How old were you when you started your first 100k job Jow Forums?
How old were you when you started your first 100k job Jow Forums?
25 when I moved to San Francisco
Teacher of CS in Russia like 400$ a month. In roubles it is over 100k a year.
If adjusted for inflation then my dot come job in the early 2000s was a $100k+ job in 2018 dollars. Make less than that now but work from home 100% of the time which I consider to be a huge benefit. Rarely ever put in over 40 hours in a week so in a way it's the best paying programming job I've ever had.
18, still in high school.
Systems Admin during first .com boom in the late 90s in Seattle.
how about now?
I was 22 when I got my PhD in math, 300k any job I wanted
>work from home
>don't socialize with anyone
>job is outsourced to pajeet so he can work from home
>have to find new job
>stuttering bumbling retard because you haven't socialized with anyone
good post
How many years experience and what was your prior salary?
Working remotely seems strange. I knew a guy who did that and he found it hard to separate work from home.
Tbdesu I sometimes regret not just studying math.
Constantly feeling like a Boomer poorfag makes me want to kill myself.
300k for phd is on the low side
About 175k/yr after benefits. With a different company...
You still do sysadmin work? What happened after the bubble burst?
28. went to party school and got bs psych degree, got a ccna after graduation and got a job as a network engineer, took two years off to travel and study web development, got a job as a web dev, and got a raise after the first year and now I clear 100k
22 with a CS bachelor's
27 got a bonus that tipped me over 100k (dollars) but I'm uk
How did you get that position while still in high school? Did you take classes on it or is it something you did in your free time to learn?
Because your resume at that point must have been non-existent
That's a risk but I develop security for a telecom so offshoring is a huge potential liability if something goes wrong. Worst case scenario my job goes away and I have to commute down to the city.
26 while working at BCG, but I don't do computer related work. Now at 36 I am a founding partner with my consultancy that handles high level staff replacement, such as finding a new chancellor for a university or a new CEO for major companies. I'm clearing close to a million in salary and I get commission on everything I work on; usually we charge companies relative to an internal valuation but it averages out to be about $90,000 an hour for our services.
>got a ccna after graduation
What level and what specific type? If I go to the website they have CCNAs in
Cyber Ops
Data Center
Routing and Switching
Service Provider
Office 365 stack automation, hyper-v automation.
After the burst I was unemployed for about a year, but lived on savings.
Computers were still kinda new and exciting, and I had hobby experience with multi cpu systems, scsi devices, netware and windows NT.
Being in the right place at the right time didn't hurt either.
What's the average time it takes you to find a suitable replacement? Isn't there pressure at $90,000/hr to find someone quickly?
Current year, I'm 25, started for 110k working as an ISSM. 5 years experience, bachelors, CISSP. I basically pass the HR filters for paying people a lot even though I play Runescape mobile at work 90% of the day and sometimes help people whitelist programs.
Eh I'll be close this summer. 19 with a 8k a month internship in bay area. Annualized it's 96k. I don't pay for housing while I'm there, so it balances out. I'm pretty happy tbdesu.
What do you think about Microsoft Graph?
Sounds pretty boring to be offensive
It is entirely dependent on the case. My firm isn't handling this but I'll use it as an example: Right now the University of Minnesota is seeking a new chancellor, they have an annual budget at about 3.8 billion and a bureaucracy that manages and approves the new selection. To us this would represent a resource rich client who has a relatively long time horizon for their decision making process, as such we would take a more gradual approach where we'd charge them about $50,000 an hour and deliver a list of candidates with interviews (sometimes conducted on our own or with the client), desired compensation packages, and a 'tiered' system of possible choices who are rated from CC to AAA. From there we work with the client to go through the list and then hand off a shortlist of five to ten possible executives. Normally we can go from start to finish in about two to four months for something like this.
Now, on the other hand say it is a start up where their VC is requiring them to bring in new executive management. Dependent on their series funding we will charge the VC and start-up a joint fee which gets closer to about $95,000 an hour because they are asking us to do a lot more in a time span of about a month. For this we will often rely on a list of executive relationships that we've developed, meaning that we may offer more A to AAA candidates but often very few CC to BBB candidates. We essentially charge based on how compressed our decision making time frame is. Of course, if we were handling the first example we might be able to charge that university about 5 or 6 million for our services over four months, and as such we have to make up ground when we only have two to four weeks.
