
Sticker Thread
No bully

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>Unironically putting meme stickers onto your ThinkPad


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that's one load of memes right there, OP.

anyway, here's mine. they make me happy. :)

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You get no pussy.

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top cringe

and that's a good thing

Putting stickers onto your laptop is for literal retards.

the only thing on the lid of my laptop is a scratch because my retarded friend dropped it.

don't let friends use your gear.

lol gay

but i like girls
3dpds are worthless garbage though

Stickers on laptops is a good indicator that you intake large amount of söy.

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Buy some disinfectant wipes, Jesus.

kys kiddo

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i wish there was a STICKER GENERAL. not on this board tho. stickers are TOO DAMN COOL for this to be the only ongoing sticker-related discussion on the site.

Nice business casual sticker user

Wann beginnt Dumbo endlich mit der Abschiebung dieser Soja-Buben?

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>current year
>not putting sticks to cover the brand name/logo on your laptop
>walking around as an unpaid brand shill

shiggy diggity, as we used to say in the old days

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I bet you do the same with your car

Hope you like mine Jow Forums! uwu

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i unironically would if i could


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>encryption is not a crime
Not if you live in the UK doohohohohoho

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Hey, that's mine. Also never been diagnosed with schizophrenia but I wouldn't be surprised if I was.

>projecting your '''personality''' to strangers

you don't interior decorate your house for the sake of guests, user. you do it for yourself, because you can be both an aesthetic and a neet.

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ur a cool boy

I use this at work so I can't just put anything I want on it

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Kant is shit tier desu. Hard to come up with a more conformist normalfag philosophy. Ethical metaphysics / aesthetics is literally just "Hurrr anything that anyone does is done because they think everyone should be doing it and nobody should be able to do anything that is different from what everyone else is supposed to do". It's all about the Heidegger ne

literally fight me

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I'm going to put this on my MacBook air

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> Found the "I'm too smart for Kant guy" who isn't smart enough to really get Kant

Don't get why people who want to seem smart take a shot at Kant. His stuff seems simple on the surface, but it persists for a reason.

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cringe fuckin incel

Kant significantly disrupted contemporary philosophical thought with his body of work. The distinction between analytic/synthetic reasoning and full bodied defence of defence of moral realism still influence modern philosophy. He's up there alongside Plato, Aristotle and Wittgenstein.

POE'S LAW: the post

gotem em

thang q

STICKAAAAAAAZ. sticka PAXX. post COOL STICKAZ. i'm not even "BOUT" this particular meme but GOD it's a beautiful sticka.

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any good lain stickers

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Kill yourself please.

Why the actual FUCK would you want to put stickers on your laptop?


>bongs can get arrested for carrying a rubber mallet
wew lad

where the FUCK else would you put them? holy SHIT i COLLECT stickaz and COMPUTERS are one of the ONLY ACCEPTABLE THINGS on which to place them. shove it up your ASS my man. SICKA ppl like u

ez for the goyim

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yeah....... okay..... as a STICKA CONNOISSEUR tho, MAJOR points off for that fuckin WHITE OUTLINE. a HALLMARK of AMATEUR stickercraft

fuckin amateur

I wanna give those chink metallic stickers a shot. Should be pretty dope.

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yeh... al-right... kinda nice... decent taste... cant hate...
i been eyein these "NEVER CONTENT" jumpoffs
wish they'd RE-STOCK tho
& give me a DEAL on MULTI STICKERS
8BUX a sticker is RUFF . . .


You don't have to tell me it looks bad, I know it looks bad. The point is for art hoes to come ask me about my music stickers, not to look good.
Of course it hasn't worked desu

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It looks bad, m8.

>putting anything on your laptop besides nothing

Good thing I dropped out of college to become a NEET and never leave my room then! Seriously though let my laptop be a warning to not buy stickers (or anything for that matter) off of redbubble and make sure your stickers don't have white borders

Tell me where i can buy PROFESSIONAL stickers for my waifu then? without the white line

supreme eh...... pf. supreme logo is so fuckin WACK. like, MONUMENTALLY bad. PIC RELATED is the only SUPREME sticker i bothered to cop. classy as fuck

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well "SOCIETY6" has a transparent sticker option...
they have sales like EVERY SINGLE DAY
i usually wait til they offer 30% off w/ free shipping tho

Only have the Supreme logo and the "You're Gonna Die" Supreme sticker because they were given to me by my hypebeast brother. The design on that sticker is cool but I dunno if I would have a sticker that says "FUCK OFF" on my laptop (or anything that I'm gonna bring to a professional environment.

yea no doubt no doubt word up word up i feel u dogg
i'm hesitant to actually use any of the stickers in my collection so i didn't consider that, heh heh

been gettin into somma this REAL N*GGA SH*T l8ly
might look DOPE on a computer, idk
i'm here for the STICKERS, screw ur laptop

I have a feeling that you two are the same person so I'm curious to see if you have a cool collection. Mind posting here if you have a pic ready?


That bottom one looks cool

yehhhhh a part of me rly wants to but i stay noided
recently put em in those ultrapro pages for cards, etc...
gettin official

That's nice, w2c?

mde has a surprisingly good STICKA PACC ... that "life's a toilet" one is holographic

umaastore.com? maybe? i checked before & that's what i found
probably came with a blu-ray or somethin

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Ah okay, ty

stickers're technology...r-rite? . . . ~golp~

It came with this album umaastore.com/items/5938ea55428f2d2234008078

nailed it . . . .

>dump it

Sorry OP

I don't even have right *snap* picture in my chanfolder to describe cringe itt.

Are these even still available? And if they are is there any hope of actually getting them? I hear Sam has a poor rep with shipping merch in a reasonable amount of time.

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>Gay space rocks

Best pic
>d0N+ h@X M# bЯ0

Kant was a racist

i have heard the horror stories but i received my STICKA PAK rather quickly.
since they come with all orders over 50 they probably have a bunch on hand

>want to get a sticker to cover a big ass scratch on my laptop made by the previous owner
>don't want to be a fag

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I cover the brand name with electric tape.
Who else is a thinking man

These are the only good stickers on the whole thread

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I have a few tapes from them. Good stuff, thanks for the compliment user. :)

Cheers mate

based stickers

my current shitbook

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newfags not recognizing a picture that was posted literally hundreds of times to Jow Forums. fucking kys

I got a t-shirt I ordered from Sam within two weeks.

Not sure if anyone here can help me or not but, how would you go about getting the outline for a sticker like this in the first place? dirtydrive.bigcartel.com/product/reimu

I have an idea of a custom one I'd like, more minimalist kinda style, but besides taking a screenshot of the anime at the certain time I have zero idea where to start. Tempted to resign to covering my laptop in random stickers I get from hackathons but I want something more unique.

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This image gets posted EVERY DAY.
Newfags reply with the same faggy garbage EVERY DAY.
Please stop.

How do you Jow Forumsuys get those Jow Forums-approved stickers?

hey, I have a laptop like that, did you remove the battery?


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you need to be Jow Forums approved