Buys a high resolution monitor

>buys a high resolution monitor
>”wow look at all this space i have”
>text is hard as h*ck to read
>uses scaling
>suddenly all that extra space is gone

are higher resolutions for brainlets?

Attached: 41B3E749-4042-43F2-8E1A-74AFDAF5353F.png (728x800, 573K)

640x480 is the ultimate resolution.

Even god himself aproved this.

It's not hard to read. You're a faggot.

>runs everything maximized like a nigger
>"damn, this text is hard to read!"
>"wtf my space is gone!"
>buys second monitor
>"yay, now I can use two applications at once! how can you live with a single monitor?"

Text is always scaled.

from the contest you can tell that user meant increasing the scaling

Attached: 2c6535eb.jpg (519x843, 93K)

The text is still sharper you fucking mongrel.

>are higher resolutions for brainlets?
yes, if you have anything higher than 640x480 on a 24" monitor you are a brainlet

> sharper
If you look at it from 30cm - sure, but then you don't need scaling.

Works fine for me user.

Attached: 20181024_213049.jpg (4032x1960, 2.27M)

>buy a larger high resolution monitor
>text is bigger so it's not hard to read
>still fit twice as much on one screen
>all the while not being a gigantic faggot that complains about nice higher quality monitors

which monitor is that phoneposter

1440p isn't too bad for that at 27"

Yes, 1440p is only if you are using a single monitor, 1080p is still superior for multi-setups.

Anything beyond is just not a good idea at all.

1440p @ 27" monitor is patrician tier

LG 43UD79-B
Too much of a lazy ass to transfer the photo to my pc kek

>the only thing i use my computer for is reading a single large font of text and i don't even care about the quality of it
would you like to demo my computer using c64-era graphics circuitry hooked up to a crt?

You can change the "space" anyway, decrease the font size.

Resolution is about pixel density not "size".

You literally gain like 10-15 more ppi at best lol

Going from full HD, to 4k, nearly quadruples your pixel density...

dual 1440p or bust

dunno how people can get by with just 1 monitor

>buys 4k monitor
>"yay, now I can have two editor panes, two terminals and a browser all next to each other"

Resources to render scale exponentially with resolution. For x4 pixels, it takes x16 processing power. 1080p is happy medium. Clear picture at any size screen and runs well with modern hardware.

4k is for brainlets

4k is for bainlets, but 1440p is worse
Just get more monitors.

Nothing says "low quality panel" more than that shitty backlight

t. tilinglet

By managing their windows properly.

you eyes are shit

>buying one below 32 inches
Fucking brainlet.

just bought an asus vp278qg for $190 usd, did i fuck up anons?

Attached: (240x180, 2M)

>use 150% scaling
>suddenly, OP has no point and is proven to be a retard

someone needs glasses
it's you

>thread full of blind diabetics complaining about being too blind to use 4k screens properly

owo thanks for this cute picture of my wife

>point that out in the op
guess the r*tard is you


hurr durr reading comprehension

1440p 27" is a good baseline for what 100% scaling should look like.

>buy massive size monitor that is also high res
>fuck all this fucking space and the text is the same size as normal with no scaling needed. holy fuck.

If your monitor isn't 3 feet wide or wider then you are doing it wrong.

Attached: 1540464722663.jpg (1280x929, 232K)

My girlfriend is so lovely


80*24 characters shoud be the max allowed

Attached: DEC_VT100_terminal.jpg (2776x2464, 1.99M)

How do I enter the contest and what do I get if I win?

>default 24" 1080p text is too big, want to scale down
>default 25" 1440p text is too small, want to scale up

How the fuck am I supposed to win?

>censoring heck
You need to be at least 18 to use this site.

I use 32" 4k without scaling, wouldn't want to go smaller but it works great and isn't hard to read at all.

1080p looks shit on anything over 30"

My 4K 32" monitor doesn't have this issue. Or maybe I am not an eyelet.