I was 24, and making 115k fresh out of grad school, working on embedded, real-time computer vision. Think AR tech (SLAM, feature detection, sensor fusion).
I'm 27 now and work somewhere different but same field, and make a bit more at 135k + stocks + bonuses and benefits. Altogether that might put me at about ~150K, but I consider the stock options worth $0 until we IPO.
First job was in California, but this one is in Florida so there's also a pretty big difference between the CoL and there's no state tax here, so honestly it's a bigger jump than it sounds. On the other hand good graphics/computer-vision guys in the bay can make a lot more. One of my old, very talented, coworkers is working at Apple pulling almost 300K.
Current plan is to save literally every dollar I can, and have the option of retiring before 35; so I'm currently living on < 20K a year right now, and investing everything else.
My advice would to be to specialize in something niche, and difficult. If it requires good math skills, do it. Especially linear algebra. Graphics, embedded, computer vision, robotics are all really good options. Read lots of textbooks, and master C++.
>My advice would to be to specialize in something niche, and difficult. If it requires good math skills, do it. Especially linear algebra. Graphics, embedded, computer vision, robotics are all really good options. Read lots of textbooks, and master C++.
I don't know if CV is niche anymore. ML/CV is the big meme and it will probably be saturated very soon.
Ideally honestly do want to go into some form of data science or CV field, but I don't know if I want to commit to grad school since undergrad has been rough for me.
I also just think I'm dumb as bricks
24 when i became a TL
truck driver
I make 24 million pesos a year :^)
>100k in Left Francisco
That's like 35k anywhere else in the real world. 100k is the poverty line in San Fran
yeah that wasn't enough, I'm at 300k now in the south bay
good for you, i hope you're white and redpilled about the JQ.
28, but I jumped straight from like 80 to over 200 at least.
Before I was born. Great to be from old money.
yeah but you're soft, I bet you've never even been punched in the face.
100k before tax n shit or 100k take home
That's basically 50-60k in non-metro areas.
>everyone at Jow Forums makes over $100k
me too, sysadmin at 24, 110$k/y
>your first 100k job
LMAO I will never have a 100k job, I live in motherfucking europe.
> needing to ask
Sorry, I'm new here
33. Jumped from an electrician trade to secure network installs for government contracts. The $600 dollar hammer meme is real.
There was a 74 year old posting here a few weeks ago, he's prolly still around. As much as you like to think so, we're not all 17 year old shitdicks like you
how did you make that jump? what kind of networks?
full stack
started @ 100k last jan
pulling 130k now
doing what?
recent grad pulling 80k
100k one day user, one day
What is considered a lot to make in San Francisco? Like 300k?
Wtf, it's cruel to hold Jews like that
SF isn't that expensive. Let's say $100k is a lot for a typical US city (excluding NYC, LA, SF). You'd probably need $150k in SF to be as comfy. That's if you're renting.
That said, house prices are insane in/near SF. You'd need $2 million or so to get a nice 3-4br, 1,500 - 2,000 sq ft house in the suburbs of SF. For Chicago, $400k can get you a nice big house in the Chicago suburbs (let's say 3,000 sq. ft., 4 br, 2 ba). $12,000+ monthly mortgage in SF, vs. $2,200/month mortgage in Chicago. $100k and you can buy that house in Chicago. $350k and it's a stretch in SF.
im starting at 60k in Springfield, IL. I plan on buying a McMansion in the middle of nowhere or something and building some sort of fortified cyber dungeon if vagina continues to elude me.
what's a job?
30 when I ditched permie work and started contracting.
>way less drama - you fly in, do your shit and leave
>no unnecessary bonding or over-communication - HR stays off your ass, nobody pries your private life
>freedom of choice
>freedom of time off
>live on 3k/month, save the rest
>saving money is essential
>you start enjoying business trips
and best of all
>nobody cares what your true beliefs are, just your tech skills. it is 100% okay to never talk about something personal and only talk about work
Why the fuck is Jow Forums so old?
t. Feels like shit for making 60k @24
This year at age of 30. 2yr degree and a gig at a nuclear plant aint bad
22 was when I passed 300k.
