Valve is pro Linux


Attached: valve-logo.jpg (1240x826, 41K)

go back to /v/

Video games are for immature manchildren.

Don't complain if Linux remains irrelevant

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Lower marketshare means less stupid normalfags ruining everything.

linux is relevant in the server world retard

more like BASED

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But it isn't irrelevant

Is there any reason for them to care about it? It's not like they're missing much by embracing the linux crowd

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I won't. Now fuck off.

Because MS will gradually replace Win32 with UWP and sell everything in their store. Valve is kill and is clinging at straws

found the copypasting arch NPC

it's more relevant than anything that exists, which sucks because normies like your retard ass ruin everything

Pretty much this, it's a win-win for valve and for users
Imagine more people investing in developing more usable and stable DE, and no more stupid shit like windows crashing because of alt tabbing out of a game

I hope GabeN will fail and both Steam and Linux will be annihilated

t. wants to play candy crush on a converted mobile OS

Where did you find this picture of my wife?

>t. wants to play candy crush on a converted mobile OS
Thats strange assumption

Anime too.

I would like to like valve. But I can't even run steam on my mac because it doesn't support "case sensitive file systems".
Literally all they have to do to get the case right for the fucking files they load in.
Why am I punished for choosing the more based filesystem option?

Because people at Valve are lazy as fuck and just want to grab money

>Valve is pro Linux
Too bad the games aren't compatible

>Too bad the games aren't compatible

regardless of linux, get devs to fuck off directx and that'll be a win

But user, OpenGL sucks and not everything supports Vulkan yet... especially out of the box.

valve is seeing dollar signs

Why do I know 20 people running steam on Mac, in what way your Mac is different?

>*DRM blocks your path*

Because their filesystem is case-insensitive. I chose to have my APFS filesystem case sensitive. So is not the same file as Development on case insensitive filesystem sucks and it's a dumb idea in general. The problem with choosing the correct option is that terribly written software like steam for Mac doesn't work.

So is distrohopping and shitposting on Jow Forums.

>tfw Microsoft Apple Google Facebook file for bankruptcy
>new world order made of Amazon Valve AMD and Canonical
>glowing dell logos in auditoriums of comfy right wing zoomer universities
>NSA in tears after Leah dilates the asshole of hardware backdoors
>generations raised on ext4 full drive encryption
>god emperor Bezos and pope Newell accidentally bankrupt Autodesk and Adobe with the ubuntu software center
>every advertising executive in america weeps when ubuntu adds a default hostfile that blocks all advertisements with a daily updated list
>the concept of a software subscription is widely mocked by all

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One can hope.

>this is what Jow Forums actually believes

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Underrated post. Based and red pilled.

Did someone say gaming? I fucking love gaming.

Attached: fag.jpg (310x165, 17K)

>imagine using an os with a case insensitive filesystem

Attached: 1539481930538.png (450x472, 179K)

based and redpilled

preach it! oh lowrd preach it!!

gabed and steampilled

Uh, a whole load of OSS companies make their money from subscriptions, mostly on things like support, additional services not in free version, cloud services, etc.

>le npc meme xxxDDD
Go back >>>/pol

>closed source DRM spyware

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Yeah so are MSFT but that's just part of EEE

>>new world order made of Amazon Valve AMD and Canonical
30th post best post

>he uses a case sensitive filesystem

Attached: 3BC0CB18-0CBA-491C-ACFB-F937A6824A97.jpg (1080x1920, 538K)

How retarded do you have to be to crash windows by alt tabbing?

More like desperately trying find a way to survive the Inevitable UWP lock down

*downloads a cracked version of the game*


So does your iGarbage, dumb macfag.
>but but but
Your filename doesn't lie.

>Not sandboxing all your applicaions

I came