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Enjoy getting Raja'd :^)


no thanks, it will probably also have 28+ hardware security vulnerabilities like all of their processors have

fuck intel desu

Well, while you guys are saying it sucks and all that nonsense, competition is a good thing. AMD isn't faring too well in their GPU department, so it's leaving AMD unchecked. Now I'm not sure if whatever Intel will produce will be enough to combat Nvidia, but I hope that it spurs them along.

Leaving NVidia unchecked*

Agreed. Fuck the kikes over at Intel, but something needs to check Nvidia on these fucking GPU prices.

However, I lack faith in Intel because they hired Raja, and he's a fucking scam artist.

considering the 2400g already completely destroys intel integrated graphics I'm guessing this is going to be deal on arrival

Intel stop using shitty PowerVR design

Except intel won't randomly crash, lock-up, bsod, green screen, and other delights of having a chink woman running your company.

good thing AMD dosnt do that neither

These GPUs are not going to be on the same level as there usual integrated graphics in there CPUs not even close, these are going to be fully fledged GPUs.
pic related

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ah yes, Larrabee 2.0

I'm sure it will work this time roflroflrol rolfol rolfolr

Attached: 1541353346301.jpg (480x360, 36K)

Yes, Larrabee non-x86


Intel grown up quite a bit.
I mean, their integrated video chips are actually able to boot and run games now.
The pre intelHD stuff was shameful.

yeah but amd VEGA11 is at GT 1030 level

I want a fanless gaming GPU

But it will be still interesting to watch em try.

WTF, I hate Intel now!

Attached: ayy.jpg (3500x2078, 1.02M)

are you really that bored?

How is that relevant? This will be a discrete GPU, completely different from before since raja is now on board at intel. Also this is probably only datacenter. Who gives a flying fuck about gaymers? Not even AMD cares and Nvidia gives you a nice and solid selection at only a little over $1000!

Oh man, please let GPUs become a 3 way race.


Hardware GPU vulnerabilities when.

Just think, they can spy on our tessellation.

Actually, if you get the GPU, you get the kernel.

I'm actually interested in this, because Intel's iGPU drivers on Linux are pretty solid. I want to see if the dGPU will be just as good.
I don't have any expectations for the performance, though.

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More competition, good

Intel already said they won't be marketing those cards towards gamers

>Who gives a flying fuck about gaymers?

Intel has sold products specifically targeted at the gaymer/enthusiast market for years. There's no reason to think that they wouldn't release a consumer product.

>This will be a discrete GPU, completely different from before since raja is now on board at intel
Ah yes, I'm sure Raja will produce miracles now that he is in a corporate environment where no one else understands GPUs well enough to realize when he's blowing smoke up their asses :^)

can they make mpv faster?

I'm interested to see if it's actually good. If not then I'll go back to not caring. Also if intel does the usual intel, and release it for some insane amount of cash then I'll just go back to not caring then as well.

Price wise, it would be difficult for them to take the piss more than nvidia are doing right now.

Based Rajash with the inside job to poo smear and sabotage Incel from the inside.

>Price wise, it would be difficult for them to take the piss more than nvidia are doing right now.
Intel will probably release something like a gtx 1050 for $700+, because they believe the intel branding adds that much of a premium.
It will be 16/32gb optane all over again, but with gpus instead of storage.


a 3rd competitor is always a good thing.

When they hit double digit frame rate?

And all others have too. Better get off the internet and lock yourself in the basement...forever.

Attached: yotsubanuke.jpg (1280x854, 475K)

Or just run FreeSync on the iGPU and let the Nvidia card run everything else dumbass

Indeed daniel jackson, indeed.

>And all others have too.
Not 20+ though

*Blocks your path*

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