*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
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I unironically would like to have all these 3, never had an apple product and would be nice to experience it before formulating my opinion on it.
By the way, i would like to know how much would it cost to have these three being the same version that they are. Is it from 2015?
>keyboard fails
>soldered-on AMD GPU fucks itself
>stylus needs charging
>imessage fundamentally breaks carrier's SMS service
>price increases
i have macbook pro 13 inch with touchbar (2017) and iphone xs max
Is it a nice experience? I don't know what am i doing with my life that i decided to ask for experiences about apple on Jow Forums
I must be retarded
nothing can compare to having BBC up your ass
Sorry didn't finish, besides only the experience is the price of 2700 pounds worth it?
i've had to use apple devices for work and didn't like the experience. so many terrible quirk- ahem, design decisions that you have to do a huge job just to make it work like everything else
wouldn't recommend
MBP 2015 here
Feels good to have a decent keyboard... I won't upgrade until Apple perfect that on the new models
>new mac keyboards are so complete utter trash that mactoddlers actually think their old shit tier chiclet trash is decent
>different times on all three
Get you shit together holy shit
we don't.
oh look, a reasonable comment.
hi, reasonable comment.
Ayo it was partly genuine curiosity combined with the fact that the shitposting would go wild just from the question.
No chance in hell that i could even think in buying cause it costs 3 times more in my country due to taxes, but it would be nice to see genuine conversations on the topic of apple products.
Always feels like nobody explains why the balance tips to their opinion.
How did they do this?
I actually had something similar happen to my old thinkpad's power cable. It was frequently bent to one side due to where I kept the laptop and that must have worn down the plastic cover. One day it stopped working, I saw a small puff of smoke and some sparking when I lightly bent the broken part of the cable. Take good care of your cables, people.
you would never look back
unless you enjoy pc gaming
You'll be surprised how unstable and buggy it is
or something that actually works
Apple stuff is horrible, especially software, one of the most important aspects. Moved everything over to Google. Best decision. Don't buy Apple. You'll be disappointed.
Thinkpad had two types of bend protector on their cables; conical and cylindrical.
The cylindrical ones would always fail. The shielding would be splaying out of them in a year and eventually it would ground to the live line if you moved it around enough. Even normal wear did this.
The conical ones don't seem to fail.
Ended up looking forwards and buying a Thinkpad. Macbooks aren't as bad as people say though at least.
MacOS was nice but Solus linux is nicer.
If you were really looking for deals you could probably get all 3 of those for less than $1000.
MPB13 no touch bar. iPhoneX.
The dream of the 90's is alive in my scheduling workflow.
Starting to think most apple haters haven't even *tried* most apple products, which was always a possibility but guess i gave this board too much credit
That's always the argument when iSheep don't understand that their praised company is at least as shitty as all the other ones out there...
>oh you made videos of apple products failing on you while you worked with them?
>you probably never used one of them thoug
Apple fags are just too retarded
I was with iPhone with 3 years, had a 6s, a 7, then an 8 and decided not having the jack just made things too difficult. Got an S9 because
>better display
>MicroSD (All my music's in FLAC, I need the space. Yes I know the phone's DAC won't make it sound very good but fuck if you think I have the time to convert it all)
>Much, much cheaper for the value you get
>hate app store games, prefer to emulate on the go
>fingerprint scanner on the back, more convenient for my huge fingers
>can customize everything from the app drawer to the icons themselves, the colors of everything on the desktop to the effects used when transitioning between screens
I can let go of a stupid blue text bubble for all these features.
Take the used pill. All of this stuff is still totally usable.
That’s not an OEM cable.
substantiate your claim
2018 MacBook Pro 13” and iPhone XR here, it’s comfy as fuck.
Are you blind? MagSafe 2’s wire is white, not dark grey like in the gif.
*overheats and throttles to 900mhz*
If it was OEM the stress relief would had frayed by now
The used pill is the best pill. I love my iPhone 4.
someone post the video of all IOS devices being crashed by linux command.
retina mbp 13" i bought in 2015 and 8 plus
is bretty gud but i dont know what ill switch to when the latter is inevitably made obsolete because fuck face id
Stop being a poorfag carrying around a tablet and an underpowered laptop.
Get a X1 Yoga
>3lbs (1.4kg)
>Intel 8th gen
>no freezer required
>no need to carry around 2 devices
>Best in class 14" 1440p 500nit 100% RBG IPS screen better than retina
>Multitouch display on par with iPad
>More Pen choices, writing feels more natural, no charging required
>Has small self-charging, garaged pen as backup
>Solid hinges
>Great keyboard
>Clit Mouse
>Great fan placement, very quiet
>Good speakers, better than most laptop offerings but not as good as iPad Pro 12.9"
>Dual Band 8265 better than most wireless offerings
>2 USB 3.1 A, 2 USB 3.1 C/Thunderbolt, mSD card reader, (Ethernet Extension if you need it for networking)
>Thunderbolt 3 compatible with external graphic cards
>Match-on-chip fingerprint reader doesn't ping to Windows botnet
>RapidCharging takes only 1 hour
I'm dead serious when I say it's the best display I've ever seen on a laptop, let alone a 2-in-1. Also, 14" is the perfect sweet-spot.
Only "meh" is the trackpad.
>Only "meh" is the trackpad.
Does it support upgrading the ram/ssd in the future or is it solderd? Currently searching for a replacement for my mbpr 2015, 8 gigs of ram is really starting to show its age :/
I don't know anyone who use this overpriced low quality trash. Only gf's sister have shitty iphone7 but shes retarded as fuck, can't even change her ringtone.