and their shitty support for GNU/Linux
>proprietary blob
>screen tearing
>no wayland support

Attached: 1541683344775.png (1000x1000, 177K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Seconding this.

Attached: 1541891224767.jpg (570x570, 21K)

you get what you pay for :^)

>>screen tearing
I encountered similar issues in the past. For reference, if anyone is also having these problems, try enabling hardware compositing. Works better than compton for me.

Google "force full composition pipeline"

Blame Intel.

with the added latency cost

Attached: 92584-37796-i_rc.jpg (416x234, 13K)

>screen tearing
Welcome to linux
enjoy these poorly rendered fonts and unpredictable scrolling depending on app while your here

>and their shitty support for GNU/Linux
Their support for winblows isn't that great either...

i mean look: youtube.com/watch?v=U93IV8vv5EU

They support what makes them money. GNU/Linux doesn't make anyone money.

Attached: 1538446216774.png (800x600, 394K)

only nvidia, intel & amd are fine