I am sorry, user, but with Chocolatey there is absolutely no reason to use Linux except for showing it off on the internet
I am sorry, user...
>a package manager that can't update the OS itself
lmao wincucks
at this point why the fuck would you even want to update windows? if you somehow lucked out and landed on a working patch of windows on your system, you should turn off auto update and run that until you upgrade your computer, just install new drivers, only windows noobs update their OS
>Y-You don't need that anyway
Careful, user. You almost sound like a Linux user.
Well you cant post your windows on screenfetch and desktop threads
what important updates has windows 10 had if you don't count WSL? do you really need paint 3d that badly?
If you werent a tech illiterate NEET who never achieved anything you would understand the importance of security patches. Unlike you I have things to lose. Not that forced automatic updates are good, but they were introduced to combat retarded tech illiterates like you.
At this point why the fuck would you even want to USE Windows?
you are a massive faggot if you do anything that important on windows, it's a gaming system and only used for anything else by faggots who can't into *nix like you apparently
Why not just use windows in linux instead?
I used Linux based systems when you were in primary school you braindead zoomer. Most of the world is using windows for anything important, as you call it. Try working for any of top investment banks and see if they use arch there.
Thats besides the point though, my point was that actively making your system less secure is retarded.
>running an outdated OS with security holes
why do we have to put up with these idiots / threads
The point of Linux is to not use Windows, why is this so hard to understand.
>implying that not taking part in freetards circlejerking their pointless rices is some sort of loss - anywhere in the fucking multiverse
I don't have a reaction GIF that remotely conveys how hard I'm laughing at you right now, user.
This. Every other excuse or rationalisation is bullshit. It's pure contrarianism, with a healthy dose of sour grapes: most freetards are too poor to buy Windows, and too stupid to pirate or otherwise operate it. Hence all the "windows cant do X lel" threads that are actually two clicks for Windows to do X.
i can't get my powershell to work????
What's the relation between Chocolatey and Linux?
I use GNU and Linux because I want a free operating system, Windows is proprietary and Chocolatey isn't related to that at all.
Some people on the Jow Forums - Technology board are into technology and find it fun and interesting to use GNU/Linux
haters gonna hate.
I have a batch file that reads an xml config and installs all my programs (1 click)
I have a shortcut to scheduled task on my taskbar that updates all my installed programs (1 click)
The only negative thing about chocolatey is that some of the packages aren't updated frequently enough. (looking at you Display Driver Uninstaller)
I run arch but he has a point.
better have security holes that may or may not be exploited than a broken OS.
>you should turn off auto update
except for the fact that MS basically makes that fucking impossible in windows 10.
back when I was still running it (about 2 years ago) I went through fucking every single step I could take to stop it from auto-updating because just recently a patch that rolled out on my girlfriends computer got it stuck in a boot-loop and I didn't want the same thing to happen to me. I was fucking around in the registry, doing all this crazy shit to get access to features that were blocked on my version of W10 (some weird hack that gives you access to the policy editor because I was using the home version). At the same time I also went through and changed a bunch of shit to turn of telemetry (to the greatest extent possible), I thought I was fine, I wasn't getting updates, my system was set up exactly how I like and it was working great. About 2-3 months later I came home one day after leaving my PC on and it was in the middle of a huge fucking update. Needless to say, with all the hacky shit that I threw together to try and stop it from doing that in the first place the system totally fell apart and basically nothing worked.
Fuck Microsoft, they have no reason to force this shit on people who want to manage their own systems breaking all of their shit just so they can re-enable telemetry and datalogging shit and sell it to the fucking chinks.
It can install windows update packages
*an OS that can't update itself
I'd even prefer Linux if Windows would be the only OS with a working package manager
Share the batch and xml?
What are you even referring to? You can easily just make any Linux package manager update the system at scheduled times.
The reason why people don't do that is because they don't like to be interrupted, so all the mainstream distros have a pop-up that asks first.
I'm referring to w10 dying on updates, don't you read the news or at least Jow Forums?
Will it upgrade my windows 8.1 to 10?
Oh I thought you were saying Windows is better because it updates without getting any user input.
>OP posts chocolately package manager
>user responds with chocolatey man
Not that I'm aware, but thats probably because that process is already handled by a Powershell module (which can be installed with chocolatey). You could definitely write a chocolatey package to automate the install process though.
>falling for the package manager meme
>anime poster is actually retarded
Yeah, no wonder you couldn't turn off Windows Update. It's one of the easiest things to do when debloating windows.
The only real use case of Linux.
I'm sorry, user, but with Q4OS there is absolutely no reason to use Winshit except for making shill threads on Jow Forums.
Enjoy your vulnerabilities, retard.
>being this assmad over bash and screenfetch
Meanwhile all *nix users have enjoyed Bash and a rich set of command line utilities since the late 80s. Good to see you guys are getting up to speed with WSL. A for effort.
>implying Powershell isn't better
>Enjoy your vulnerabilities, retard.
that is fucking rich
An object oriented shell is the most sickening thing I've ever seen in my life. PowerShell is available for Linux and it's open source now, and I would still never use it because it's hot garbage. When will cmdlets learn?
>An object oriented shell is the most sickening thing I've ever seen in my life.
Obviously you're not able to wrap your head around is just like C fags aren't able to wreap their head around C++
>muh xorg bug
Only works on really old and poorly configured systems. It didn't work on the latest versions of Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, or RHEL. On CentOS (which I tested extensively at work) PAM steps in and prevents access on an unauthorized shell.
Why is it that every other language that attempts to replace C is just more shit hacked on top of it that's supposed to make it tard-proof?
>excuses, excuses and excuses
Typical loser weebfagging anime pedophile behaviour
I don't like anime, and I'm not a pedophile. Is this projection? Do you diddle kids, user? Are you a loser weeaboo faggot?
Rage against the machine isn't metal.
But what does it have to do with Linux or GNU? I don't get wtf OP meant
Until windows is FOSS don't even try
oh ok
does it actually work fine?