For fun I've been looking for programs that are CLI alternatives so my computer isn't completely useless without an X server.
What are some favorites you guys have? Being able to browse Jow Forums normally (with a pass) would be great to have.
For fun I've been looking for programs that are CLI alternatives so my computer isn't completely useless without an X server.
What are some favorites you guys have? Being able to browse Jow Forums normally (with a pass) would be great to have.
I believe MPV has an option to play in the framebuffer
I guess you could use ffmpeg for video editing
SC-IM for spreadsheets
pic related has options for volume/pulseaudio control
oh and torrents are easy. rtorrent is a great choice, as is transmission-daemon controlled with transmission-remote-cli
I heard that rtorrent is dead so I avoided putting that in without researching further.
Well you could think of it as dead. You could also think of it as "finished".
Also, the src directory on its github was last changed 22 days ago.
I still highly recommend transmission as an alternative if you don't want to use rtorrent. Can be run as a very comfy daemon that as far as I can remember can be enabled to start on boot through your init system/service manager
Deluge has deluge-console.
ffmpeg is a nice video editor for simple effects and conversion.
fbi is a framebuffer-based image viewer, and timg is a terminal-based image viewer.
imagemagick is a useful image editor and converter.
Images: using the framebuffer fbv
Pdf: fbpdf also using the framebuffer
Torrent: Use transmission remote cli ncurses interface
Video: Use mpv with -vo=drm or mplayer with fb
Volume: ncpamixer
>transmission-remote-cli is no longer maintained.
Why is writer marked as gui? Theres TeX
Ignorance mostly. I considered anything that needs pixel perfect representation (like viewing an image) as GUI only. Writers with their variable fonts and sizes fell under that.
use tremc it's the same
That's only true for WYSIWYG editors. TeX is more like html, except you use a compiler at the end to produce pdf or something.
>unironically recommending vi over vim
thanks for proving that the arch community is full of mentally ill contrarians. now I know to avoid you people for the rest of my life.
I use lubuntu and didn't really take that seriously. True contrarians recommend ed.
List is looking a lot better.
Why didn't ImageMagick make the list like what suggested?
you realize alsamixer still works with pulseaudio enabled right?
Thanks, I've been trying to remember that for awhile.
Add tmux as a CLI version of a window manager, this is the absolute base of CLI autism
links / lynx / w3m as WEB browsers, not sure if they can open PDF but you can try
music player - mpd+ncmpcpp
>absolute base of CLI autism
Wouldn't that be screen?
See this image: for Volume control/mixer options on pulse
doesn't Wine support framebuffer? I feel like you could take some Windows DAW application and render it to CLI.
tmux is just better screen
qalculate is just a frontend to libqalculate.
The cmd frontend is `qalc`. For KeePass there is `kpcli`. Audacious has a native cmd interface. For the GUI required tools, the following framebuffer tools exist: fim (image viewer), fbpdf (PDF viewer). mpv has native framebuffer support. You should dinstiquish between raster and vectors image editors. Pinta is raster, Inkscape is vector. A complex raster image editor is GIMP, which is pretty much the only generic tool. Krita and MyPaint are targeting the painting/drawing niche. The Firefox alternative for cmd is `browsh`.
qbuttorent has a cmd interface. TeX is a typesetting software, not an office writer. Have you even use a single tool that you list?
>Have you even use a single tool that you list?
I setup newsbeuter but still need to learn it
weechat (never fully set up)
Those I've actually ran once. The others are just suggestions in the thread.
Also note that TeX is under "Not WYSIWYG" (yellow) a new category I didn't realize before.
>You should dinstiquish between raster and vectors image editors. Pinta is raster, Inkscape is vector. A complex raster image editor is GIMP, which is pretty much the only generic tool
Good to know. I just put down "simple image editor" to mean something that can easily crop and resize images with a few other features (like while "complex image editor" has all the bells and whistles (GIMP/photoshop). Don't know why I have inkscape installed but oh well.
Newsboat over newsbeuter since beuter isn't being maintained
Password manager: kpcli
Image viewer: fbida
Ebook viewer: fbida
Image editor: Grafx2
Spreadsheet: scim (sc improved)
Torrent: transmission-daemon
Music player: Music On Console
Video player: MPlayer
Video editor: Melt
File manager: vifm
Word processor (not just text editor): WordGrinder
Web browser: NetSurf (basic javascript support)
All work on the terminal, you can work on the framebuffer.
Devs got back into action
>sc improved
Are there any good soulseek CLI clients? I tried Museek+ but it wouldn't install for me and it was last updated in like 2009 or something. Haven't tried Nicotine+ yet.
The website says last release was in 2015.
Audacity is an audio editor? Maybe pd or the like would be a CLI alternative.