Jesus fucking christ

>Personal qualities
>First of all, you have the highscore in leadership skills and you have a great interest in tech. Maybe you know who Linus is and you most definitely know what PUBG is

Attached: Untitled.png (1060x772, 171K)

They appear to require an applicant who looks like a smug faggot furry. Talk about fucked in the head.

>gaming related company
>ask you to know about videogames

and this is bad because....

Breivik should apply, I doubt there are many people with a highscore of 77 or more.

Because you don't sell bideogaems you are supposed to sell computer cases, keyboards and mice


Fractal Design is gaming related? They make computer cases. I fail to see how that makes them gaming related. Unless making cases is related to gaming, in which case that makes Apple a gaming company.

good one user

if you are not into videogames, why do you want to work in a company who does something related to it? It's like wanting to work in the NASA but you hate space or wanting to work in a sound editing company and hate multimedia software.

You're missing the fucking point your dumb fuck.

kek, nice reading comprehension, fag. Oh wait, you are just angry because furries trigger you, lol.

>Talks about others reading comprehension. Still doesn't get the fucking point.

Fractal Design has as much to do with video gaming as Walmart.

Wow, I should apply uwu

>gaming related company
Have you seen any of their cases or products in general? They are dull and focused in silence not airflow. They added tempered glass to some of their cases the last year and that's pretty much all they've done to cater to the "gaminig" community.


Didn't you know? Selling cases, case fans, rebranded PSUs, rebranded coolers and various accessories makes you a gaming related company.

>leadership skills
>slaughtering kids on an island
i want Jow Forums to leave

wtf i hate fractal now

Just stop replying to him. He's likely a blow-in from r/pcmasterrace and likely thinks that gaming is the only reason why someone would build a computer.

A lot of people actually does that you moron. They work in something they don't really like because there's good money in it. You can work for NASA even if you hate space, you know not all the nasa workers go to space, you can be a janitor and don't give a fuck about space, or be an electronics engineer and just work on circuit boards and don't give a fuck about space.

Guess how I realize you don't know anything about gaming and gaming accessories.

They're specifically asking for someone who is into gaming PROBABLY because they plan on partnering with a few major games for special edition cases, mice, etc. Like razer does.

Looks like Fractale are desperate. They havent really come up with anything new over the past 4-6 years, whilst even chink shit case makers are doing the minimalist case meme as good as they are.

They need to step it up

it's cute how you hate making money,.

>being a corporate cuck
Good goy

Also why is it in Swedish?

>First of all, you have the highscore in leadership skills and you have a great interest in tech
How is this bad?

>squeezing money from gamers selling them shit

I repeat, it's cute how you hate money

soft skills
communication skills
good orthography

these are (according to Jow Forums) meme skills. Jow Forumsanons are going to be successful only knowing how to rice desktops and programming in Haskell.


reddit pls

Its a marketing assets director position, basically a manager/team leader to manage designers, good leadership skills is exactly whats needed

>smug faggot furry
there's your answer

>not using a .jobs TLD

do it òwó

Why would I need to? Gaming is for children.

they won't find a higher score and sense of aesthetics than Breivik that's for sure

kys 9gagger

Did this thread cause the today's trending of the "smug fox" meme on /pol?


Attached: 1541906746679.png (1467x1000, 141K)

you're actually a retard.
it's a marketing role, you have to understand your demographics.
That's the entire job.

This is what happens when adults concede control to children.
The kiddults are calling the shots now.
Just watch everything fall apart.

that thing is the usual attempt at babby's first forced maymay.
people who try this shit don't know how memes work.