Attached: FB_IMG_1542038119183.jpg (1570x1783, 244K)

you're only a brainlets if you bought the wrong higher resolution

1080p 22-24" 1x
1440p 30-32" 1x
4K 44-48" 1x
4K 22-24" 2x

1x ~96ppi
2x ~192ppi

Dude what the fuck, I have the same monitor, same wallpaper

No, as evidenced by your struggles.

damn, is that Hifumi these days? she's lookin hot

1080p looks shit on anything over 23"
Source: I use 24" 1080p monitors at work (it's stretched shit)

>can't smoothly run two editor panes, two terminals and a browser all next to each other because he has a shitty kiketel chip
>bitches about people that can actually multitask and don't need to wait a min between alt-tabs

The trick is to not using the scaling, but increase the font size.

Attached: 1516873221062.png (330x454, 58K)

Jow Forums hive mind confirmed. Blessed mootcuck.

>two 24" 1080p>1 27" 1440p

Joe, my hi-res works fine baka.

d-don't use my name desu

I unironically play games at the lowest resolution possible, with zero scaling/stretching so it stays in the center of the screen. This is how I play most major releases, despite having because despite having a 1070 and an i7 and a 4k monitor and everything necessary to run games on their highest settings, I strongly dislike the way that games are being developed and I long for the simplicity of older generations.
Since I started doing this, I've also realized how unnecessarily small things are on computers and settled on using a scaled 1280x720 resolution for almost everything. The only times I use the full 4k resolution of my monitor is for porn and video editing.

which anime?

Higher PPI and vidya

>other sends lewd pictures of wife
>thanks them

And supersampled downscaling is under rated.
Hence why I don't go over 1080p native

What about 27"? I would say you should have 1440p there at least

Cuckoldry is the thinking man's fetish

>suddenly all that extra space is gone
But everything is smoother you brainlet. And you actually have a reserve space when you need it.

This thread is basically just an indicator for who needs glasses (or new glasses) and who doesn't.'s such a d*rty word.

>anime posting

This. /thread

30 inch 2560x1600 master race

Attached: 1536524218671.webm (640x800, 2.94M)

depends on the eyesight but in general i wouldnt, i've had a ~125ppi one and it's shitty for cos text is smaller, this also introduces red tint/fringes cos filtering is harder cos text is smaller
i wouldn't go over 100ppi for website readability, most ppl have ~92

vertical 47" 1080x1920 master race

Attached: afgewreheqwtujww.jpg (1080x1920, 425K)

Get better eyes faggot.

you get aids

Shut the f*ck you stupid s*it brained n*gger,

>there are people on this board
>in this thread
>who do not own
>I repeat
>3x 1440p@144Hz screens

I want screenlets to go and never return.

>cancer posting

>are higher resolutions for brainlets?
Yes. Anyone using anything above 1080p or 1200p is a fucking retard.

Is already too much and a meme.

R.I.P terry. You are missed.

Which makes text and windows tiny, which means you need scaling, which means you end up with an identical image and just waste twice as much GPU power. Which is why buying anything beyond 1080p is fucking retarded.

Pics or it didnt happen

user, get two Dell 2007WFP's and put them in portrait mode on the sides

This adds two 1200x1600 monitors and are the perfect matching height

Attached: 68b1c1dd2b6515ea334d8e92dc2a4e2f[1].jpg (1900x1265, 297K)

A big 1440p monitor is fine without scaling (like 30 inches or so)

Is she wearing panties

>use 21 inch monitor
>text has fine size

>upgrade to 41 inch monitor
>have exactly 2x the previous resolution

Attached: b01.jpg (722x349, 56K)

I got a U3011, haven't found any 2007WFPs yet in my 3rd world country sadly.

I want to sniff her panties.


you're supposed to x2 it for better text
at least on gahnu

supriro 19'' 1280x1024 matser raec !!

Still using a 1920x1200 Dell IPS monitor I bought in 2013. No dead pixels or anything. These monitors are rock solid. I have fonts set at size 9 on it. On my 2560 x 1440 I use size 12.

Don't really understand what you're complaining about.

800x600 is the only real resolution.

This sounds like my old-ass dad.

How far do you sit from it? I want to buy a Philips 328P6VUBREB, but I'm a bit concerned that it might be too small.

Ideally I'd get a 40" 4k, but I don't want to deal with the drawback of IPS, and all 40"+ VA monitors are garbage in one way or another.