I've got no fucking idea why my computer is so slow, there's no reason it should be
Don't get me wrong, it's not really a GREAT computer, in fact it's kinda below average, but christ it's just way slower than it should be
I have a i5-7200U clocked at 2.50 GHz, 8 gigs of ram and a 1 terabyte SSD, should my computer be stuttering with two instances of firefox and foxit PDF reader open? What the fuck is happening? Is it windows 10? Did I somehow fuck up?
My desktop computer is also slow as shit. When I first built it, it was blazing fast and could play anything I wanted. Now it struggles to get 60fps on medium settings. Probably being throttled by (((Microsoft Windows))). i5 46XX / GTX 1060 / 120gb SSD
Carter Evans
Open up task manager and see if something is under heavy load.
>subject in name field
Carter Scott
Also >inb4 using wangblows Yes. I know it's shit. I like to play weird obscure vidya, and wine generally doesn't work with the weird obscure shit.
Parker Foster
>two instances of firefox considering modern browsers are bigger than some entire OSes, yeah, it's normal.
Cameron Wilson
Robert Rivera
>Open up task manager and see if something is under heavy load. While I would no longer really call myself "Tech literate", I'm still not retarded enough to not check that. Nothing is really out of the ordinary, though god firefox is a resource hog
Eli Cruz
What browser do you recommend then, cuz I sure ain't fuckin using chrome
Jacob Taylor
internet explorer
Justin Lewis
Owen Davis
any actual reccomendations
Nathaniel Roberts
Congrats user, you are part of a Botnet, nice job retard
> i like to play obscure vidya > wine doesn't work you're not trying hard enough consult with lord gaben for proton if you need some help
Benjamin Wright
wat does that mean
Jason Williams
nigga if you can get The Cerebus Expirement or Garage: Bad Dream Adventure working on wine then lemme know
Adam Scott
>shitty SSD I've defragged, wiped and checked over it a couple times, AFAIK there's no problems with it >single channel RAM nope >temps what. pretend for a second I'm a mentally retarded manchild who recently went through a accident, please explain it to me
Justin Long
> not ascending to the superior platform because of some games
Mason Clark
yeah, I need to play me some johnny, Worlds.com, Nancy drew and weird fart fetish games
Lincoln Gray
if the computah is too hot it will start working slower to protect itself from overheating. Too much dust inside a laptop can hurt its performance noticeably. You can use software like CPUID HWmonitor to see exactly how much resources and temps you got going on. Also your SSD may be workung fne but it may also be a shitty one, run a benchmark with crystaldiskmark and see how fast it really is.
Wyatt Perry
>temps oh as in temperature, fuck jesus i'm retarded. Temps are certainly a thing, but that's possibly due to me being too lazy, I'll give it a good cleaning.
I'll also check out that crystaldiskmark thing
Isaiah Collins
>ask for advice >behave like an insecure huffy twat
standard for these threads
Kevin Perez
just open performance monitor and check what is wrong when the stutter happens
Nathan Rodriguez
>2.5 GHz
you need at least 3 GHZ for a computer to feel fast. but i bet your ssd is failing, op.
Dominic Sullivan
>Intel Security patches. That's why
Lincoln Hernandez
to overcome this problem: navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management and add these two dword values, both with a value of "3": FeatureSettingsOverride FeatureSettingsOverrideMask