What Linux should I put on this old IBM Thinkpad? I'm gonna be using this for word processing and email only

What Linux should I put on this old IBM Thinkpad? I'm gonna be using this for word processing and email only.

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Linux is just a kernel.


Debian net install with xfce

Don't, just don't


Puppy linux is ideal.

Minimal Debian installation with MWM.
But I'd just keep 95 or put NT4 on it and just SSH into a terminal server for email instead.

install gentoo

Bloated shit. Just install a real distro with no extras and add what you need.

>Words have only one meaning

Linux OS = Linux Operating System using Linux kernel.

Any ubuntu variant would make that explode.

debian, minimal netinstall.
It has a non-PAE kernel if your laptop is really that old.

i don't know what model that is but you should install tinycore Linux if you want a Linux gui. I personally would reccommend NetBSD with X if you want a gui but if you just want word processing I'd tell you to install Arch CLI on it.

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This. Or, WM of choice should do nicely.

If you dont need internet, install Windows 98 or 2000
Then you can have a nice GUI and Microsoft Word

>ancient, grayscale windows
>nice gui
Are you retarded?

Anyone who says anything but Arch is a shill

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T. Arch shill

Grayscale windows was peak Windows

nobody cares Richard

If it’s from the 90s it’s gonna be really slow whatever you put on it. I would consider running text mode only, no x windows. Mutt is a good command line email client and there are a few options for word processing.


just find what distro fits you best and go with it.
for your needs all distros do the same, just try to find the easiest to install and the lightness since thats an old boi

if you have to ask, then this is the only correct answer


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Take your time, test multiple distros that where said here, choose the one that fits your needs and faggotry a.k.a. looks that pleases you

Any light distro like Xubuntu, Lubuntu, or Manjaro XFCE.

Windows 2000

that's a preety old one, maybe some Linux 3.x , although I don't know what you'll do with just a kernel.

i recently made an old as fuck t60 work fairly well for daily tasks by installing Lubuntu on it

Is everyone in this thread retarded? Firstly, no current GNU distro will work with this, let alone something like Ubuntu or Arch. You'd be lucky to get NetBSD to run. OP, try NetBSD, but don't be surprised if it is unusable. You can use Emacs and Mutt for email and word processing, though, so just don't run X if it is too slow. What model is the Thinkpad, exactly? 770?
You are the exception. You are based.
>old as fuck
Isn't that from 2007? Mine has a 64-bit CPU and runs Arch fine with Windowmaker. Perfectly usable for any task.

>tfw have a hp 2133
>Via c7 cpu

Mint 9 runs fine

based and redpilled

Looks like a T20 = Pentium 3, it's 32 bit. Fingers crossed it has PAE.
Not a whole lot of choice there, AntiX, Peppermint, Puppy, LXLE...
Ubuntu 18 dropped 32 bit support, you might be able to run 16.04 *buntu

>Isn't that from 2007? Mine has a 64-bit CPU and runs Arch fine with Windowmaker. Perfectly usable for any task.

i dont remember the exact specs except that the bottleneck is the RAM, the T60 models can use a maximum of 3GB which is pretty low for todays requirements. also the display sucks ass.

the next best classical model would be the T61 which you can max out at 8GB RAM with an updated bios.

Rebecca Black Linux

>Linux is just a kernel.
I want Stallman to leave.

Actually looks more like the 380 series with a Pentium I. Can barely read the name, but it looks like that, and the sticker is for a Pentium I. That is a 150-300MHz CPU. You won't run much besides a very light NetBSD install. Could only have like 100MB of RAM, too.

Attached: Thinkpad380ED.jpg (767x585, 129K)

Winner winner, chicken dinner

Why use Debian when Manjaro exists?

Manjaro is 64-bit only. I've seen Debian run on a Pentium III. It is much lighter and more portable.

Correct me if I'm wrong but this is your dad's IBM machine that you found when cleaning up, right?

back in the day we'd never try to run gui on such a machine and basically consider it a windows only laptop.

Maybe with better modern compilers and better memory usage it's workable.

People have got NetBSD to run on the Acorn Archimedes. You'd definitely want to run it without a GUI, but for word processing and email that is fine. I guess it will need a PC card for ethernet, which might be difficult to use with NetBSD because of the driver situation.

you should leave Windows on it
>I'm gonna be using this for word processing and email only.
no you aren't


t. IBM 600e W98SE rig. I wished I could get a new battery for it.

Ubuntu with xfce4, so, xubuntu

Normally I'd recommend Q4OS for old machines but not even that will run on 90s hardware like that.

Install Windows NT 3.51, OS/2 Warp 4, or NetBSD with MWM or FVWM or WindowMaker. There's also old OpenSTEP and Mac OS X beta versions if you're looking for something really exotic. Don't listen to the morons telling you to install Debian. The base system alone will use up all the RAM. Don't use modern Linux distros on less than 250MB of RAM.


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this. fuck all autists here

Nigger you are the autist. Debian won't run on less than 100MB of RAM, even without a GUI. Kill yourself.


I am 20 yrs old and I find this laptop really aesthetic.
Holy fuck - can I get this marvelous design with at least 2016 year's pc specs?

Thank you.
This is a MMX P1. You cannot run any current linux distro. Your only real options are to keep it running windows 95 and use it to play old DOS games like Simcity 2K, or use it as a doorstop since it's so fucking slow.

debian is the right answer


Puppy is awesome and comfy

Debian net install with openbox*

>muh aesthetic
fuck off

Either Debian, Arch, or Gentoo

Install React OS its basically grey scale windows but its not windows. Its like a windows 95-98 variant.

I recommend Lubuntu, it works beautifully for old PCs. I've revived quite a few with it.

Tinycore Linux is actually pretty great and around 16 MB.
You could also try kolibriOS, it fits on a floppy and is entirely written in assembly

GNU/Linux is harmful and should not be used.

I have 98SE installed on my 380ED
It wont run any modern linux distro, it just doesnt have the specs for it, most youre gonna get out of it is literally text only on a barebones distro or something thats going to in the end function the same as windows, working in 98SE is significantly easier.

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A kernel is more useful than a collection of utilites.


Put KernelEx on there and call it a day. Old Windows was actually a joy to use anyway.

Holy fuck how underage are you faggots?

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??? debian supports i386 retard

debian wont run on a 166mhz pentium mmx and under 96mb of ram you fucking mongoloid
even the netinstall requires 128mb minimum to run with any kind of UI other than text

Arch dropped support for i586. However, there's still archlinux32 which support it..

Oh hey grandpa!

unironically gentoo, puppy linux, arch, or some other very light distro


>expecting non retarded posts on Jow Forums
loonix user base on this board is probably 1/3 pajeet spics and other poorfags with shit hardware, 1/3 subhuman ricer neets and 1/3 underage muh botnet tards

Doesn't matter what you pick
Some one on here is gonna hate it

Personally I always go to Kali and Ubuntu

minimal ubuntu don't bother installing any environments unless you're a cuck

shit man i'd put freedos on there. with a pcmcia network card, you could do a surprising amount of network-based stuff with it:


and ms word 5.5 was made freeware

Linux kernel 4.20 plus busybox both built from source

>t. buttblasted archfag with muh i3
Some of us just want to get shit done and not tinker with a toy OS

Kali is such a clusterfuck of dependency management for 1000 tools you probably don't know how to use. It's literally for people who are too lazy or noob to configure a tool build for a stable distro.

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Go be an illiterate dumbass somewhere else.



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Dont forget the loli wallpapers and cum stains. Make sure not to shave and use it in public libraries exc.