There are people browsing this board who have never used Windows XP

There are people browsing this board who have never used Windows XP

Attached: start_win1.jpg (550x536, 106K)

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how young would they have to be to have never used XP?

You have to go back

I've thought about trying XP again after using gaynoo plus leenacks exclusively for the past five years. Worth a shot? What fun things can I do on eggspee these days?

how many are there who still use XP almost daily?

There are people browsing this board who have never had to make a bootable MS-DOS diskette with ATAPI driver so they could install Windows without having internet.

Whatever boomer

You become infected by malware within 0.0002 seconds of plugging in the Ethernet cord

> so they could install Windows without having internet
Wut? How is internet required for Windows installs?

I was on the XP train for so long, mainly because I was a kid and didn't know anything else. In 2009 I got a laptop with Vista on it and thought it was the sickest thing ever.

there are people on this board that have never used win 98

like 14. OP is full of shit

yeah, i'm sure everyone here is over 18

That's because only retards use proprietary software.

there are people browsing this board who haven't shot themselves

>there are people on this board who haven't lived in the woods without technology

even 14 year olds know the windows xp shut down sound

Good. I avoided that shit as much as I could. I remember it causing problems at every opportunity it could to my classmates back when I was a child. Thankfully I was saved because of Mac OS X 10.3.

>having to set smoothed out fonts
fuck yeah, man, this OS kinda sucked

Now THAT was a good windows

oh clearly, this thread is proof of that


Attached: 3563574.jpg (1024x768, 91K)

lucky bastards

Attached: 1524359405580s.jpg (125x118, 2K)

im using it to post here right now

isn't that just pop culture now

You're correct.
My windows path was Win 3.11>95>98 SE>2000>2003>7

Back then, I thought "wow, this is so colorful, I like this OS a lot" as soon as I saw this menu. Old Windows actually didn't seem "classic", it seemed bland and soulless.

worst color scheme windows ever had, what were they thinking

Well POSReady 2009 support ends next year so get it in while you can

post IP
they were kinda geniuses, don't shit on it, i speak as a smug mac user

here, user!

I am working at a government agency in a "developing country" and despite that it should be close to illegal, every computer(except a single laptop) run Win XP. Most of them are sporting Office 2003 with a Compatible Pack despite being able to run 2007 without issues.

6 months in
the horror stories are daily

Real talk, there are people here who have never used Windows 98 and played with it's countless themes and color schemes.

Guess Walmart will need to upgrade their self checks lol

Attached: what did he mean by this.png (550x536, 264K)


it was shit then and it's shit now, thank god my dad had a debian laptop at home

>not having a firewall in 2018

That's not how the arrow meme went.
You've got too much shit on there.

I didn't expect anyone to get it, tbqh desu

$0.002 has been deposited in your account

This but unironically.

Im a 30 year old boomer and remember win 95

Debian in 2001 was probably pretty shit too.

Nah, McDonald's still uses XP Embedded for example.

My first WinXP install was on a K6-2 with 64 MB of RAM, back in 2002. At the time, I had zero idea of memory footprints and system requirements. My reason for installing was because WinXP came with a generic video driver, and I didn't have a the driver CD for the computer anymore. I had to format my Win98 install once and got bored of only having 2 colors and no sound, so I switched to XP.

I even installed all The Sims expansions discs on it, and it only took 3 minutes to load the game!

Im a 300 year old loli and remember win 7

No one cares for your property os. Go boast about your nostalgia on facebook or something

Who tf is this on earth

>there are people on this board who have never used windows 10

Attached: 1540024000352.jpg (600x680, 99K)

I took the free upgrade when it first came out and immediately reverted to 8.1; fuck that noise.

>not using Server 2016
it's like 8.1 but with NT 10

Eh, only Windows version I use now is POSReady 2009; I don't have that tablet anymore.

It really was sick, that poor thing :(

2000 > XP

Yep, I'm one of them.
>went straight from 2000 to vista (though did work on a few server 2003s)

how do you know what 14 year olds know? fucking creep

> never hearing dat intro noise
> never seeing dem fields

feels sad that some people never got to see use the GOAT

There are Zoomers in this thread who have never used '95

That's a secret only known to us psychohebephilic vampires.

>There are people browsing this board who have never used Windows XP
stop making me feel old.

>that 30 year old Ballmer that loves Microsoft

Attached: ballmer.png (1600x1200, 406K)

I have never used windows 10, or windows 8 for that matter.

McDonalds in Toronto uses Win 10 embedded, also those custom mix soda machines

I'm browsing this thread on it.

Attached: untitleds.png (1366x950, 194K)

Lucky them. I had the misfortune to have to use it before sp2

fucking afternoons playing chess with my pals, i want to go back.

Attached: 9da87da7b86a9854c6fa066f4c579dbf--anime-girl-crying-sad-anime-girl.jpg (500x450, 45K)

XP was shit. I still deal with it on occasion, and every time is worse than the last.

Please do share some.

Damn back in the day lol

My sis is like 14 or something. I installed xp on her pc back in the day.