I'd believe it. What was it in?
Not the same user, but ok, I'll bite.
I assume it's after tax. Gross salary is completeley irrelevant unless you are talking within the confines of a single US state or small country (and heck, sometimes small countries can have different income tax for districts, like Japan).
So I assume it's net. Which means Americans make a shitload or money and still complain so they need to check their fucking privilege.
t. Software Eng. making ~16,5k USD
You post this I’m every thread you can and it’s a lie
Straight after I finished my apprenticeship, so with 19. 400k a year with other benefits.
In case you're serious, this joke is at least 10 years old.
13, dropped out of school and went straight to uni, got gender studies degree, $300k starting by 15 years old
can confirm, getting 500k with PhD in math
13. I shit you not.
>be me
>a little shit with too much free time and a very old PC
>no vidiya to play, nothing much to do in the shitty third world country that I live in
>meddle with Linux and other stuff for fun, learning about computers because it's my only entertainment
>parents think that I'm "inventing new computers" and shit
>they brag to distant relatives
>the distant relatives mentioned me to their friend that runs a hotel business, it's in even more remote location
>customers want internet, but at this shithole there aren't any half-brained specialists
>he calls to my parets, asking if they'll let me go there
>go there
>set up Debian and some other shit to act as a wi-fi point on a regular PC to show that I can do it
>Oh wow, user, you can really do this shit, tell us what to buy
>The budget is literally more money than I ever held in my hands, even to this day
>Spend a whole week researching online and finding out the best gear, learn a whole lot about networking
>Go to crawlspace to install it and get it all working
>all while spending time in a resort for free and getting to play around enterprise-grade gear
>got paid enough to get a monster PC
I've been in networking since then, and it was the best summer of my life. I wish I could go back to the days when IT was something virtually not existing.
This, do illegal jobs count?
I was making about $6K every few days producing chemicals at 16.
My first legit job to make over $100k was at 24.
I like you
>I wish I could go back to the days when IT was something virtually not existing
This. All the easy shit has been done already and I hate it.
babbys first CV is a meme
but actually being able to implement it in real world is VERY sought after
The fuck do you even do to get into CV?
>My advice would to be to specialize in something niche, and difficult. If it requires good math skills, do it. Especially linear algebra. Graphics, embedded, computer vision, robotics are all really good options. Read lots of textbooks, and master C++.
All of these interest me and I've tried to get into them but I just don't care. Why is that? Is it because I spend literally zero money or because my care is entry level at best and have no projects of ideas I'd want to do myself? My urge to die is growing stronger by the day and I don't know what to do.
> All the easy shit has been done already and I hate it.
It's like you don't like challenges.
I started working at eight so I didn't start then but the only year I've made over a hundred thousand gross was when I was eleven, twelve years old at the end of the year.
I'm only at 65k at 24 as well. At least its cheap to live here but I still wish I was making more.
What work do you do?
>I was making about $6K every few days producing chemicals at 16.
did that require much technical knowledge? seems pretty young
Started with 105k salary this year. I'm 25 and in LA
java, what else?
75k at 24 here, low cost of living flyover as well
feels good man
28. Moved from Canada where I was making ~45k USD to 142K USD here in the Bay area.
I'm a Field Engineer for one of your favorite microchip companies.
>did that require much technical knowledge?
Yes, but not mine. I was just a trusted assistant.
Mainly we played video games while waiting for things to change. Sometimes stirring something, or pouring, carrying, buying, traveling, etc.
It's a process that doesn't change much, so if someone shows you, and is on site, you're basically good.
7.9k a year, third world country. Working towards leaving the fuck out of this shithole. Sadly I'm not in the pajeet "minority" to get a job overseas.
Are you in India or the Balkans?
>a phd in math can earn millions of dollars if he could apply himself correctly and was a 99th percentile.
How the fuck does everyone make so much money?