With the IPC gap closing what advantages will Intel have to offer?
With the IPC gap closing what advantages will Intel have to offer?
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more like intlel lmoa
Nevermind I figured it out.
>IPC gap closing
No, the IPC gap will open. In favour of AMD.
>what advantages will Intel have to offer?
unsavory business practices? bribery? coercion?
So at the end of the day Intel will always be the better choice?
These are server CPUs, not mainstream consumer desktop CPUs, yes?
So the i9 is still the best "gaming" CPU.
AMD already closed the IPC gap, now they'll get ahead
>AMD beating Intel at their own game
>ARM dominating every other market
RISC-V going big will be the last nail in the Intel coffin and it will be fucking glorious.
IPC is tied to the architecture user, not the core count. If it's 29% on server CPUs it'll be about 29% on mainstream CPUs too
this guy gets it.
Fair enough, but I'm honestly going to build a gaming PC for fun in early 2019 and I want the best CPU money can buy.
Which CPU should I buy?
>assuming I can wait for this Zen2 Epyc "Rome" processors to come out but not any longer
Or am I just supposed to wait for Zen2 architecture to be implemented in a high end consumer CPU?
This isn't sarcasm, I'm really asking. Which CPU should I buy for a "gayming" PC in 2019?
Secondary supplier status, US Gov needs it.
Other than that - until Apple bleeds them dry, supply for Apple.
Zen2 CPUs will probably land in March or April so just wait
Hard to say, It's going to be AMD no matter what unless Intel has some invisible speculator resistant cat in their bag.
But from what we've heard AM4 will be supported now through Zen3 - with Zen3 being supported by both AM4 and the next socket (which will bring DDR5 support).
So if you're looking for more memory bandwidth - DDR5 isn't far away, otherwise there is not reason to not start the upgrade process now.
So wait for an AMD desktop CPU that uses Zen2 or even better Zen3 micro-architecture is the way to go then it seems. Damn, I was looking forward to trying out the i9Extreme too but ok.
Are any of these AMD CPUs going to be good for laptops?
I'm waiting for Zen 4. I imagine that it's going to have a 40%+ increase in IPC, so I don't see a point in buying anything until then.
I imagine that to btfo Intel forever.
Ha look at this guy not even waiting for Zen5. Prepare to be blown away user.
~30% higher? good god holy jesus buddha all mighty hallelujah krishna
>intlel damage control
Yes but every company is going to have single channel RAM, a 768p TN panel, and a 2000 mAh battery with them.
It's crazy how many people in the comments on that article don't understand IPC. It's like they think it's a synonym for single-threaded performance.
Anons, I come from the year 2028!!!
Intel 4nm 10Ghz 128-core Desktop CPUs are real and GPUs are so advanced that ray-tracing in VR is now a low-detail feature in virtually every single game and bitcoin mining is done via OEM phone ASICs. Prepare to be blown the fuck away, all of you.
Pfftt. Everyone knows that zen5++ will be the final form. Intelaviv btfied by based and redpilled amd the Savior of the white race.
>bitcoin mining
look at this guy
How many nanometers?
Goyim, delete this antisemitic thread right now!
i dont believe you
What, as opposed to funding my own Astroid Booster3 for legacy gold? Do I look like a fucking bitcoinaire to you?
Bitcoin mining will still be done by Jihan but no one will care. Everyone will be mining Monero whenever they're not using their phone or computer at 100%.
Be nice to see the chinkbook makers get behind AMD.
>using a phone or computer at 100%
Try upgrading your hardware. This is unheard of anymore and everyone knows the OEM ASICs included in AppleDroid 31 quantum chipsets mine Bitcoin - Monero Edition on full body integrated start-up anyway.
>imply I wasn't implying 24/7
If you're eager like they said AM4 will support Zen2 and Zen3 so you can get a high end x470 board and DDR4 kit while it's cheap. Can probably get a used R5 1600 for like $100 USD
>AMD is a tiny company compared to Intel
>they survived 10 years being demolished by Intel, only reappearing in 2016 with Ryzen
>according to AMDrones a larger company like Intel will die
>IPC gap closing
>amd shills think that fortune 500 companies are throwing out perfectly good servers all because the new ones in the market have a bajillion cores at more grounded prices
>amd shills not realizing that these companies are ran by boomers who value long-term partnership over short-term gains and that they're all in cahoots with one another
>amd shills think that every company out there are running solely intel servers, not realizing that these giant companies also have opterons lying around still working to this day
Shill money, strongarming OEMS, sabotaging foundries, installing "AMD-killer" bugs in their compilers and software, fake benchmarks, infecting Linux with "kill AMD" bugs and so on.
