>Microsoft Apple Google Facebook file for bankruptcy
>new world order made of Amazon Valve AMD and Canonical
>glowing dell logos in auditoriums of comfy right wing zoomer universities
>NSA in tears after Leah dilates the asshole of hardware backdoors
>generations raised on ext4 full drive encryption
>god emperor Bezos and pope Newell accidentally bankrupt Autodesk and Adobe with the Ubuntu Software Center
>Richard Stallman exposed as controlled opposition with receipts of donations from Microsoft in exchange for fragmenting and undermining just/linux for decades
>Gaben achieves one-click wine emulation of all legacy windows applications with no performance loss
>every advertising executive in america weeps when ubuntu adds a default hostfile that blocks all advertisements with a daily updated list
>the concept of a software subscription is widely mocked by all
ITT: we post our fantasies of the perfect world
Ideal future
dude, you need to go outside..
>not the most cancerous DRM trash in the history of computing
dell laptops are shitty tho, bought like 20 for my team and most of them broke in a year, then bought Thinkpads and most of them still work after 2 years.
>not the most cancerous DRM trash in the history of computing
That would be microshit requiring specific unique keys for installs and limiting installs per disk to like 3 or something installs, call me back when valve limits the amount of times you can install and uninstall games
I can sell my Windows license when I don't need them anymore or give them to friends. Try doing that with your manchild gaymes.
>Bezos and Newell
>Amazon and Valve
These are cancerous proprietary software companies and those men are both microsoft shills
They still rely on proprietary firmware
>Richard Stallman exposed as controlled opposition with receipts of donations from Microsoft
Where the fuck have you been, for a long time his office was literally in the Bill Gates building at MIT
>the concept of a software subscription is widely mocked by all
nothing is wrong with software subscriptions as long as the software is free (libre, not price)
They already do that
That's if you're an idiot. You can reuse licenses easily.
how so
yea i can pirate it too
>Amazon Valve AMD and Canonical
lmao kill yourself cuck
there are plenty of totally safe, endorsed license activator programs available through a simple internet search.
>Iphones and macbooks lose popularity due to continual problems with slowdown updates
>Microsoft abandons low cost PC's to focus on gaming and enterprise
>Apple remains too expensive for most consumers
>oh god
>this is the future you asked for
>fuck man
>google chromebooks in every public school in america
>mandatory state assigned gmail accounts from elementary school through college
>entirely cloud based everything, orwellian corporate entity controls all information and actions
>youtube rapidly accelerates it's shilling, blocking all criticism of google, android, and even banning positive reviews of non-google hardware
>Americans entranced by google advertisements in all software
>google quietly manipulates open source community for its own interest, uses closed source cloud-only hardware to tivo linux out of relevance
>allies with chinese government to develop social credit system, censored google results, and pro-party propaganda
>all credit rating companies are quickly overtaken by google credit
>google banking
>google voting
>shutdown of free press, blacklist all non google-approved journalism
>google AI politician
>google military drone aircraft carriers
>google crypto currency (only for use with the google play store: food department)
Why is this post praising amazon? Disgusting
A wurld w/o juice, goatfkers, darkies, lefties and moralfags
>microsoft shill
hes actively funding, contributing to, and pushing linux as a gaming platform and im pretty sure hes said in interviews he doesnt like microsofts walled garden
everyone hates microsoft's walled garden.
nothing compares to the horrors of steam and games for windows live in gta iv, nothing
>freetards all simultaneously die out
>proprietary software rebounds because no longer have to compete with free (as in beer)
>suddenly back to the code quality of the early 90s
>everyone still has more money than before because we don't have to pay welfare for millions of basement-dwelling losers
*grabs tissues* Back erm… soon.
>using x86 whatsoever
Where do you think you are kid?
>Walled garden
>extreme technological decay
>everything looks like an Ipad UI
>no one knows how to type, voice commands for everything
>no one buys computers, only iphones and Ipads
>samsung and microsoft out of business
>no one cares
>everyone is a steamer
>google purchased by apple
>beautiful impractical future with apple logos on everything and lots of debt
>ai handles hard jobs
Sounds like 2018.
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