Explain why this distro never comes up, especially given pic related?
Explain why this distro never comes up, especially given pic related?
Other urls found in this thread:
>It's a bit less convenient than Ubuntu, for example because external software manufactures don't provide packages for it as often.
>It's not inconvenient enough to compare with Arch and other such distros that people use because they want to fiddle around.
no proprietary drivers in official repos.
I don't trust third party repos
You shouldn't trust proprietary drivers
You shouldn't trust a proprietary image board.
I need them for wifi
I don't trust this place though.
You don't need wifi.
because Jow Forums is filled with arch pseudo minimalist spergs
t. fedora user. it just werks.
redhat is pajeets who aren't pozzed, it's alright unusable without 3rd party repos though because they strip crypto/codecs out of everything (fedora got mp3 support in 2017)
using fedora + kde right now
damn comfy
RPMfusion is needed for pretty much anything multimedia but I don't think adding 1 (or 2 if you have a good reason for nonfree) is that big of a hassle. I haven't found a package manager with an as comprehensive and intuitive history feature set as dnf which is useful if you think you've messed something up.
I am kinda worried about the next couple of years now that IBM has bought RH. Not sure where I would go if they killed support for Fedora.
because this is a neet site. Fedora is all you need by default to start doing shit. That's why neets here hate it. The installer lets you set an encrypted LVM setup exactly as you want in no time, there are groups of compilers and libraries so that you don't need to get into too much dependency hell. Also is corporate supported meaning it won't have a lot of hippie hipsters like on debian and actual good packagers, another point against neets. Also the package manager is the best, better than apt and pacman.
Those who use it don't talk about it because if just werks.
This board is full of Arch autists and Windows normies LARPing as Linux users.
>muh meritocracy
isn't this a redhat project?
>RPM based
which implies trash. also, redhat is removing KDE from their distros...
It doesn't really have any glaring issues, so people can't meme about it. People can't meme about it, so it never comes up.
>redhat is removing KDE from their distros...
In 2024, and that doesn't mean Fedora will get rid of it. Makes sense for RedHat to consolidate into a single DE, too bad it's going to be Gnome.
Surely there are small USB adapters or something with open source wifi drivers, no?
It's basically an infinitely worse Arch. Not anywhere as stable as debian, less updated than Arch and has annoying distro versions just like ubuntu that you have to upgrade all the time and it always messes everything up when you do.
I'm not kidding. I used it for years.
i actually dont get whats funny about this
>tunes the jvm
>can't tune her calories
wifi is bad for you
>installer is so great
best distro