>he still uses horizontal tabs
He still uses horizontal tabs
Other urls found in this thread:
look how much screen space you are losing
I hate that fucking lying prick. Don't believe in word he says. Everyone in his guild hates him and his friends.
Still look horizontal to me
your need to reduce the diversity of your CSS palette
most text heavy websites blank that area out anyway to fit the ads
gruvbox is ugly as fuck yellowish text over dark backgrounds looks like shit
window was resized for screenshot, there's more than enough screen space for literally any content. (because i'm not on a pajeetbook)
xe doesn't hide xer tabs.
wait. this is actually a good idea. Most sites aren't mean to be ultra wide. I usually have to downsize how wide my screenshots are because mobilefags complain over it, but also because it's cleaner even for desktop users.
yeah but I have a ultrawide, I just resize the window and use the space for something else
How can I do this with Chromium?
No, I won't use SJW slow-Browser.
you can't
>not using dark theme on youtube
>making your tabs take up more space for no gain
do you understand you are arguing *for* vertical tab layout?
the gain is a not-retarded way to deal with 10+ open tabs
a ton of tabs open side by side with no hierarchy and like 4 visible characters on the tab's title is subhuman
>take up more space for no gain
i hotkey toggle the sidebar visibility, retard
this board is full of windowlickers
did you just assume my gender?
Wow, that looks awful.
your rice is ugly as sin
I'm using tree style tabs, though.
>a ton of tabs open side by side with no hierarchy and like 4 visible characters on the tab's title is subhuman
favicons, you stupid faggot.
But I don't...
What is this, 1998? If I had a penny for every pixel on a favicon, I probably couldn't afford a slim jim from Nasheem's family mart next door
>a ton of tabs open side by side with no hierarchy
This is a great argument. I want to say that horizontal is better but fuck, hierarchy in tabs is fucking brilliant. I'm gonna give this shit a try now
>all that wasted space
What a green pilled fag.
So how do i get rid of the top tab bar?
I'm using waterfox and the pre-web extensions version, so the default tab bar is removed by the addon. I believe you still need to remove it via userChrome.css if you're using the newest version.
pretty simple desu, also to all the twits complaining, you can easily just hide/unhide the tabs with F1, or whatever you keybind it too in the options (firefox), if you're using something else, that's your own problem, but is likely just as easy to set in whatever trash browsers you're using (cause let's face it, they all suck).
but does it cover the ads, or push them further into your central viewing area?
you can change keybinds now in firefox?
it's in the options for the extension under add-ons
Cool man. Thanks.
Is there a way to stop TST from indenting everything whenever I open it and istead just have it appear over top?
Is it? Which option? i don't see it.
Is there such a thing as horizontal tree tabs? Similar to old Opera's stackable tabs but the tabs expand underneath than horizontally.
This is, hands down, the absolute worst thing I have ever seen posted on this board.
great, show yours since it's so much better
Not in 5 years or so
You reek of jealousy
I use superior Chrome, not inferior Firefox.
So superior that it gives you less control
i often use sidebar for bookmarks, tree style tabs ruin that completely.
in firefox, pressiing CTRL+B with your sidebar open displays your bookmarks, press F1 again and it goes back to displaying your tabs. ie: you lose nothing.
guys i hope you're just pretending to be retarded so you can convince others to be retarded so we can all laugh at them, right? you're shoving wide things into a narrow space, just think how retarded that is for a second, one day it might save your life
many people actually leave well over a 100 web pages open at times user for various reasons, many of them covering many different topics of interest/research/whatever, if you can't see the advantages to a tree hierarchy for this that allows you to also re-organize where those pages are, then you're just being ignorant.
I don't think anyone would call this 'perfect', but unless someone can come up with or show a better way to organize so many pages in your browser, it's far superior to what most people are using.
A full screen web browser is a waste of terminal space.
This hasn't changed for +5 years. It works well for me since I rarely have over 10 tabs open at a time.
Just use a 16:10 display. Then you can fit multiple rows of horizontal tabs and still have a full 16:9 portion left for your webpage.
That looks like trash bruv.
Just installed vivaldi after watching this thread and is by far the best thing i have ever used in my entire life.
How the fuck is this real life?
Thinnkpad T450s + Win7 + Vivaldi + vertical tabs + address bar at the bottom is peak comfy
I tried it a while back for around 3months. Just doesnt work for me. I always have my browser only take up half the screen and have something else on the other half. Wastes too much space that way.
Vertical tabs only make sense if you use your browser in fullscreen like a mongoloid
homosexuality is a sin
except that many of us have been using multiple screens for years and have plenty of desktop space to throw a browser up in fullscreen without any issues. you're just a poorfag and for whatever reason haven't caught on. even many poorfags have multiple screens, they're cheap - go get another one.
I do have 2, it still makes no sense to use your browser fullscreen.
>using jewtube
Here, this is invidio, it's youtube-dl in a webpage. (And hooknosetube's replacement)
Stop being tracked.
I would if it worked like it used to with the autohide, so I'm not losing a shit ton of space.
I'm glad there are no pornography tabs. It's one way to ruin your productivity at the computer. You can feel a subconscious level of arousal once you associate the space with sexual arousal and masturbation.
[spoiler]everyone closes those tabs before taking screen caps[/spoiler]
why would you use chromium instead of iridium
you havent been here long then
only case where this wouldn't a total waste of screen space is if you had enough tabs to fill it up
and having more than 15 tabs open at once is subhuman
welcome to Jow Forums, the board for technology power users
That seems like a big waste of space.
There are actually people that don't browse using the left hand board menu?
it isn't
>current year == 2019 - 1
>print("not using vivaldi")
>US debt clock
is this nigga serious
Why tho? You only waste space because topbar is still there
It's not
>Why tho? You only waste space because topbar is still there
No. Even if it was, it'd be worth it for the additional tabs and ability to organize them in stacks
r retarded? the reason it not to save the few pixels the tabbar occupies, it's to manage mass tabs in a much more reasonable way, understanding that the space the TST sidebar occupies is not really wasted with adblocking on a widescreen monitor.
and holy fuck, retards, again, the sidebar is toggled with F1. it is hidden for me 90% of the time
what browser?
If you have to as, it's most likely Firefox. The filename also gives it away.
I prefer vertical tabs to treestyletabs desu
what does the firefox button do
does an extension exist already to switch over to v. tabs when i reach the point where they'd compress themselves in h. mode?
chrome btw
nah brah. i'm good
I don't get how anyone can stand seeing just favicons. By far the worst browser UI design
>All those tabs
Just download your eroge already