Take a look at a package

>take a look at a package
>maintainer has a riseup.net email
dropped. commie scum

Attached: hxmiirwmu5hz.jpg (856x1000, 560K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>The Riseup Collective is an autonomous body based in Seattle with collective members world wide. Our purpose is to aid in the creation of a free society, a world with freedom from want and freedom of expression, a world without oppression or hierarchy, where power is shared equally. We do this by providing communication and computer resources to allies engaged in struggles against capitalism and other forms of oppression.

Dunno looks more like their anarchists and not communists don't you think?

day of the rope when??

final stage communism is *supposed* to be anarchism.

> a world without oppression or hierarchy, where power is shared equally

this is Marx speak for no private property, no employee-employer relationships, no contracts, power over society being relegated to some committee that you have no choice over being subjected to or not.

What's wrong with Communism?

still better than yahoo mail

can I get the e-mail [email protected]?

checked. you're welcome to try

Attached: 1539180908838.png (866x900, 356K)

I know but those are two different theories


Is there a list of these projects?

Would someone be willing to host a database of various git repos that a userscript could pick up on and flag with something like a visible golden star next to the name?

shit, looks like i need to make a riseup.net mail to stop alt right scum from using the packages i maintain

Anarchism and communism are two different line of thinking

Trips. Also checked.

communism = anarchism
and it's based

seems to be a (somehow) more autistic version of autistici.org/

Oh really?

Attached: 1530149977781.jpg (402x431, 35K)

Here's your PhD now fuck off retard

you have no idea what you are babblong about and it is showing.

>mfw anarchism the first stage of commmunism

white males won't be in control of everything anymore and this triggers op

this, desu