What terminal emulator do you guys use?

I am curious to see if anything has displaced rxvt-unicode

Attached: Terminal-01.png (280x280, 3K)

Other urls found in this thread:

bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ source/vte3/ bug/1430620

It's sort of a meme but I started using st with a few patches and I quite like it.



rxvt is unironically shit. Fuck, I'd tell you to use termite over it to be honest. At the moment st seems to be the best. Solid base, and with a couple patches it can easily shit all over any terminal while remaining probably half the size.



I use gnome-terminal da best

what needs to be patched?

Code base is a fucking joke, and doesn't even have something as simple as True Color? Shit.
Depends on the person I guess, download st for yourself and see what you'd need? I only have a couple for scrollback and copy/paste.

Konsole because I spent ages figuring out how to give it meme blur

Attached: 8BBA6FF1-AE4B-4CA0-ADF8-64B42E071BE5.png (1366x768, 1.11M)

At least you're willing to admit you're a moron user.

Attached: 1461175925326.jpg (250x223, 7K)

>his terminal doesn't have dropdown functionality

what dropdown functionality is needed?

yakuake and sometimes konsole

What's wrong with konsole

with eighties colours

any steps to patch this thing on a gentoo? all i want is scroll-back but portage is spitting errors at me whenever i try to build this thing with diff files.

>what terminal emulator do you guys use?
xfce4-terminal && roxterm



no emulator, I use the real Linux terminal.
enjoy your dirty graphics :)

I just use konsole or eshell

Urxvt opens fastest, so urxvt it is

What do you mean emulator? I use debian without DE/WM????


Just use tmux for scroll back and copy/paste is on default st now (I think since 8.0.1).



manually patch it, add the code at the right places

why would you need to emulate a terminal, can't you just run it natively

Konsole is the best terminal emulator hands down


Because I'm a windows pleb.


you can, just type init 3

the only right answer, Jow Forums is full of clueless normies

st with tmux, zsh+powerline. all hail vi-modes

iterm2 : ^ )


It supports text rewrapping, and also lets you have a transparent background.
I used to use gnome-terminal, until they decided nobody should be allowed to have a transparent background.

Give this macfag a reason to switch from iTerm.


xterm of course

Attached: xterm.png (972x613, 3K)

>Konsole because I spent ages figuring out how to give it meme blur
Konsole blur is literally three clicks

St. Anything else is bloat

you don't mean urxvt ?

GNOME Terminal



Or just pipe to less

I use Termite

The Bloat of all bloats but goddamn do I love its absolutely juicy CRT nostalgia effects

gnome-term with my own custom bash :D

Rxvt-unicode. It's still best lightweight terminal emulator

You can like it but don't lie to yourself:
there's nothing lightweight about that monstrosity
how many terminal instances are you running that you actually care about it?
Unless you're running on an absolute toaster (which is possible), there are only two criteria I care about:
is it pretty? for me konsole takes on that one
user experience - how fast does the text appear on terminal after a key press. xterm wins on that one


Can't say I can notice the speed OpenGL acceleration provides compared to urxvt but it definitely behaves better.


It looks pretty out of the box and it has everything I have ever needed so idgaf
i don't even use xfce

Not an argument

Standard xfce terminal, convince me to install something else.

now you only need to figure out what to use for editing text files



I'm using st.

Also see gist.github.com/XVilka/8346728 for useful truecolor terminals. Fuck 256 colour palettes and the like.


For example: docs.xfce.org/apps/terminal/dropdown

It basically replaces garbage like dmenu with a persistent hide/unhide terminal window.

im surprised not many people use xterm


> xterm
It's doing a lot of things just about nobody needs it to do (see st.suckless.org/ for a comment on it), and doesn't do all things well that people would like it to do.

Also if you have been on Linux for a while, you might have had quite a few times when urxvt or something else supported features you needed and xterm did not. Maybe you switched then.


Not an argument

I'm not even configuring it much beside a different font

Or simply anything based around VTE, it just wurks

well, how did you?


I made a shell script and also a C program which can turn any terminal into a "drop-down" terminal

urxvt because image previews just work in ranger.

any terminal can do it you're retarded

or just play tetris

xterm, because I use multiple of the features it has that minimal terminals omit, and it also works better than garbage like gnome terminal. I do multiple things with color and scrollback.

It's devs are also retarded. They refuse to disable scrollback buffer flushing to disk. Even if you disable infinite scroll, the library writes the scrollback to disk. For years, this was a security issue, because they didn't even encrypt it, and now it's still a waste of disk writes if you have a lot of terminal input, because instead of discarding the buffer (as you should if infinite scroll isn't needed), they continuously write it to disk.
>bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ source/vte3/ bug/1430620
>Another week of heavily using gnome-terminal for everyday work, another 15 MB of data written. (I won't measure this anymore.)
Instead of addressing the issue that useless writes are made, they conclude that their anecdotal tests prove a couple hundreds MB isn't relevant and disregard it. Meanwhile, in 2018, I can still reproduce VTE-based terminals writing to disk as scrollback grows. Typing dmesg causes 36864 or so bytes to be written to disk each time, for no goddamn reason at all. GNOME devs, everyone.

VTE based terminals also have the worst latency if you look at benchmarks: lwn.net/Articles/751763/

xterm. Nothing beats it.

cygwin isn't a terminal though

Used to use st but switched to xterm for now. Image rendering is not working as well as on xterm so fuck it.

st is the only right answer
Bloated shitware that even its developers admit is garbage

fbterm in a WMless environment. Otherwise rvxt in X. In every case I use tmux as a proto-tiling environment, and it lets me share a session between multiple terminals.

urxvt but only because everytime I try to patch st it refuses to fucking compile
suckless can be a really shit meme sometimes

>needs KDE to blur

Attached: 2018-10-30-1540953346.png (1920x1080, 1.62M)

I wish Linux had anything as good as iTerm2 in OSX.

Attached: terminal.png (1920x1080, 369K)

What's so special about it?

I like your setup user

I use rxvt but will probably switch to st soon because it deals with pictures in ranger better.


My nigga

Attached: 1539032214566.jpg (449x569, 64K)

It’s ok man. I realized I should just use tmux anyway.

It's just all around good and does everything, while in linux you have the same set of features spread across different emulators and no single one of them has the full set.

Name some of that "everything" a typical linux terminal lacks.

What compositor do you use? Compton shits the bed when I try it.