "$i isn't a directory"
for whatever reason the grep command isn't working like it should. Am I not in my parent directory or what? when I use grep in the same place this script is I can find all instances of another script being called but when I use this script it doesn't find anything

Is it possible to download packages/updates pararell with pacman instead of one queing? If not with pacman is it possible with some package manager?


I'm going to need more info on this.

not him but I have a no-xorg setup on my thinkpad at the moment
basically you just use gpm for your mouse and use terminal programs in the tty only
some of them can even display pictures and whatever
I have heard rumors that you can watch anime in the framebuffer but I have yet to try it

mpv -vo fbdev I guess

is there a way to display time and battery statun in the openbox root menu? recently switched from KDE and I really don't wanna use a dock.


shell scripting stops being fun when you realize filenames can contain newlines

wait what the fuck