Redpill me on nvim. I want to like it, im a huge fan of the build-your-own-ide principle...

Redpill me on nvim. I want to like it, im a huge fan of the build-your-own-ide principle, but it just seams to have too many problems to be viable.

>no native debugging or breakpoints

>paralell building a pain to set up and use
>for file switching either use clunky e
command or broken af netrw
>no decent Gui version

>best code completion and git plugins mediocre at best

>refactoring, autoformat and workspace searching plugins terrible or nonexistant
>no plugin managing

>terminal editor doesnt work properly on true terminal (broken highlighting, output of other programs gets displayed)

>deleting and cutting not seperate

Do people actually use vim for things other than server configs or did I fall for a 30 year old meme?

Attached: vim_logo.png (1400x1400, 450K)

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It's an absolute Jow Forums tier meme. Just get vscode and call it a day.

Just use Sublime.

Now that vim has true async there's no reason to use it.

I still want proper copypaste

Red pill you on vim or nvim? They are distinct but pretty similar. n(eo)vim is worth checking out if you just made a typo.

I use vim when I work on servers or need to make a quick edit/note.

Just my 2 cents. Its worth it only to use its basic functionality as a plugin in other editors.
Its fast and expressive and gives you a common ground in all other editors eg VSC. Setup is usually a one time thing if you want to do it but still not worth it.

>Redpill me on nvim.
If modal editing was my favorite flavor of mental illness I would pick it if Kakoune wasn't a thing.
>I want to like it, im a huge fan of the build-your-own-ide principle, but it just seams to have too many problems to be viable.
If that was more of your flavor, why wouldn't you use something bloated aka maximal customizable like emacs, the eclipse framework or vscode/atom to begin with?
>Do people actually use vim for things other than server configs or did I fall for a 30 year old meme?
Why "or"?

Keyboard driven editor are a meme, and not a good one.
If you want to build your own environment just use Acme and call it a day, though Sam is superior

Can anyone recommend an autocompletion plugin less bloated than YouCompleteMe?

Why use this if notepad++ exist?
Seriously you have to have a broken piece of shit to be forced to use it

It's a meme. Just use an IDE (vscode with lots of plugins in my case) with a vim and easymotion plugin and you'll have the best of both worlds, 99% of the vim functionality you'll need plus the features a modern IDE provides.

> build-your-own-ide
You'd probably be better off with emacs. If you want vim text editing, use evil-mode. Vim is really not an extensible program. Emacs is renowned for its extensibility. Hooks are grea.

Why would I want to use notepad++ though

Personally I only use the mouse to typr

Recently been fiddling around with tabnine, which does make use as ycm but is extremely fast. It uses ML for autocomplete, is language-agnostic and more context-aware than any other autocomplete I tried. I haven't used it a lot, but was surprised at what sort of "smart" suggestions it sometimes gives. Sadly it's proprietary though.

You can edit remote files with a non shit interface

If you want your text editor to be an ide, use emacs.

Vim is a text editor, your terminal is your ide.
>debugging and breakpoints
Use gdb for this

>no decent Gui version
Why do you need a Gui for a text editor? It displays text?!?

>code completion
Use ctags and the completion plugin of your choice.
Literally just use git
>refactoring, autoformat, workspace searching plugins
>terminal editor doesnt work properly on true terminal (broken highlighting, output of other programs gets displayed)
>deleting and cutting not seperate
This is a feature. You can use registers 0-9 to retrieve things cut/deleted in the past.

Oh I missed switching files. There is literally nothing wrong with using e. Control q is a really good plugin for this as well

Vi is shit

Or I can just open a file in my better editor
Again if I'm not running a 50$ shit book why do I need this?

I mean that's fine. I'm just telling you what I personally like.

I don't like traditional ides because things tend to 'go wrong' for seemingly no reason due to some bloated 'feature'. I might not have automatic refactoring but things work exactly the way I like them to, and if something goes wrong it's pretty easy to see where to look and how to start fixing it. it's pretty comfy.

It's simple if you live in the terminal most of the time like me Vim+tmux is superior faster and more efficient when it coming to pure typing and working with text files.

IF you don't don't live in the terminal or you use windows and use the mouse constantly stick to an IDE it's more your speed

Attached: Instagram_darealcherokeedass_1541860779819.jpg (1080x1186, 247K)

set clipboard^=unnamedplus,unnamed

>your terminal is your ide
Did you know that the I in IDE stands for "integrated"? Copy pasting paths into the terminal is kind of shit integration.

>copy pasting paths into the terminal
I have literally never done this, but ok

Vim allows you to drop to shell at any time meaning you don't have to copy anything.

>no native debugging or breakpoints
Add your own debugger
>paralell building a pain to set up and use
Paralell as in background or what?
>file switching
There are plugins that handle this well
>code completion
Depends on your language. It does the job well enough though I agree that IDEs are somewhat better for this
Gvim. idk about neovim though.
There's a plugin
>refactoring, autoformat, workspace searching plugins are terrible or nonexistent
This is simply not true.
>no plugin managing
Also not true
>doesn't work on true terminal
Set your variables correctly, it works fine
>deleting and cutting not seperate
Not an issue. Learn to use the registers.

Sounds to me like you simply came to complain about your own inability to do research. If you want to do basic dev get an IDE. For me as a system administrator who does programming on a side vim is perfect because it's cross platform and runs on everything - GUI and terminals (it's especially great when combined with tmux)

>oy vey goy! donate your money so these niggers can breed even more and move to yourope to rape you in person

I use vim for programming, but I obviously wouldn't use it for Java or C#.

>oy vey goy! donate your money so these niggers can breed even more and move to yourope to rape you in person
I'm never using vim just for this alone. Fuck Uganda and fuck niggers.

ale and deoplete is all you don't really need

Attached: 2018-11-12_18:10:58.png (1920x1062, 16K)

>git plugins mediocre at best
Does fugitive not work with it?

how do i make kakoune themes behave on st?

this is supposed to be solarized-dark-termcolors and solarized-dark.

Attached: 2018-11-12-195819_1600x900_scrot.png (1600x900, 265K)

what browser is this?

customized sorosantifafox

any way I could replicate this?

css for tab center redux extension

Attached: 1541080793633.png (833x645, 932K)

>starting a text editor war on Jow Forums in $CURRENT_YEAR

Attached: 1535595376327.gif (200x200, 559K)