>decided to learn 3d modelling
>get bored after 3 minutes
>decided to learn programming
>get bored after 3 minutes
>decided to learn 3d modelling
>get bored after 3 minutes
>decided to learn programming
>get bored after 3 minutes
>depression general
How is this a depression? More likely I just can't paying attention to anything for more than 3 minutes
Try to learn to get bored, you'll get over it in 3 minutes
I unironically believe you have to have to be born with talent to 3d modelling or 3d scultping, that shit is fucking impossible to learn.
Wtf are you me? I have the same exact issue and I can't break myself out of it. Please someone help me ;-;
Pro tip OP: use caffeine
i dont think you have to have talent to model a car or a bulding.
Nah, it's totally possible, just as it is possible to learn drawing. Hell, even taste (as in your mouth) is something you learn.
I believe that if something bores you, then you won't be happy doing that, so find another skill that you might have.
I would be happy touching girls. But they don't like it.
>decide to do
>get bored after 3 minutes
>stop being a pussy and keep doing it despite being bored
>git good at
this, it's called discipline
Will you still be bored at it?
you can start taking adderall but i warn you better accomplish what you want within 5 years or your brain will be altered like mine and will no longer release dopamine for normal things that you're supposed to like doing
3d Modelling IS boring, because it's tedious. Trying to manipulate 3 dimensions using 1 and 2 dimensional inputs on a 2 dimensional display is tedious. It's why we have motion-capture, post-processing of live action capture etc. IMO artists are quite limited by current 3d modelling tools.
t. did a bit of 3d modelling in uni
Programming on the other hand is the ultimate engineer experience, if you find it boring perhaps you just don't want to create things.
>Programming on the other hand is the ultimate engineer experience
I wouldn't go that far, the state of todays programming languages, libraries and tools is pretty bad.
Anything during the learning stages is only as fun as you make it
I think all (self taught, I guess) programmers should start off with web dev, because you start making visual shit on day 1, and it gives you that "oh wow, I can physically see what I'm changing on the screen!" feeling instantly, which is super nice
Even cs50 starts you off with scratch, knowing you'll get into it more if you can just make something visual right away by putting together a few logical pieces
>decide to watch porn
>14 hours pass in the blink of an eye
Doesn't that just hurt and feel less satisfying at some point?
>decide to learn programming
>"that exercise is really trivial and tedious to program. I'm skipping it"
After couple years of hard work you will most likely start to enjoy it and reap the best kind of fun, the actually earned fun.
learn networking
You aren't supposed to "decide to learn" something. Come up with a project, preferably something you actually would use, and make it
>he can't write things in the standard C library
He said the ultimate engineering experiance and he meant it. It's not my fault you use j*va
I literally can write a standard C library.
Engineering isn't about taking the worst tools available for the job.
bruh if you do it just to learn it, it isn't fun. work on a project for something that you or others might use, and it becomes fun to create something, and you'll learn a lot in the process.
>I literally can write a standard C library.
Anyone could. But can you write one that's optimized, free of errors, and fully compliant with the standards?
Anyone could given enough time. Not sure why you think doing something more diligent makes someone more proficient.
The best way of learning is to gamify the learning process.
That's what I learned. If you want to learn something, then gamify it.
The Japanese learned this a long time ago.
Anyway, just want some youtube channels, watch twich streans, just watch people program, and maybe you'll learn that way.
how are you supposed to build a desktop application without learning C++ and Qt first?
>not using JavaScript for everything
get a load of this boomer
become a gynecologist
>3d modelling
he'll be touching greasy grandmas instead
>decide to make programming my job
>get stressed out after 3 minutes
>cannot stop because my life depends on it
Just fucking fuck my fucking shit up
same desu
londonfrog, is that you?
he'll be touching girls, but they still won't like it
No, but you need to stare into the abyss, and then ignore it staring back at you.
Once you get past that point, you could get into a talent vs non talent thing. Where some people have a background where they visualize and do their workflow rapidly, and others have to do it step by step. Both these groups are still capped by amount of practice and experience in different techniques.
How to learn programming
First, read a textbook about programming in some language, then manuals for several programming languages including Lisp. If this makes natural intuitive sense to you, that indicates your mind is well-adapted towards programming.
If they don't make intuitive sense to you, I suggest you do something other than programming. You might be able to do programming to some degree with a struggle, but if you find it a struggle you won't be very good at it. What's the point of programming if it is a struggle instead of a fascination?
You just have to get your epiphany, the moment you realize that yes, everything is made up of basic shapes
Buy magnesium b6, l-theanine 100-200mg, and monster energy (1 can a day).
Thank me later
Thanks Richard