If your code doesnt look like this, then you are literally pajeet tier

if your code doesnt look like this, then you are literally pajeet tier

Attached: Screenshot 2018-11-12 at 12.06.07.png (1248x1332, 357K)

>no docs before function, but inside
>code is so fucked you need multiple lines of comments to exmplain a single action/variable
>not using multiline comments for multiple lines

no, it is you who is pajeet

>commenting your code
>what is job security
lmao. literally all of my code is unreadable to anyone but me.
1) name all your variables one letter, or at most two letters
2) no comments
3) split EVERYTHING into tonnes and tonnes of functions in different files with obscure filenames
4) make sure to leave *minor* bugs in
5) use lots of bitwise operators even when its not necessary
6) always use ternary operators for hugely complicated if/else logic

>explaining what the syntax does instead of what you meant by that
You did the needful.

Cargo has a self generating doc with references for everything you need to know in your program

cargo doc --open

add some sleep calls in files where no body will ever look so that you can progressively speed up your code over a few weeks working in your home office and you've got yourself the perfect system.

>I do shitty work so that my employer can't get rid of me
These are the same people who wonder why they're being replaced with pajeets

This is the dumbest shit I have ever seen. Explain what it does, mark possible bugs and todos, and move on. This shit is less readable to anyone who knows what they're doing because they can only see half a dozen lines at a time.

Are you a girl?

>generate_pedersen() // generate pedersen
What a worthwhile use of comments.

No! Why does everyone keep asking me that?

what color scheme?

>not minifying your code in a single line
You people disgust me

Am i doing it right?

// loop from 1 to 10
for i in 1:10
// do things
do someting
// end loop

ok pajeet.

calm down Rajesh

Thanks for coming to Jow Forums for advice. We are always happy to help novice programmers become better!

- first 2 comments

I think this kind of code is the sweet spot between just writing whatever shit comes down from one's head and doing full blown literate programming Knuth style.

The responses here, if they are unironic, server as another data point as to the state of quality of software today. It's sad really.

i actually have to write all these comments because i am having memory problems recently. i will write a line of code and forget what it does immediately after. or oftentimes i will go downstairs to the kitchen and completely forget why i went there. etc.

i think it might be alzheimers but i have no idea how since im only 18... the only other thing i can think of, is from a study i read a couple years ago that says if you spend extensive amount of time in front of a screen, your synapses that are for short term memory get destroyed/harmed. i spend around 8-12 hours a day in front of my laptop which would explain that.

// function is doing the needful

Attached: 9d5.png (680x680, 59K)

Take frequent short breaks, go for a walk outside (even just up and down the street will do, doesn't have to be far).

Too many comments.
Documentation exists for a reason. Don't use code comments to document your code.

This had better not be fucking blockshit

Attached: 1534627956967.png (1205x1643, 761K)

>pedersen commitment
>private public key

you know it is.

Wow, we get to be lectured about code standard by an 18 year old blockshit entrepeneur. Better pay attention boys, the real wisdom is here!

Attached: Selection_199.png (377x72, 7K)

>t. seething boomer

this cant be real

>t. blockshit connoisseur

The bottom left just reverses the array, right?
The top right is incomprehensible.

girls can be programmers too, user ;^)

Bottom left sorts the array.

>comments explaining obvious stuff
oh look, that kid read somewhere that comments are important now he

you don't need to hide sleep calls somewhere where people won't look. you can do it in plain sight with shit like inline assembly of function pointers

"its ready to be added"

Cannot into basic English, Pajeet.


You fucking idiot, if you do this shit, how are you supposed to fix the code yourself? What you do is, you write good, readable code, and you have a script that replaces variable names with single letters or obscure combinations according to some unspecified method with some stochastic element, as well as replace some if statements with ternary operators. Not only will you seem like a miracle worker since it will be impossible for them to maintain the code while it's trivial to you, since the variable names and some of the control will change between versions without you even touching it, it will seem as though you produce a lot more code in diffs.



awhh poor little dunce
I almost feel bad.

This but absolutely unironically.
In my case it was an accident leftover bad habits but they actually saved my job when I was about to be replaced by literal pajeets.

>having to do a shitty service just to guarantee you won't be replaced

The absolute state of the American """""free""""" market.

* This routine is called on network events. It first translates the poll-style
* network bitmask to a MariaDB-style network bitmask and deregisters the
* network event listener.
* It then proceeds to read the mysql query status (or if not querying, it will
* fetch the resulting rows). If the query failed, we'll skip to the next
* query (goto nextquery).
* When fetching rows, which is done using mysql_store_result_{start,cont}, the
* event listener will be rebuilt according to the wishes of MariaDB again. If
* this happens instantenously, the handler is called, which would normally
* happen on mysql_store_result_cont in the next poll.
* At this point, the next query is pulled from the queue and launched.
* However, it is possible that said query immediately finishes, too, and we'll
* restart (goto again) the routine from after the network listener removal.

Looks like forced comments teachers asked you for your homework.

I mean, the code is pretty fucking horrible. Good way to turn newbies off by giving them some shit like this as their first tasks. Have them do something fun, not some moronic triple loop array index autism

I guess you could do this if you were a solo developer in a kind of a shitty place. But if you're working in a place with enforced code reviews, there's no way these tactics would pass.

Having that said, bring on other ways to be machiavellic.

OP I'm pretty sure i got cancer reading that cryptic identifier garbage code, go fuck yourself.