Don't be so sad, maybe you in team blue can pivot over to GPU's... oh wait
>too big to fail haha
In 10-20 years Intel will become IBM 2.0
>In 1-2 years
>ipc gap closing
eh amd has already bigger ipc clock to clock user the only thing that saves intel so far is the fact that they can clock above 5ghz
That's not quite true, but Zen+ is only about 2-5% behind Coffee Lake in IPC across a variety of workloads.
In what, goybench?
Intel will most likely create a new architecture faster than Zen to compete.. after spending a few years overclocking the shit they have to ridiculous amounts.
Expect intel reaching 6Ghz on the next two years.
Intel can't beat Bulldozer's overclocking records no matter how hard they try.
I don't think the TDP will have the same number of digits, but they will get it.
>netburst 2.0
>Two years
TSMC's fabs aim at 5Ghz max.
Intel's own fabs have been notorious for NOT achieving clock rates at the start of the new process. Their process isn't even ready and has been delayed since 2014
Nah, intelaviv is a vampire, only nails in the coffin doesn't work, we need a wooden stake in the heart, and that can only come from their own hand.
But rest assured, they are working hard on it, just look at their roadmap.
I'm not betting on a new manufacturing process.
Just insane tweaks, bigger bipelines and so forth.
>yfw the only person that can compete with you is yourself
>ryzen 1
what kind of autism is this?
1331 pins?
yeah but isn't it the same exact socket?
When will zen 2 be released
epyc 2 q1
ryzen 3000 q2
zen since day one can output 6 instructions while intel can 4 user
again clock to clock amd is ALWAYS ahead
So basically, you want them to lose a fight with the laws of physics. Again.
>tfw my old thinkpad without gpu, just an intel cpu offers a smooth desktop on arch
>amd cpu + nvidia gpu on my big pc is like epileptic when scrolling in firefox
>reality is terrific
I return in my bed
I don't want, i just think they will, based on the previous times.
And they will either find the solution on some branch on bumfuck nowhere(core architecture), or buy a company with the solution they need(8080,8086).
you fucking nigger stop spamming with the same exact bullshit sentence under every post you fucking piece of shit
>TSMC's fabs aim at 5Ghz max.
TSMC has never made any such claim. Ever.
Silicon Graphics.
>5nm risk production in 2019
1600X with my 7970 was a smooth desktop experience.
Maybe it's Nvidia drivers or some other issue with your other PC.
No x86 in existence can top bulldozer for raw clockspeed in suicide LN2 runs. Isn't the record 8.35ghz on a 6100 with 5 cores disabled?
Nvidia's drivers are always perfect, so sayeth Jow Forums so OBVIOUSLY it can't be an issue with Nvidia.
They made the announcement some weeks back. 5nm EUV risk production in April of 2019.
They've actually had this on their process roadmap for a long time. They built a facility just for it, Fab18, and spoke about it on and off for a couple years.
They've already taken tape outs for 7nm EUV parts.
It's probably 29% in an AVX workload. Don't expect 29% in general software.
I also wonder if they mixed up the general performance increase with IPC, as some sites do. Things look bright regardless (except for Intel, but fuck them).
Was MIPS not regaining ground as well, particularly with the Russian Baikal and the Chinese Loongson processors?
Same could be said about Open Power, the new Talos II full open source offering is promising for instance.
Double double user - it should be way higher than 29% in AVX.
Na, it's been up to 8.8GHz.
Jow Forums has become aware lately that Nvidia drivers are actually the worst. Issues have become too widespread to ignore the past year or so.
You mean RISC...?
Did you actually just confuse risk production and RISC, user?
>Jow Forums has become aware lately that Nvidia drivers are actually the worst. Issues have become too widespread to ignore the past year or so.
Ironic how pic related has reversed.
An important question is, who's intel buying to stay afloat?
Intel either buys another company or tech from another company or find some misused tech on their own labs for the next big thing, and they probably ran out of those.
So i think intel will find some weird small thing and buy it, then slap x86 on top of it.
The whole tech industry is basically in reverse mode.
shitty spic band
Companies license IP all the time, intel could do the same. Or they could just keep struggling for the next two years until they can get acceptable yields with bigger dies on their 10nm+++++ node.
Yes it is.
>intlel jumping on the GPU cryptomining bandwagon
Perfect timing, they have just jumped to the ASIC bandwagon to open room for Intel.
Intel can just move to TSMC or Samsung any time, they'd just shut down all their fabs and save billions in costs and R&D and fire like 40% of their workforce
It's fine
Where were you when bizarro Jow Forums became the main timeline?
What is this workload even? Does it mean that the higher score is solely due to 256-bit vectors?