The Virgin Windows User vs The Chad Arch User

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>can't avoid windows updates
Ten minus three, faggot

>posted by the soiboi itoddler

Fatal server error: cannot open /dev/tty0 (no such file or directory)

Attached: linux_vs_windows.png (1200x756, 549K)

>no "has never seen in his life"

Based and redpilled

Not a bad example of the Chad/Virgin genre. Bravo, user!


i installed arch linux last night, what do.

install gentoo

this, but Void

>some idiots un-ironically think open source software is a bad thing
Is like they fetishize the boot that kicks them.

But I'm installing devuan

>the industry standard vs the autistic faggot

But it's true. Like all things of its ilk, you can't win by beating proprietary software (your entire religion lacks the talent, money or time to do that) - so instead, product dump barely-usable (but free as in beer) pale imitations of proprietary software, decrease the apparent value of said proprietary software, and they have to price (and therefore, re-invest) it lower. They can only hold things back for so long with ads, telemetry and IAP. It degenerates into a classic race to the bottom, and before long everything is worthless crap. The final irony, is that freetards will then declare they've "won".

how fucking clueless do people have to be to think that businesses only want to make as much money as they need to stay afloat. It's like a battered wife defending her probably black, abusive husband.
>They're only using telemetry because they have to!
Dumbfuck, they'd still do everything they could to make money even if free alternatives didn't put their shitty, buggy products to shame.

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>I have no counter-argument ill instead just scream names like a triggered bitch
Go suck your thumb, kid.

and you're reading comprehension is nigger-tier as well. great. Here, let me restate it for your blind, deaf and dumb ass:
>that businesses only want to make as much money as they need to stay afloat
has no basis either in common sense or reality.
>they'd still do everything they could to make money even if free alternatives didn't put their shitty, buggy products to shame.
Give a single reason why they wouldn't (that's not the equivalent of "he really cares about me! He only beats me because he has to!")

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>I still have no counter-argument ill instead just scream names like a triggered bitch
Nu-Jow Forums.

What a shitty strawman.

if your $300 product can't stand up to hobbyist alternatives, then you have no right to compete in a free market. Curl up and die like the pajeet filth you are.

learn what strawman means, bud. Everyone here can tell what a dipshit you are.

>I STILL have no counter-argument ill instead just scream names like a triggered bitch

wrong dude, my little capslocking cutie.

I know what a strawman is. What's tragic is that you don't. Your childish name-calling and autistic emotional outbursts tell everyone exactly what they need to know about you - top of that list being your credibility level.

No, this is capslocking.

For reference regarding the picture, this is what the current lion of the nordic battlegroup looks like.

Attached: 300px-Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Nordic_Battlegroup.svg.png (300x399, 106K)

>no flash
are you fucking sure about that

Open source is digital cuckoldry, no way around it. One big jizz cookie. With proprietary software, I know people who write it would be out of a job if they didn't keep up with the standards.

Windows 7 is the patrician choice for Windows, but even Ubuntu is better than win 7. Hell, you might as well use osX.

Firefox is better than Google Chrome though.

>the virgin yay -Syu
>politely asks to only update packages about once a week or even month
>gets sad when there's no updates
>gets his .db broken somehow
>updates coming right after he finishes executing the command
>server refuses to send him a new database

>the Chad yay -Syyuu
>forces the whole database to be refreshed
>abusing the server every minute
>updates coming right before he hits enter
>"No updates? yay -Syyuu"
>system is clean and working perfectly

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Extremely based