What went wrong with Ubuntu phones?

What went wrong with Ubuntu phones?

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no apps

im crying at the potential of this project that never happened

People switched to SailfishOS

I honestly don't know. In fact I don't know why all the manufacturers still suck Android/Google's cock when they could cut their overhead by using a truly free os.

Will Purism suffer the same fate?


Yes. They're too stupid to realize that their target market will continue to buy backdoored chinkshit and install backdoored Pajeet ROMs to save $25.

Except no they didn't...

not exactly this

basically normies act like sheep if X is cool they download it if Y doesnt has X then i wont buy it.
Blackberry was the top devices for kiddos but then they fucked up and couldn't keep with times (well they fucked up several times) and so the kiddo went to the store asking if his devices runs Whatsapp blackberry had that app missing and in matters of months no one gave a shit about their phones

Messenger lost to
Facebook lost to
Whatsapp and
Facebook bought it but lost to
Instagram and Facebook bought it but is losing now to the next meme

Ubuntu should have bough Google and all would be fine now

their target market is freetards, no amount of backdoored changalang 携帯電話 is going to give you blob-free phones

Not enough consumer investment.

It sucks. I don't even think the developers cared about it.

It was fukcing slooooooooooooooooooooow.

Vendors avoid GNU.

so you're saying they should have included xorg?

i thought the kickstarter failed and they didn't make the phone? or was that some other linux phone?

Attached: drapersmoke.jpg (285x298, 10K)

I am rooting for postmarket.
It does know it's target audience.


blackberry was fucked long before whatsapp was relevant

I heard they ran really *hot*.

Wait, is purism going to put some weird os on their phones? I thought they would just use a thoroughly debloated AOSP.

They're making an OS called PureOS but you have the liberty to slap any loonix distro that has ARM support on it like Subgraph.

Correct. The Ubuntu Edge featured on Indiegogo with a pledge goal of $32 million, and Canonical refused to finalize some of the specs until the pledge goal was met and production began. Their use of vague non-specs such as "best" and "fastest" made it seem overly ambitious and risky to more conservative backers, and in the end they ended up falling seriously short of their goal. They did end up porting Ubuntu mobile to a variety of third-party devices and even arranged distribution partnerships with a vendor or two, but by that time their involvement in the mobile market had already dwindled.

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